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Audienti merges SEO, advertising, and influencer engagement services
If you have a brand site you want to turn into Google catnip, Audienti’s for you.

Action films make for a grand row
While I appreciate UCanRow2's recent article, 10 Indoor Rowing Workouts to Kill 10K, I must admit that my secret is watching streaming movies off of Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon.

Keep rowing between the challenges!
The best thing for me to do is to row at least 10,000 meters every day for the rest of my life; and, the hardest thing to do is to continue rowing between Concept2 Online Challenges .

Finished the Holiday Challenge with 157,762 meters
The good news is that I rowed more than 100,000 meters during the 2015 Concept2 Holiday Challenge -- 157,762 meters -- but the bad news is that I came short of the 200km that I wanted to accrue before midnight last night.

3 predictions for online marketing in 2016
Happy holidays, readers! If you’re here visiting from a global fortune 500 company you may already know some of these predictions because, until now, only enterprises could hitherto afford to innovate and integrate the sort of services and application development required to go from the standard WordPress + Google Analytics + Google AdWords + MailChimp + Facebook set up that most SMBs are rocking for their web presence and online marketing.

WAMU 88.5FM 2015 holiday programming schedule
As I mentioned over on Big Broadcast WAMU Schedule for Christmas 2015, DC's NPR affiliate WAMU 88.5FM is hosting an amazing holiday schedule between Christmas Eve and January 3. You should check it out.

Big Broadcast WAMU Schedule for Christmas 2015
If you know me, you know that I am a fan of public radio, a superfan of The Big Broadcast, and a super-duper fan of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar.

3 days until the Holiday Challenge ends
You know how I thought it was a good idea to try out CrossFit in the middle of the Concept2 Holiday Challenge? Well, it wasn't.

Entering the cult of CrossFit in 2016
As of Monday, January 4, it looks like I will serve my first week in the cult of CrossFit.

Getting my Concept2 groove on towards 200km
I'm just procrastinating until I have to jump back on the erg to cover another stationary 10km on my Model C Concept2 Indoor Rower en route to making it to 200km by midnight Christmas Eve.

Starting the day with a spirited walk
I would love to suggest that this morning's walk was mine but it wasn't -- though I benefited.

Catching up with the Concept2 Holiday Challenge
Today was a good day because I pulled harder than I usually do. Because I am getting stronger.

Come hell or high water
This is where I should be feeling frustrated about the fact that we're half through with the 2015 Concept2 Holiday Challenge and I am only 70,983 meters in out of my goal of 200,000 meters by midnight, the end of Christmas Eve.
Took me two weeks to get my erg on
Well, it's only taken two weeks for me to get my row on and get into the erging habit but I made a date of it.
Slowly but don't call me Shirley
Missed a couple more days and only got in 11,275 meters just now, around midnight (so it's noted as happening on December 9th, Wednesday).

No 2nd chance to make a 1st impression
Lynch of CrossFit South Arlington had me at hello. If you want to reel in a new member of your CrossFit gym, it really does come down to harnessing your inner Conor Lynch.

Slow, slow, slow I row gently on the erg
It's already December 5th, 2015, and I am only 36,948 meters in towards the 200 kilometers that I fully intend to collect between first thing 26 November.

Day 7 of my Holiday Challenge
Still working on ramping up but after a week, I have only amassed 26,622 meters so far. I need to start doing 10,000+ days in order to make sure I'm well over 200,000 meters by midnight on Christmas Eve. Wish me luck!

My Day 1 of the Holiday Challenge
While the 2015 Concept2 Holiday Challenge started at midnight the moment the calendar ticked over to November 26, I didn't get on the seat until an hour ago, then I put in a slow 10k towards the 200k I need to log between now and midnight Christmas Eve: 23:59:59.

My Famous Savoury Crêpe Recipe
I have been making crêpes probably since 1998 and it's been my signature dish ever since.

Bourbon Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Every year, John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry of the No Agenda Show share this delicious recipe with their listeners. It's considered to be John's recipe but Adam has adapted and adopted the recipe into his Thanksgiving as well. It looks delicious, though I have yet to taste it.

Getting Psyched for Concept2's Holiday Challenge
Starting tomorrow, I'll endeavor to row 200,000 meters on my Concept2 between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. It's called the 2015 Concept2 Holiday Challenge.

Discounted Running Gear
I was reading reddit this morning and Jaime_Manger posted a most useful list to the /r/running subreddit, Compilation of Discounted Running Gear.

We live in the future (I live in Mongolia)
I keep my Gerris office in a building in Columbia Heights, Arlington, Virginia. There's a huge first-generation Mongolian contingent here.

Fighting sciatica and fascial adhesion with a massage stick
When I am not on Kathe Ana's table at Heavenly Body's Clinic here in Arlington, I am using a Big Stick from The Stick to try to work out the almost debilitating tightness in both my right lumbar and the resulting tightness I have in the muscles in my shin.

Become fit with Reddit's help
After all the brouhaha surrounding #GamerGate and the controversy surrounding the decision that SXSW made in removing some #GamerGate panels, I wanted to remind my gentle reader -- yes, you -- that there are warm hugs online and not just slaps, punches, yells, screams, and assaults online.

Don't swing your kettlebells without stretching your body
If you're going to engage in 90-seconds of vigorous kettlebell swings every hour, all day long, every day, even with only a single 12kg kettlebell, then a stretching regimen is essential.
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