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Articles about Blogger Outreach by Chris Abraham

2007 Google Apps Case Study: Abraham Harrison manages a successful virtual business using Google Apps Premier Edition
I was doing some searches on Google about Abraham Harrison, my first digital PR agency, and found this amazing old gem from 2007. AH was an earliest adopter of Google Apps and Google wrote a case study about the agency. I was living in Berlin at the time.
A Social Media Conversation With Chris Abraham by The Buzz Bin
Geoff Livingston interviewed me for The Buzz Bin back on July 19, 2007, and I discovered it today while Vanity Searching and thought I would revive it and share it with you here.
Add For Immediate Release to your podcast queue
Out of thin air, and fulfilling a dream, Shel asked me if I might be willing to join a hand-picked panel of PR professionals and I jumped on it.
Aloha from the tail end of Summer
Lots of fun things happening at Gerris Corp even in the doldrums of Summer.
An automated solution for influencer marketing research
Want to make outreach marketing more successful? One option is GroupHigh, which offers blogger intelligence software to help you identify influential blogs, automate research, and measure engagement.
Are you using updated keywords for your business?
Why your keywords suck and are outdated
Audienti merges SEO, advertising, and influencer engagement services
If you have a brand site you want to turn into Google catnip, Audienti’s for you.
Being Pretty Isn’t Enough For Social Media Marketing
I always tell clients that it is no longer enough to be beautiful when it comes to marketing online. The Internet has become more like an Oscar after-party than it is like the airport Ramada. Online, you’re never the lone beauty in the hotel lounge. Online, you’re surrounded by equal or greater beauties. What’s more, the most successful online social media barflies are aggressive in addition to gorgeous. Too many companies that have invested vast resources in social have Pretty Boy/Girl Syndrome. A symptom of this disease is an expectation that others will go out of their way to pursue you.
Blog Community Outreach
A powerful technique for building community on blogs is to find a compelling item about your industry, products, and services, then search for blogs that are already talking about it on Technorati.
Blogger Outreach is About the Permanent Record
At the end of the day, this is all about getting into permanent record. Second Life may be cool, and so may be IM, but these are all ephemeral — the web and the blogosphere is indexed and exists much longer and to greater effect the longer and deeper the penetration a site has into Google’s, Technorati’s, and’s site indices.
Chris Abraham joins Cindy Crescenzo and Steve Farnsworth on FIR with Shel Holtz
Chris Abraham, Cindy Crescenzo, and Steve Farnsworth join host Shel Holtz to talk about Breitbart News’ call for a boycott of Kellogg’s after the cereal company pulled its ads, the suggestion that we should stop measuring employee engagement, PR’s ability to propel Virtual Reality into the mainstream, the need for brands and agencies to adapt to a voice-driven world (with Amazon Echo and Google Home becoming new means of searching and engaging), the latest from the fake news front, and much more.
Consulting Services
The following menu may look expansive, but it isn't. We're a new media marketing and new media PR firm -- with well over a decade of experience in web strategy and emergent technology.
Detailed analysis of the perfect blogger pitch
Over the last ten years that Gerris Corp has been pitching bloggers on behalf of clients, we have learned a thing or two about how best to reach bloggers, how to engage them, how to get them to carry our client’s message to their readership. Whether we’re doing an outreach to the bloggers of mainstream media and celebrity blogs or to someone who has just set up a blog for the first time, it all begins with the message model.
DIY Influencer Marketing Webinar Slides
Here are the slides from the webinar I just did for Biznology that I uploaded to SlideShare
Earned media blogger outreach is alive and well!
Everything the blogger does on your behalf -- for free -- is a gift, a blessing, a mitzvah!
Earned-media micro-influencer marketing primer
Earned media (or free media) refers to publicity gained through promotional efforts other than paid media advertising, which refers to publicity gained through advertising, or owned media, which refers to branding. Micro-influencers are everyday consumers who have 500 – 5,000 highly engaged followers around relevant topics.
