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Blog Community Outreach

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A powerful technique for building community on blogs is to find a compelling item about your industry, products, and services, then search for blogs that are already talking about it on Technorati.

It is much easier to message on blogs that are already having friendly conversation.

To spread the word online, tell folks online about you, about your company, your culture, your history, your story, your products, and the services you offer—and do it openly and honestly and place your own name, your own email, and either the URL of your web site or the URL of the blog itself.

Transparency is key.

Here’s great blog outreach strategy from the A-list pro, John Hlinko, on his site, StemPAC:

Blogs: Get the word out.  If you have a blog, write about us, and put a StemPAC blog ad on your site (you can steal these ads right now from our blog page).

3) Spread the word online:  People are already talking about this issue — tell them about  Here’s how:

  • Go to, a blog search engine.
  • Type in the phrase “Stem cell”
  • Go to the blogs that are talking about this issue
  • Where appropriate, leave a short note about (not sure what to say?  use the text from our tell a friend page )
  • Come back tomorrow (or as often as you can) and do the same thing

Please be considerate, and make sure to leave this note only where people might be interested (i.e., “inform” - don’t “spam”)

Brilliant strategy. The most important line is the last, of course, “Please be considerate, and make sure to leave this note only where people might be interested (i.e., “inform” - don’t “spam”)”

That is great advice with regards any online PR, marketing, or advertising, actually.

May 14, 2007 12:00 AM