Official Chris Abraham Blog
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Every single successful business must have a brand that people can recognize and fall in love with.

The Smoke Detector Chirp You Heard Wasn’t Real
Have you ever watched a clip online—maybe a livestream, a news segment, or a Zoom interview—and noticed a subtle chirp in the background? That high-pitched beep, which sounds like a low-battery smoke detector, shows up in all kinds of videos. But here’s something most people don’t realize: in nearly every case, that sound wasn’t part of the original footage.

Session Nine: The Disappearance of Arabelle and the Fiendish Mill
The cursed lands of Barovia hold no sanctuary for the weary, and each fleeting moment of respite is merely the calm before the next storm. Radley and Traxidor, exiled from Vallaki, found themselves in the tense and volatile company of the Vistani, where secrets and suffering are as commonplace as the ever-present mist. A child was missing, and accusations ran cold and sharp as steel. Yet, darker forces stirred beyond the campfire’s glow. As the adventurers sought answers, they were drawn once more to the twisted windmill, where the sickly-sweet scent of dream pastries masked something far more sinister. But the truth they uncovered was more than they bargained for, and the fiends of Barovia would not suffer trespassers lightly.
A Beginner’s Guide to Cryptocurrency Investment and Financial Planning
Investing can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to cryptocurrency. Unlike traditional assets like stocks or real estate, crypto is still new to many investors, and its volatility can make it seem unpredictable. But for those willing to learn, it offers an exciting opportunity to diversify their portfolios and explore alternative ways to build wealth.
10 Ways Your Customers Can Promote Your Business For You
What if it was possible to get your customers to do your marketing for you? This is the idea behind customer advocacy - a strategy that leverages the voices of satisfied customers to promote your business.
What You Need To Start A Handyman Business
Got experience in a trade? Or perhaps you’re a DIY enthusiast who is always taking on projects around the house? Starting a handyman business could be a great startup venture to consider.

Google Business Profile Suspended? How to Fix & Prevent It
I regularly receive messages from worried business owners who suddenly find their Google Business Profile (GBP) suspended.

My Life with Aphantasia, SDAM, and ADHD
Navigating life without mental imagery, personal memories, or steady attention might seem unimaginable to most—but it's my everyday reality. Aphantasia, Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory (SDAM), and ADHD aren't just diagnostic labels; they're the unique lenses through which I experience and interpret the world. This is my story of discovery, adaptation, and how I've learned to thrive, embracing a brain that works differently.

Session Eight: Blood in Vallaki—The Execution of Valen’eir and the Road West
Exiled from Vallaki after Valen’eir’s brutal execution, Radley and Traxidor seek refuge with the last dusk elves, uncovering dark secrets and the path to the Amber Temple.
The Future of AI in Content Marketing
AI in content marketing is something any digital marketer should keep on the radar. With so many benefits, this is one of the most beneficial aspects of using AI creatively and technically.
Have You Figured Out How Important Marketing Is Yet?
Have you figured out how important marketing is to your business yet? If not, you will soon enough when your business is struggling to break even.
What To Do When Your Fridge Stops Working
When your refrigerator breaks down, you don’t always know what to do. Yes, it needs repairing, but how?
Refreshing Your Brand Identity: When, Why, How (Pros and Cons)
A brand identity represents more than a logo or tagline, it represents how customers perceive your business.

Session Seven: The Road to Vallaki, Visions of Fate, and the Ever-Tempting Pastries
As dawn broke over the cursed land of Barovia, the adventurers—Valen’eir, the reckless elven wizard; Radley, the brilliant yet impulsive human fighter; and Traxidor, the steadfast half-elf cleric—found themselves standing at the precipice of another chapter in their fateful journey. The cold gloom of morning did little to lift the weight that pressed upon them, but the mission remained unchanged: escort Ireena Kolyana to safety in Vallaki, the so-called beacon of hope in Strahd's domain.
How To Make Your Business Successful With Influencer Marketing In 2025
Influencer marketing has become a popular way to market a business in recent years, and if you’ve not delved into this area of marketing, then you could be missing out on an opportunity to convert more customers into sales and additional revenue.
Why Using the Right Assets in Your Business Matters
Utilizing the right assets in your business to drive growth and success is not only important, it is an essential strategy in your executive playbook. From parts to technology and human resources, we will discuss how each asset plays a crucial role in achieving your business goals.

Recovering and Managing Your Google Business Profile (GBP): A Practical Guide to Reinstatement, Optimization, and Long-Term Stability
A suspended Google Business Profile can be frustrating, especially when it happens unexpectedly. Losing your Google presence means fewer leads, a drop in local search visibility, and, for businesses using Google Guaranteed, a direct impact on revenue.

Extremely Long and Comprehensive Bio of Chris Abraham thanks to Deep Research from ChatGPT
Chris Abraham is a digital marketing strategist, SEO expert, and consultant with over 25–27 years of experience in the industry.

Discovering Poppy at 55: A Journey into the Surreal and Sublime
A Late Arrival to the Poppy Universe

Bespoke SEO: Therapy for SEO Dysmorphia and the Art of Aligning Reality with Rankings
Or: How I Learned to Stop Chasing SEO Mirages and Started Doing the Work

Bespoke SEO: The Savile Row Approach to Your Website
Most SEO today is like buying a trendy fast-fashion suit and hoping it passes as tailored—it might look okay for a moment, but over time, the seams start to unravel.

Practical SEO: Stop Chasing Trends and Start Fixing Your Website
Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Basics

Cloak of Anarchy by Larry Niven
Imagine a world where all laws are suspended, and people are free to do whatever they please. No police, no courts—just absolute freedom. This is the setting of Larry Niven’s short story Cloak of Anarchy (1972). However, there’s a catch: while the government refuses to interfere, it still watches everyone through an all-seeing surveillance system. The story forces us to ask: Is true anarchy even possible when the eye of authority never blinks?
Practical Ways to Improve Your Marketing & See Better Results
Marketing is an essential part of running and growing a business. It helps you create brand awareness, nurture leads, and develop a customer base. You’ll already know this, but you mightn’t see the results you need to see success. You’re far from the only entrepreneur to experience this.

pomera Typewriter Offers a Distraction-Free Text Editor Keyboard Experience
Unlike drafting tools like Austrohaus' FreeWrite, Alpha, Traveler, or the OG AlphaSmart NEO and Dana, the pomera Typewriter feels more like running Pico, Vim, Emacs, Nano, or Micro—providing a true distraction-free text-editing experience.

Comprehensive Client List of Chris Abraham
This is an expanded and updated list of clients Chris Abraham has worked with across various industries. It includes businesses and individuals for whom Chris has provided services such as SEO, digital marketing, reputation management, content strategy, lead generation, crisis communications, and influencer outreach.
Vital Tech and Equipment Every Warehouse Should Have
The world as we know it today wouldn’t be the same without smart technology and equipment. Modern businesses wouldn’t be able to fulfill the demands of their customers, and there wouldn't be as much to enjoy in our social lives.
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