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Official Chris Abraham Blog

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Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999. Here Chris Abraham's official blog.
The Mackinaw Red Filson Small Duffle

The Mackinaw Red Filson Small Duffle

I have a Filson problem in particular and I have a bag problem in general. From the very moment I needed to buy a courier bag for my time as a bike messenger back in the late 80s, early 90s, until now.

The Mackinaw Red Filson Small Duffle - Read More…

Halloween 2007 Influencer Campaign for The Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency

Halloween 2007 Influencer Campaign for The Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency

Back in 2007, during Halloween, my company, then named Abraham Harrison, landed Pew as a public affairs online influencer marketing client for the 2007 Energy Bill for the National Environmental Trust (NET).

Halloween 2007 Influencer Campaign for The Pew Campaign for Fuel Efficiency - Read More…

4 Key Steps to Protecting Your Devices Next Year

4 Key Steps to Protecting Your Devices Next Year

Our mobile devices play a fundamental part in our lives, opening up possibilities we wouldn’t have without them. However, our ubiquitous use of devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops can mean we’re putting a lot of personal data at risk.

4 Key Steps to Protecting Your Devices Next Year - Read More…

Seasons Greetings from Dan and Chris at Gerris

Remember, this will be the only year in history when your foresight is 2020!

Seasons Greetings from Dan and Chris at Gerris - Read More…

Using Cycling To Improve Your Running: Does It Really Work? 

Using Cycling To Improve Your Running: Does It Really Work? 

Less than half the amount of people who run also cycle, but these runners could be missing a trick. Cycling is a perfect complementary exercise for runners as it strengthens the leg muscles, can be a form of active recovery, and gives the joints a rest — all of which helps you to become a stronger and faster runner.

Using Cycling To Improve Your Running: Does It Really Work?  - Read More…

24 extremely short reviews of current television programs

24 extremely short reviews of current television programs

I watch too much TV. It runs in the background. I need the noise in order to focus. May you benefit from my sacrifice. Here are 24 extremely short reviews of current television programs for you to check out over the holiday.

24 extremely short reviews of current television programs - Read More…

AppFollow is Moz for Google, Apple, Amazon, and Windows Apps

AppFollow is Moz for Google, Apple, Amazon, and Windows Apps

Everyone wants to make their quick fortune by coding the next TikTok and entering the billion-dollar unicorn club. Recently I had to become an expert in the space for a client who wanted me to consult her on the best way to promote a broad portfolio of products and services, some of which include iOS and Android apps. Not only do I need to understand submission and listing but I need to know how to do everything that will lure people gladly into the trap known as downloading, positively reviewing, and then buying an app in a sea of a thousand million apps—and games.

AppFollow is Moz for Google, Apple, Amazon, and Windows Apps - Read More…

If you've got a business—you didn't build that

If you've got a business—you didn't build that

"You didn't build that" is a phrase from a 2012 election campaign speech delivered by United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.

If you've got a business—you didn't build that - Read More…

My relationship with alcohol

My relationship with alcohol

The short answer (tl:dr): my friends who drink think I'm extremely moderate and my friends who don't drink are incessantly worried about me. That said, I'm going to need to mostly give up drinking for health reasons, so I am just sorting out my relationship with the grape, the grain, the potato, and the cactus.

My relationship with alcohol - Read More…

Why did I love the series Chuck so much? I did and I still do

Why did I love the series Chuck so much? I did and I still do

The show Chuck, 5 seasons from 2007-2012, proves itself, over the course of five years, that it's an ensemble cast. That Chuck is a Jenga puzzle requiring every single one of its extended cast, including Lester and Jeff, the clueless Buy More foils.

Why did I love the series Chuck so much? I did and I still do - Read More…

Reliving my teenage years on O'ahu, Hawaii, by watching Magnum P.I.

Reliving my teenage years on O'ahu, Hawaii, by watching Magnum P.I.

