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Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999. Here Chris Abraham's official blog.
ChrisCast Episode 5 OBAD OMAD IF MOFO

ChrisCast Episode 5 OBAD OMAD IF MOFO

In this episode I talk about my one meal a day that consists of a fifteen-hundred calorie one burrito a day with everything diet followed with 23 hours and 45-minutes if intermittent fasting every day. In short, my OBAD OMAD IF MOFO diet!

ChrisCast Episode 5 OBAD OMAD IF MOFO - Read More…

Polar is back, baby, with the Ignite GPS

Polar is back, baby, with the Ignite GPS

It looks like Polar is back, baby! GPS+heart rate training+activity tracker+sleep tracker+fitness tracker—all in one device and all for USD $200! New! The Polar Ignite GPS fitness watch!

Polar is back, baby, with the Ignite GPS - Read More…

Indoor Cycling: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 19:30:09: did some high-intensity (HIIT) sprints

Indoor Cycling: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 19:30:09: did some high-intensity (HIIT) sprints

Did some high-intensity (HIIT) sprints between steady-states for around 34 minutes and over the course of 11 miles on my Keiser M3 spin bike while watching The Numbers Station on Amazon Prime with John Cusack and Malin Akerman, who were awesome. 

Indoor Cycling: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 19:30:09: did some high-intensity (HIIT) sprints - Read More…

Overnight cold water-steeped PG Tips black tea in a Ball mason jar is now my favorite IF-approved drink

Overnight cold water-steeped PG Tips black tea in a Ball mason jar is now my favorite IF-approved drink

I was getting a little tired of black coffee and water so I decided to take all of my pint-sized Ball wide mouth mason jars with their after-market white plastic tops, plop a single PG Tips pyramid bag into the bottom of each jar, fill the jar with cool water from the tap, and put them all into the fridge.

Overnight cold water-steeped PG Tips black tea in a Ball mason jar is now my favorite IF-approved drink - Read More…

Maybe it's the wheat, maybe it's the gluten, maybe it's the carbs, possibly the portion, maybe the sodium, could be the fat

Maybe it's the wheat, maybe it's the gluten, maybe it's the carbs, possibly the portion, maybe the sodium, could be the fat

Last night sucked. Yesterday, I made a heaping portion of Angel Hair Pasta with store-bought Ragu Alfredo sauce and a bunch of chopped store-bought sliced honey ham and made it into a giant happy vat of lunch—all because I really wanted to eat noodles with a mug full of disposable wooden chopsticks that remind me of growing up in Hawaii.

Maybe it's the wheat, maybe it's the gluten, maybe it's the carbs, possibly the portion, maybe the sodium, could be the fat - Read More…

Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking by Walt Whitman

Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking by Walt Whitman

What a wonderful song, what a wonderful poem, from Walt Whitman, heralding the Summertime.

Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking by Walt Whitman - Read More…

I blame my chopsticks

I blame my chopsticks

I have a bowl full of Chinese restaurant style disposable balsa wood chopsticks and had a sudden urge to eat food with them last night. 

I blame my chopsticks - Read More…

Weight's not melting⁠—but it's coming⁠—off on the OBAD OMAD

Weight's not melting⁠—but it's coming⁠—off on the OBAD OMAD

I took my weight this AM after my morning "rituals" but before drinking any water or coffee. Here's what my Wi-Fi Withings scale shared with my 44.3k Twitter followers.

Weight's not melting⁠—but it's coming⁠—off on the OBAD OMAD - Read More…

Sticking with a one burrito a day diet

Sticking with a one burrito a day diet

Today I had a shredded pork burrito with everything, including rice, black beans, pinto beans, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo, shredded lettuce, chopped cucumber, and both a spicy cilantro and a mild peach salsa.

Sticking with a one burrito a day diet - Read More…

Indoor Cycling: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:27:43: popped onto my underused Keiser M3

Indoor Cycling: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:27:43: popped onto my underused Keiser M3

I just popped onto my underused Keiser M3 indoor cycling stationary bike that I quite adore. I strapped on my Specialized SPD pedal compatible bike shoes and gave it an easy 20-minutes. I'll try to do the same thing again tonight.

Indoor Cycling: Tue, 18 Jun 2019 19:27:43: popped onto my underused Keiser M3 - Read More…

ChrisCast Episode 4: 24601; Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

ChrisCast Episode 4: 24601; Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

I tried a bunch of editing stuff and splitting stuff. I don't even know if the storytelling is linear or if it's even listenable with all the clips and so forth in between and I am pretty sure the files got shuffled and are out of order so maybe the end of the story is at the beginning. So, I put in a warning. Otherwise, enjoy!

ChrisCast Episode 4: 24601; Part 2: Electric Boogaloo - Read More…

ChrisCast Episode 3: Je ne sais rien

ChrisCast Episode 3: Je ne sais rien

Sort of a ramble, sort of a rant. Trying out background music and more of the editing tools that the Android app tools and so forth. What do you think? My voice is very hot, very loud, but at least I'm highly audit and very easy to comprehend. Pretty much just a My Dinner With André sort of thing, the sort engaged in by the madman who lives under the bridge. Enjoy and let me know what's up with you and what you think!

ChrisCast Episode 3: Je ne sais rien - Read More…

ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days

ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days

The origin story of Chris Abraham from zero through to most of 6th grade, from Weehawken, New Jersey, to Murray Hill, NYC, to Salt Lake, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, to downtown Punchbowl... have fun!

ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days - Read More…

One-Meal-a-Day (OMAD) with a Preference for IF and OBAD

One-Meal-a-Day (OMAD) with a Preference for IF and OBAD

Things are going better with the diet. I refuse to keep any food in the house. I am even tempted to dump my stone-ground grits and my stone-ground oats—including yummy, yummy, bars of butter.

One-Meal-a-Day (OMAD) with a Preference for IF and OBAD - Read More…

Walking: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:17:59: cut it a mile short

Walking: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:17:59: cut it a mile short

Lovely. Cut it a mile short because a 16E bus driver for ART—Arlington Transit—took pity on me while I was wandering around the Pentagon and stopped in the middle of the road and let me on, God bless him. I was done but I would've done the rest. But I appreciated the generosity and kindness. I even had a metro card so it was all good!

Walking: Sat, 15 Jun 2019 21:17:59: cut it a mile short - Read More…

ChrisCast Episode 1: Sportif

ChrisCast Episode 1: Sportif

This is the episode where I almost cop to an eating disorder and then complain a lot about how heavy I am.

ChrisCast Episode 1: Sportif - Read More…

The southern border of the United States is not a finish line

The southern border of the United States is not a finish line

For me, the immigration debate comes down to commercial airlines’ safety instructions: "put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others." Until every rural American—the welcome wagon at most borders and border towns—feels heard, loved, fed, supported, educated, included, and respected—prosperous (prosperity breeds generosity)—then they will never feel like they can ever affix an oxygen mask on a stranger.

The southern border of the United States is not a finish line - Read More…

Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin

Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin

After my Bianchi Pista single speed bike was stolen and before I moved to Berlin, Germany, I bought the Delancey frame from SOMA bikes and had it built up at Capitol Hill Bikes, RIP, now City Bikes Capitol Hill. 

Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin - Read More…

My Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike lives on in Berlin!

My Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike lives on in Berlin!

My buddy Mark Harrison texted me this photo to show that my pre-2010 Specialized Langster Gangster single-speed aluminum bike is being well-loved and well-used to this day, 3 years after it was gifted to our friend, Frank Merfort's, handsome son, I think who's name is Mika.

My Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike lives on in Berlin! - Read More…

Do two solid 19:5 days make a trend?

Do two solid 19:5 days make a trend?

I've been trying for years to get my IF (intermittent fast) 19:5 (nineteen-hours fasting per-day and five-hours for eating, per-day) sorted and it looks like I've finally convinced my actual self to actually do it. I know it's only for two days! But I've done a lot with two successful days in a row. And each day is a restricted 1,500 low carb day, too.

Do two solid 19:5 days make a trend? - Read More…

Gather Ye Rosebuds by Robert Herrick

Gather Ye Rosebuds by Robert Herrick

If you've ever taken an early American literature course in college, this is indeed a class favorite. "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" is a poem written by English Cavalier poet Robert Herrick in the 17th century. First published in 1648 as number 208 in a volume of verse entitled Hesperides, it is perhaps one of the most famous poems to extol the notion of carpe diem, a philosophy that recognizes the brevity of life and, therefore, the need to live for and in the moment.

Gather Ye Rosebuds by Robert Herrick - Read More…

The Pure Contralto Sings In The Organ Loft by Walt Whitman

The Pure Contralto Sings In The Organ Loft by Walt Whitman

I don't know why I remember it, but the line, "the pure contralto sings in the organ loft," seared itself into my brain—maybe because "contralto" was a new word to me.

The Pure Contralto Sings In The Organ Loft by Walt Whitman - Read More…

Song Of Myself, XXIV by Walt Whitman

Song Of Myself, XXIV by Walt Whitman

This poem contains one of my favorite stanzas, "Unscrew the locks from the doors! / Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs! / Whoever degrades another degrades me, / And whatever is done or said returns at last to me."

Song Of Myself, XXIV by Walt Whitman - Read More…

Song Of Myself, XVI by Walt Whitman

Song Of Myself, XVI by Walt Whitman

This poem is an essential read as American is broken apart by people who believe themselves to be better—superior even—than their fellow citizens, "I resist any thing better than my own diversity, / Breathe the air but leave plenty after me, / And am not stuck up, and am in my place."

Song Of Myself, XVI by Walt Whitman - Read More…

Song of Myself, XI by Walt Whitman

Song of Myself, XI by Walt Whitman

One of Walt Whitman's most innocently sensual poems indeed.

Song of Myself, XI by Walt Whitman - Read More…

DC’s budget will end chronic homelessness for 615 individuals and 180 families

DC’s budget will end chronic homelessness for 615 individuals and 180 families

I just received this email from Miriam's Kitchen, the homeless kitchen I volunteered at for over a decade, as well as the home of The Way Home and they, have amazing new that I would love to share with you on their behalf.

DC’s budget will end chronic homelessness for 615 individuals and 180 families - Read More…

Song of Myself, V by Walt Whitman

Song of Myself, V by Walt Whitman

"Loafe with me on the grass, loose the stop from your throat," is one of my favorite lines of poetry.

Song of Myself, V by Walt Whitman - Read More…

Sweet running loops from the PBC boathouse

Sweet running loops from the PBC boathouse

When I worked at New Media Strategies back from 2002-2006, belonged to a gym in the building in Rosslyn and would pop out at night for a loop run in the evening.

Sweet running loops from the PBC boathouse - Read More…

“He’s blaming the Democrats” cartoon by David Sipress

Sometimes a daily cartoon from The New Yorker is so salient and timely and apropos that I need to share it.

“He’s blaming the Democrats” cartoon by David Sipress - Read More…

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