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My Journey with CycleBar and Frustrated Growth

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I am pretty happy about subscribing and joining my local, Columbia Pike, CycleBar spin studio for the year. It was a little tough-going for the first few weeks. I had been trying to go as many days in a row as I could, and that's always a terrible idea. But I did pay for it.
My Journey with CycleBar and Frustrated Growth

The CycleBar Life!

On a bike ride on my Surly Steamroller to my spin class, I pinched my lower back. I felt fine during the class but was pretty much down for the count for at least a week. While licking those wounds, I also had a couple of AFIB spells, overate, and binged. I checked my weight and became a little more than melancholy. I got bummed, frustrated, and a little depressed, especially because I know that the extra weight I had been so proud to have lost was probably what exacerbated the pinch in my back.

Recovery and Reflection

Luckily, today, I woke up and looked at my Garmin body battery, and it was at 96, and I did feel it. My apartment is clean and organized enough that I made a pot of Cafe Bustelo stovetop coffee and three salt and peppered scrambled eggs. It was lovely. And the spin was good. The coffee kicked in. I retreated to a metal municipal bench in the sun and allowed myself to dry off: my two big black Buffs and my natural canvas Tilley hat.

A Day of Sunshine and Connection

I caught some rays and, while next to every diesel commercial truck in the entirety of NoVa, I caught up with my little baby twin sister, Linda. Then, after my sunshine meter approached 100%, I lumbered over to Idido's Coffee and grabbed a banana and a quad espresso while listening to a BBC podcast documentary special about Decolonizing the Empire Known as Russia, which is basically the quiet part of the Ukraine War said out loud. Decolonization is woke for Regime Change. It's just how America, we roll.

Writing and Future Plans

Now, I am writing from Penrose Square Park alongside a fresh 8-shots of Starbucks espresso and a full 48oz bottle of LMNT water in my trusty Nalgene. I was going to spend the day finishing the cleaning up of my feral apartment, but I am going to push that to tomorrow. Today, I plan to do UpWork searches for new SEO gigs and hopefully I will be able to secure a couple-few that will cover me for a month or two.

Learning from Experience

Even though I resent my lack of productivity because it was caused by the sadness of having a sore back, I did fully recover from all the too much work I had abused myself with too quickly at CycleBar. I didn't listen to myself or to anyone else. I'll see how I feel. I might be able to do another couple of spins tomorrow and Thursday and then maybe take Friday and Saturday off.

Haircut and Self-Perception

Okay, this was a super-fun little journal cum diary cum blog post for today. A couple of days ago, I ordered a high-torque Wahl pro hair clipper, received it the next day, put a #2 guard on it, and buzzed off my curly gray-white one-length manly mountain man bob. Now, I have extremely short hair, and I am loving it. While it might not be flattering and women might hate me looking so brutal and severe (I am told), I really am whatever the opposite of vain is anymore. The convenience, comfort, and coolness of a cropped head is most excellent.

Embracing Simplicity

Also, I don't have to worry about throwing on a cap if I pop out of bed and need to engage with people because it's impossible for a fully buzzed pate to ever appear unkempt. Perfect for "just out of bed" Zoom calls or when I am running late for Spin and just need to leave. I mean, I always wear a bucket, bush, or jungle hat when I go out and about, but I wouldn't need to. While today will be 93F, it's sunny, windy, dry, not humid, and currently 81F at 11AM, so, as far as I am concerned, nicer than Hawaii today in sexy South Arlington, on this day of our Lord, Tuesday, 18 June, 2024.

God bless, Godspeed, and thanks for reading! Mahalo nui loa!


1. What motivated you to join Columbia Pike CycleBar? I joined Columbia Pike CycleBar to improve my fitness, challenge myself, and become part of a supportive community.

2. How did you handle the initial challenges of the spin classes? The first few weeks were tough as I tried to attend classes daily, which led to a lower back injury. I learned to listen to my body and allow proper recovery time.

3. What were the consequences of pushing yourself too hard initially? I pinched my lower back, which caused a week-long recovery period. This setback also affected my mental health, leading to overeating and AFIB spells.

4. How did you recover from the physical and mental setbacks? I took time to rest, focused on a balanced diet, monitored my health with my Garmin body battery, and gradually resumed my routine. Support from family and a structured daily plan helped immensely.

5. What changes did you make to prevent future injuries? I now incorporate rest days, listen to my body's signals, and maintain a balanced workout routine to prevent overexertion and injuries.

6. How did you manage to stay motivated despite setbacks? Staying connected with my support system, setting realistic goals, and celebrating small victories kept me motivated.

7. What role did your new haircut play in your journey? Cutting my hair short was a practical decision for convenience and comfort, especially for quick transitions between activities and maintaining a neat appearance.

8. What’s your plan moving forward with your fitness journey? I plan to maintain a balanced routine, focus on recovery, and continue attending CycleBar classes while seeking new SEO gigs to support my financial goals.

9. How do you balance your fitness routine with work and other activities? I prioritize my schedule, set specific goals for each day, and remain flexible to adjust as needed. Incorporating short breaks and efficient time management helps balance everything.

10. How do you maintain a positive mindset despite challenges? Practicing gratitude, staying connected with loved ones, and focusing on progress rather than perfection help maintain a positive mindset.


CycleBar: A premium indoor cycling studio that offers a high-energy workout experience with various class formats and a supportive community.

Garmin Body Battery: A feature in Garmin fitness devices that tracks energy levels throughout the day, helping users manage physical activity and recovery.

AFIB: Atrial Fibrillation, a heart condition characterized by irregular and often rapid heart rate that can lead to various complications.

Cafe Bustelo: A popular brand of coffee known for its strong flavor, often used for making espresso.

UpWork: A platform that connects freelancers with clients seeking various services, including SEO, writing, design, and more.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization, a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results.

LMNT Water: An electrolyte drink mix designed to support hydration and replenish essential minerals lost during exercise.

Nalgene: A brand known for its durable and reusable water bottles, popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

BBC Podcast: A podcast produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation, offering a wide range of topics including news, documentaries, and special reports.

Decolonization: The process of a state withdrawing from a former colony, leading to the colony's independence and self-governance.

Surly Steamroller: A type of single-speed bicycle known for its durability and versatility, often used for commuting and urban cycling.

Penrose Square Park: A public park in Arlington, Virginia, offering a green space for relaxation and recreation.

Idido's Coffee: A local coffee shop known for its high-quality coffee and welcoming atmosphere.

Wahl Pro Hair Clipper: A professional-grade hair clipper known for its high torque and efficiency, often used for at-home haircuts.

Freewrite: A distraction-free writing tool designed to help writers focus on their work without the interruptions of modern technology.