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On my first day back at CYCLEBAR

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Even though I am not really following along with the class's program or the sprints and grinds and up off the seat and down on the seat HIIT system, being in a class and having a trainer and being committed to not farting around at all during the 45-60-minutes the class takes place, makes it all worth it for me.

On my first day back at CYCLEBAR


It was surreal. I was late (because being on time at a spin class is being late) because I got lost in a conversation with chums at Idido's. But, I did what I intended to do, which was—and is—to just get an easy 45-minutes of pedaling and cycling in every day. 

I rushed myself onto the bike and someone helped me set up my bike, though I am afraid the seat was low by one setting. It was OK, though. 

While I do have my own spin bike at home—an old Keiser M3—I have not been to a spin class since I popped into afib back in May, 2019. My heart's been in sinus rhythm for months now so I feel like it's time to wade out a little bit into more of a scheduled and committed exercise workout regime. 

When I do the same sort of training at home on the Spin bike I have, I tend to stop and start and get off the bike and so the continuous 45-minutes of moderate pedaling done every day, even if I keep my heartrate in my Maffetone range of ~105-115, it'll result in a great increase in fitness, health, and aerobic scalability over the next months, even if it is only the baseline, the daily bread, of my fitness routine.

I took my first spin class at Cyclebar Columbia Pike since May, 2019. It was fun but I completely forgot my bike setup (note to self: write down the seat and handlebar settings somewhere). It was good but I didn't follow any of our Spin Instructor's instructions. But she got me and allowed me to just do my thing. 

The comfort of the seats on the Schwinn Fitness AC is superior to the seat that came with my old M3 so I quickly ordered a Schwinn AC seat right after my class because, I thought, one of the biggest reasons why I don't use my Keiser bike more is that I just can't get comfortable on it. We'll see how that goes. I got that Keiser M3 from a gym or a spin studio that was making updates and I scored it for $418 (they're almost $2,000 new, for the M3i). And it's perfectly useable.

Getting even an easy 45-minutes on the bike per-day is still a lot better than I was doing—and what many other people my age ever under their belt on a daily basis. Wish me luck!

Aug 19, 2020 08:05 AM