Extremely Long and Comprehensive Bio of Chris Abraham thanks to Deep Research from ChatGPT
Chris Abraham is a digital marketing strategist, SEO expert, and consultant with over 25–27 years of experience in the industry.
Fire For Effect When You Can’t Get A Bead On Your Market
I’ve run a social media marketing agency since Autumn 2006. In that time, we’ve learned quite a lot. One of my biggest learnings is that you can’t always get a direct bead on your demographic target–and that’s OK. We’ve worked for a broad spectrum in these five years, from health care and pharma to huge radio astronomy projects; from global non-profits to very specific public affairs campaigns. Social media marketing and blogger outreach and activation can be effective for everything, though it isn’t always clear how. B2B seems to be the least confident that social can help them but I believe we have really sorted it out: What I’ve learned is that if you cannot target your dream customer directly, you can target everyone around him.
Guest Panelist on FIR #15: The Open Web vs. Content Silos
Late last year Shel Holtz actually tapped me and asked me to be a guest on his For Immediate Release podcast. FIR was on my bucket list and it was a really enjoyable experience. I hope to do it again. Let me know what you think.
Guest Panelist on FIR #45: I’m An Influencer, Pay Me More!
How NOT to pitch an influencer
Influencers did not fall off a turnip truck. If they don’t see the value in the pitch, they won’t post; if they fancy that you’re just asking them to post because you want to vampire bat on their Google juice, then you’re likely to be in a whole lot of #fail and possibly a whole lot of pain. The white-hat link-farm organic SEO pwn effect is only secondary if you are, the entire way along, a total Mensch and have amazing assets, viral-quality video, a great pitch, an accurate target, and a gentle, kind, and generous follow-through.
Influencer marketing can drive traffic to your new website
I am talking about the real-time effect of a good outreach campaign that comes flooding in an extreme traffic volume spike immediately after and in the 72-hours after each influencer outreach.
Influencer marketing is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration
People are still inviting me to speak to their students! But who can follow Geoff Livingston? Nobody! Also, there were baked goods. Thank you to the lovely Brigitte Winter!
Influencer marketing should be fun
Pattern your influencer marketing campaigns on comic cons and you can’t go wrong: people dress up in cosplay, who knows what happens at night, and there’s shameless branding, selling, promoting, marketing, and influencing everywhere you look. It’s built in!
Influencer marketing should not be about collecting influencers
The worst thing about the internet has been the commodification of friendship
Influencer Marketing: Persistence is Fertile
If you assume someone isn’t interested in getting to know you better just because they don’t hear you the first or second time, then you’re doomed. The Internet is the busiest, loudest, most distracting place ever created. It’s global, impersonal, and mostly anonymous.
Influencer outreach is more PR than social media
Discover and engage your allies with long-tail blogger outreach
Influencer outreach is more PR than marketing or advertising
Remember, if your campaign doesn’t check all the boxes of being a publicity, PR, or buzz campaign, it won’t work as an earned media campaign.
Janet Thaeler & Maryanne Conlin on Influencer Marketing
Becoming an influencer is the best thing we have done; also, just say no to clients and products that won't work with social media marketing.
Kindness opens many doors online
While it’s absolutely essential that your client be exceptionally game, generous, and have desirable products, all the magic happens in the Inbox and the secret sauce of any successful blogger PR campaign is kindness.
Launch your social campaign with guns blazing!
When I have a client that needs something launched in a big way I go at it with guns-blazing.
Market to Your Own Influencer Network
I flaked on the second most important job I have: prospect marketing!
Mizuno Running Mezamashii Long Tail Blogger Outreach Case Study
A Blogger Outreach Case Study: How I Activated Hundreds of Bloggers for Mizuno Running A step-by-step walk through of a campaign that Sally Falkow and I did for Mizuno Running.
My influencer marketing tools of the trade
I thought I would talk a little bit about the tools of the trade — what we use to stoke excitement about our clients when we do blogger outreach and influencer engagement campaigns.