OK, I will not be doing very many two- or three-missives in-a-row. First, I must explain that I am an only latchkey child (un fils unique) who finds comfort in the television playing in the background. So, I either end up popping on WAMU 88.5FM on my sundry radios (an NPR affiliate) or I play something that is familiar but neither engaging nor complicated (no M Night Shyamalan films, foreign films, documentaries, or food and travel shows). So, what am I burning through over the last couple of months? 80s Magnum P.I.:

Reliving my teenage years on O'ahu, Hawaii, by watching Magnum P.I. - Read More…

An admission that I consume way too much media as a lonely old bachelor: Netflix edition

An admission that I consume way too much media as a lonely old bachelor: Netflix edition

This missive is an admission that I consume way too much media. This week is all about Netflix only. Since you are my friends, you probably have lives, loves, kids, lovers; so, let me watch Netflix.

An admission that I consume way too much media as a lonely old bachelor: Netflix edition - Read More…

My first TinyLetter missive crossposted to this blog

My first TinyLetter missive crossposted to this blog

I have all of 7 subscribers on my TinyLetter newsletter so I thought I would share it here as well, so enjoy!

My first TinyLetter missive crossposted to this blog - Read More…

Undone on Amazon Prime Video is a masterpiece, both visually and as literature

Undone on Amazon Prime Video is a masterpiece, both visually and as literature

[SPOILER ALERT] I believe I discovered the new series on Amazon Video Prime on the day it launched. I finished it on the first day.

Undone on Amazon Prime Video is a masterpiece, both visually and as literature - Read More…

My memories of 9/11 on September 11

My memories of 9/11 on September 11

I repost my own personal experiences of the morning and day of September 11, 2001, as a resident of Washington, DC. I did not personally experience any loss or any personal danger on that day. It's simply my experience.

My memories of 9/11 on September 11 - Read More…

One Salad Bar a Day (OSBAD)

One Salad Bar a Day (OSBAD)

I had been doing a one burrito a day diet that I've really enjoyed. I'd skip breakfast and then grab a burrito proper (not a bowl), eat half at 11 or noon, and then finish it off at two or three. It allows me to stay within my 4-hours IF 20:4 eating window.

One Salad Bar a Day (OSBAD) - Read More…

The Time Has Come for a Real Wealth Tax by John C. Dvorak

The Time Has Come for a Real Wealth Tax by John C. Dvorak

Let’s start by understanding that a wealth tax is no different than property taxes, which have been collected by the states for decades. Property taxes often pay more than a fair share of state debts in places like Washington State, Texas, and Florida. This is in lieu of state incomes taxes. Sales taxes pick up most of the rest.

The Time Has Come for a Real Wealth Tax by John C. Dvorak - Read More…

Give yourself permission to call an Uber of Lyft if you've overdone your outdoor adventure

Give yourself permission to call an Uber of Lyft if you've overdone your outdoor adventure

I gave myself permission to call an Uber if I ever end up completely shagged out during one of my interminable death marches or slow jogs a long time ago. How amazing that I can click a button on my phone and be saved! In the image below, the light blue is my walking and the dark blue is the Ubering.

Give yourself permission to call an Uber of Lyft if you've overdone your outdoor adventure - Read More…

Got the OK to Spin, Row, and Run!

Got the OK to Spin, Row, and Run!

I had to beg and I had to plead but I got the OK to run, to Spin, and to get back on the Erg. This Fat Erger will pull a Fat Ergo again!

Got the OK to Spin, Row, and Run! - Read More…

I can't believe I need recovery time between super-long walk days

I can't believe I need recovery time between super-long walk days

I understand that one needs recovery time between long runs or between heavy workouts, but who thought that I would need recovery days between long walks.

I can't believe I need recovery time between super-long walk days - Read More…

Daily death march might need to be an every-other-daily death march

Daily death march might need to be an every-other-daily death march

I could have walked all day yesterday, even in the heat and humidity; today, however, I am pretty spent. I guess I need to listen to my body.

