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Articles about Search Engine Optimization by Chris Abraham

Surefire Social introduces SurePulse "webmaster tools"
Surefire Social is about to offer an all-in-one social media, search, reputation, review, analytics tool in the form of SurePulse, now in beta.
Thank You Skinny & Co Bloggers
Latest in a the series of thank yous to the bloggers and online influencers who have made Skinny and Company coconut oil's earned media influencer marketing campaign possible
The Facebook Sharing Debugger is an essential content marketing tool
You can use the Sharing Debugger to see the information that is used when your website content is shared on Facebook, Messenger and other places.
The Importance of SEO
As a business owner, it's up to you to make sure that you are familiar with all of the relevant terms that will affect your business.
The more the messier for content marketing SEO success
Populism 2017 — stop trying to appeal to your Headmaster or the Yale Law Journal, the future’s in that other bubble, a bubble where your choice of words and how you write them color your writing as much as does the content.
The Power of No-Indexing Non-Core Pages to Focus Google Indexing
Discover the strategic benefits of focusing Google's indexing power on your most important content. By no-indexing non-core pages, ensure that every SEO effort is honed in on your products, services, and main posts, maximizing visibility where it truly counts.
The salesmanship of influencer marketing
Sales, marketing, and PR never comes down to price-per-seat or the discount offered by any one widget, it comes down to people, to relationships, to meeting needs, to solving problems, and to being responsive to needs and changes.
The Simplicity and Complexity of SEO: Unveiling the Essentials
SEO is both simpler and harder than SEO specialists might lead you to believe. Google is more puritanical than you might assume, and they certainly reward hard work and diligence.
The State Of Earned Media Blogger Outreach
I’ve been doing earned media blogger outreach as a profession since 2006 and a lot has changed. To be frank, there are a lot of bloggers with their hands out looking for pay to play these days that it can feel a little daunting.
The state of the blogger outreach union ten years on
The state of the union of blogger outreach is good for brands and agencies but great for the bloggers and online influencers
Thirteen Ways You Can Grow Your Business (Without Really Trying)
Sometimes, running a business can be tiring.
Totally stoked!
If you know, you know.
TUNG Brush influencer marketing case study from Kristen Matthews
It’s always very important to get your client on your side, on your team. If you don’t have their buy-in, they might not be willing to commit so much time, money, and resources to something that could fail–especially in a world with lots and lots of affiliate marketing and advertising products.
Turn your website into your social media brand HQ
Make your website your communications hub
Understanding Online Perception Management for High Net Worth Individuals
Online Perception Management is a thing. Or, it should be. And it's probably called something else like online publicity or online brand promotion or something else (please tell me what it is, it's hard to keep up). The goal is to dominate organic search for your name or your client's name.
We at Gerris have returned to the drawing board
During the lull that's happened in the first weeks of the global Coronovirus shutdown, we at Gerris have returned to the drawing board to reconsider who and what we are as a team and an agency.
What clients want and expect from influencer marketing
Clients want sales. In terms of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), sales are king. People want to make money—not after seven-touches or down the road—but now!
What content to blog for Google success
What to Write? It’s diabolically simple. I have at least a dozen topics that you can write immediately. And, even better, all of these posts will most certainly be as germane and bespoke to you and your business. What’s more, they will be just about as evergreen as you’re likely to ever get. And it’s so simple you’re going to kick yourself.
What earned media micro-influencer marketing is
Every one of the influencers we reach out to we brand with our client's brand recognition. Maybe your first touch, their very first introduction to the client. There are so many useful aspects to our type of influencer marketing, which is actually more of an influencer PR.
Why promoting a brand takes perseverance
Target audience: Marketing professionals, PR pros, brand managers, SEO specialists, businesses.
Win the online reputation land war
Online reputation management tries to replace negative results with positive & neutral entries
You’re the culmination of what you’ve shared and kept online
If you haven’t been writing about what you know about marketing, public relations (PR), digital advertising, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, marketing automation, online reputation management (ORM), search engine marketing (SEM), and search engine optimization (SEO) on a blog or online publication for as long as you’ve been passionate about these subjects, you should start now.
Your online reputation on Google is the direct result of the content you write on your website, your blogs, and on social media, over time
Every unprotected tweet you make, every public post you make on Facebook, every blog you post, every page you add and flesh out on your website, every time you update your LinkedIn profile or Company Page, any time you upload a video to YouTube, making sure you completely fill out the title, description, and all the other stuff they request, every time you update your bios on your social profiles, each time you guest blog or participate in conversations on reddit or become an editor on Wikipedia — all of these things — are indexed by Google and contribute to your online reputation and heighten your chances of showing up on the first page of Google and actually controlling and dominating your online reputation.
Your website sucks (and here's why)
I am going to rush through some of the most obvious things that suck about your website that pop up and occur to me. These are general mistakes, concerns, and issues—I haven’t the time nor the impulse to collect and shame all of the perpetrators and perpetuators of this sort of thing, probably because I don’t make my money from web application development. So, without further ado, here’s my list of web application disasters and mistakes that very well should have been sorted out by last Thursday, 2013.

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