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SEO to Take You To 2019 and Beyond

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SEO can seem at times like tip-toeing through a minefield. If you make one wrong move, things might just blow up in your face. Unfortunately, there are no easy hacks in this area. Search engines are getting better at analyzing and assessing web content every day.

In the past, if you put in the right number of keywords, you were golden. Nowadays, search engines can understand both the words that you use and the context in which they are used. This essentially means that it’s become a lot harder to pull the wool over their eyes.

Fortunately, there are some tried and tested ways to improve your SERP. In this post, we’ll have a closer look at these. Used in combination, they’ll see you soaring to that top spot within a very short period.

So strap in and get ready; we’ve got a bumper edition for you. What’s more, at the end of this post we have an awesome infographic for you. Compiled by SEO Tribunal, it is one of the most complete resources online today.

We’ll leave it up to you to check out all the tips and statistic in the infographic – there are so many that we don’t have time to cover them fully here.

What we’re going to do, however, is to look at the tips that you should start with — tips that will help you update your SEO strategy for 2019 and help to future-proof it to a large extent. Ready to get started? Let’s dive right in.

Ranking Signals

To properly understand SEO, you need to understand what ranking signals the search engines use. Now, to be fair, this could be a bit confusing. The search engines have adopted a somewhat cloak and dagger approach when it comes to exactly what their algorithms look for to determine the credibility of the site.

That said, we can infer what the main ranking signals are. The ones listed below have been confirmed through careful experimentation by SEO gurus. And while the search engines might deny their importance in some cases, experience proves that these are all important factors.

Link Signals

In a way, SEO ranking signals are little more than a popularity contest. Google looks at how many visitors you get, but it also considers how many other sites have linked to yours. Not only does it judge your site, but it also considers the authority of the site that links to yours.

The more authority sites that have linked to yours, the better your content is deemed to be. If spammy sites link to yours, that’s going to cause you to get marked down.

On-Page Signals

This is where the search engine looks at the attributes of your page and checks if they’re a match for the search. Here, your domain authority, the markup that you use, and things like your keywords are taken into account.

Behavioral Signals

This is how people interact with your site. Do they click through to the site? Do they call your number from the site? How long do they stay on the site? Basically, it takes more than just getting people to click through to your site to improve your SERP.

Search engines want to know that it is relevant to the search, which is why those click-throughs are important. The other side of this story is what happens when visitors get to the site. If they bounce off quickly, it means one of two things to the search engine:

  • The information wasn’t pertinent to the search.

  • The site was not worth the effort.

Neither of these outcomes is ideal for those wanting to rank better.


You aren’t necessarily going to be smacked down by Google for not personalizing the web experience for each user on your site. Doing so could earn you some serious brownie points, though.

Citation Signals

Here we look at things like the consistency aggregator, how many times your page has been cited, and so on. 

Review Signals

This is where those bad online reviews could bite you in the butt. Search engines do take the quantity and quality of reviews into account when ranking your page. More bad reviews mean a lower SERP.

Social Signals

Search engines are not the only way that people find your content. So it makes sense to take into consideration the kind of traffic you’re receiving from social media as well. 

Final Notes

Overall, SEO is an ongoing process. Now that you understand the ranking signals, you can work to create a site that Google will fall in love with.  

60+ SEO Statistics to Help You Rank #1 in 2019

Infographic URL:

May 13, 2019 11:40 AM