Daily death march might need to be an every-other-daily death march - Read More…

Your website sucks (and here's why)

Your website sucks (and here's why)

I am going to rush through some of the most obvious things that suck about your website that pop up and occur to me. These are general mistakes, concerns, and issues—I haven’t the time nor the impulse to collect and shame all of the perpetrators and perpetuators of this sort of thing, probably because I don’t make my money from web application development. So, without further ado, here’s my list of web application disasters and mistakes that very well should have been sorted out by last Thursday, 2013.

Your website sucks (and here's why) - Read More…

Google Search Is A Lying Liar That Lies

Google Search Is A Lying Liar That Lies

I’m going to get a lot of blowback for this. The following list of Google lying liar lies all have exceptions to the rules. And, Google does make examples of bad actors.

Google Search Is A Lying Liar That Lies - Read More…

I've replaced treadmill walking with daily humping schlepping rucking with all my weight and all my gear

I've replaced treadmill walking with daily humping schlepping rucking with all my weight and all my gear

People poo-poo walking as exercise, teasing all of us with our pedometers and Fitbits and our obsession with steps. New Yorkers, San Franciscans, and the French, mostly keep themselves fit for life by walking outside and negotiating hills and stairs on a daily basis. And they're skinny.

I've replaced treadmill walking with daily humping schlepping rucking with all my weight and all my gear - Read More…

Walking: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 19:47:29: A Walk to Whole Paycheck for a Prepared Food Dinner

Walking: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 19:47:29: A Walk to Whole Paycheck for a Prepared Food Dinner

I ventured from my apartment at 7:50 pm and it was cool and overcast and still daytime. So I walked and walked. I basically walked until I hit my 12,000 steps, which was about another 2.71 miles in addition to the casual walking I did for the day; then, I hopped a city bus, 16H, and rode all the way home.

Walking: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 19:47:29: A Walk to Whole Paycheck for a Prepared Food Dinner - Read More…

Walking: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 18:51:31: Called for Rain

Walking: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 18:51:31: Called for Rain

I wussed out. It didn't even really rain. Well, it wasn't a run it started off as a run but turned into a walk and then turned into hiding from the big slow drops of rain and then I just stopped at Giant and did a little shopping and then rushed home.

Walking: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 18:51:31: Called for Rain - Read More…

Intermittent Fasting (IF) has suppressed my appetite

Intermittent Fasting (IF) has suppressed my appetite

When you get into the IF life you think you’ve got it made. One Meal a Day (OMAD) sounds awesome. Why gave three or four baby meals (like a bunny) over the course of a day when you can have one 1,500-2,000 calorie Viking’s Feast every day?

Intermittent Fasting (IF) has suppressed my appetite - Read More…

Why I’ve been MIA on RNNR

Why I’ve been MIA on RNNR

I realize that I haven’t posted since June 26th and I can explain. My heartbeat converted from sinus rhythm to atrial fibrillation (AFib) on that day and hasn’t popped back into sinus rhythm on its own (which is can and often does) which means that I am benched until I can get my healthy heartbeat back.

Why I’ve been MIA on RNNR - Read More…

Kaweco Sport eyedropper pen conversion

Kaweco Sport eyedropper pen conversion

I first discovered the easily-pocketable trompe l'oeil on a folding table at a Berlin outdoor market and have been in love ever since, especially once I learned that you can convert the Kaweco Classic Sport from cartridge to having all the ink in the world using the eyedropper pen conversion.

Kaweco Sport eyedropper pen conversion - Read More…

André the Giant and Siren the Mermaid are Related!

Now I see it! Siren the Starbucks Mermaid is the sister of André René Roussimoff—André the Giant! Or, at least a member of his posse. OBEY

André the Giant and Siren the Mermaid are Related! - Read More…

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