Online Publicity Services
Traditionally, a publicist is a person whose job is to generate and manage publicity for a public figure, especially a celebrity, or for a work such as a book or movie. Publicists usually work at large companies handling multiple clients.
Promote your book with influencer marketing
I gave a presentation on how to promote your book (or your client’s book) by engaging online influencers. And I cited six books that I’ve promoted over the past couple of years on behalf of their authors: Glock and Law of the Jungle by Paul M. Barrett; Search Engine Marketing, Inc., by Mike Moran and Bill Hunt; Mindful Work by David Gelles; and The Creator’s Code by Amy Wilkinson
Search engine optimization (SEO) works like a champ
I collected all of my personal blog articles to-date on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and have been handing them out to folks who still believe that SEO is snake oil and I thought I would share them with you, too, since most of you students of blogging actually want your words, your passion, and your voice to be heard.
Take your bloggers and social media influencers to lunch
Come on, don’t you think the thankless job of blogging passionately about a topic for free, persistently, over months and years deserves at least some face time and maybe a coffee, a burger, a bourbon?
Take your bloggers and social media influencers to lunch
Take your social media influencers to breakfast, coffee, lunch, drinks, dinner, nightcap — you decide what’s appropriate.
Thank You Skinny & Co Bloggers
Latest in a the series of thank yous to the bloggers and online influencers who have made Skinny and Company coconut oil's earned media influencer marketing campaign possible
The Legacy of Abraham Harrison LLC
Abraham Harrison specialized in online reputation management, social media marketing, and blogger outreach.
The Online Community Is Inexorably Global: Are You?
Humans are provincial; Americans doubly so. In fact, we online human-Americans oftentimes can’t think past our sweat pants, ironic T, and bunny slippers when it comes to being online.
The quantum mechanics of blogger outreach
Pitching all available bloggers simultaneously allows one to quickly — immediately — discern which bloggers are interesting in carrying the story and which aren’t, allowing my team to decommission all unsuccessful instances, releasing valuable resources, in favor of all instances that result in bona fide social media mentions.
The State Of Earned Media Blogger Outreach
I’ve been doing earned media blogger outreach as a profession since 2006 and a lot has changed. To be frank, there are a lot of bloggers with their hands out looking for pay to play these days that it can feel a little daunting.
The state of the blogger outreach union ten years on
The state of the union of blogger outreach is good for brands and agencies but great for the bloggers and online influencers
Turn your website into your social media brand HQ
Make your website your communications hub
Tweet like Guy Kawasaki for Twitter success
Inside Twitter tips from a Silicon Valley entrepreneur
Twitter is what Second Life wasn't: light, cheap and open and that's why it'll outlive the hype cycle
I run into many skeptics who believe that Twitter is rife with the sort of hype associated with the ascent and crash of Second Life. This is not true. Twitter is suffused with hype, for sure, but it is a much different and more sustainable hype than Second Life.
Twitter is What Second Life Wasn't: Light, Cheap and Open—and That's Why It'll Outlive the Hype Cycle
I run into many skeptics who believe that Twitter is rife with the sort of hype associated with the ascent and crash of Second Life. This is not true. Twitter is suffused with hype, for sure, but it is a much different and more sustainable hype than Second Life. Here's why: Twitter is light, cheap, open and permanent, whereas Second Life is heavy, expensive, closed and ephemeral. Twitter does things right where Second Life failed.
What earned media micro-influencer marketing is
Every one of the influencers we reach out to we brand with our client's brand recognition. Maybe your first touch, their very first introduction to the client. There are so many useful aspects to our type of influencer marketing, which is actually more of an influencer PR.
Why are you so afraid of engaging online influencers?
Tips for how your agency or firm should do outreach the right way
Why promoting a brand takes perseverance
Target audience: Marketing professionals, PR pros, brand managers, SEO specialists, businesses.

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