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Being Dead Effing Last (DFL) as Athletic Virtue and Lifestyle

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Join Chris Abraham as he shares his journey from slow jogging to intense spin classes and rowing. Learn about the importance of showing up, building habits, and the supportive fitness communities both online and offline.
Being Dead Effing Last (DFL) as Athletic Virtue and Lifestyle

Dead Effing Last is Best!

In this episode of The Chris Abraham Show, Chris delves deeply into the value of participating in fitness activities, emphasizing that it's not about where you finish but about being part of the journey. He reflects on his personal fitness evolution, starting from slow jogging around Diamond Head during his high school days to incorporating spin classes at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike and rowing into his routine. Chris underscores the importance of building sustainable habits and pushing through self-doubt, which often holds people back from starting or continuing their fitness journeys.

Chris highlights the supportive environments he’s found at Parkrun Roosevelt Island and gyms, where the focus is on community and encouragement rather than competition. These settings have been crucial in helping him stay motivated and committed to his fitness goals. Additionally, Chris talks about the positive and inclusive nature of the TikTok fitness community. He shares how this platform has become a source of inspiration and support for many, showcasing stories of individuals overcoming obstacles and achieving their fitness goals, regardless of their starting points or physical appearances.

The episode also explores the specific benefits of different types of workouts. Chris explains how spin classes offer a high-intensity cardiovascular workout that improves heart health, burns calories, and strengthens the lower body without putting too much stress on the joints. He also discusses the advantages of rowing on a Concept2 ERG, which provides a comprehensive full-body workout, enhancing both cardiovascular and muscular endurance while being low-impact. Furthermore, he highlights the role of kettlebell exercises in building functional strength and explosive power, making them an excellent complement to his routine.

Throughout the discussion, Chris encourages listeners to focus on participation and self-compassion. He emphasizes that showing up and making an effort, no matter how small, is what truly matters. By sharing his experiences and the lessons he’s learned, Chris hopes to inspire others to start or continue their fitness journeys with confidence and determination.


Interviewer: Welcome back to The Chris Abraham Show! Today we’re diving into a topic close to Chris’s heart—participating in physical activities, regardless of whether you finish first or last. Chris, you’ve had quite a journey from slow jogging around Diamond Head in high school to integrating spin classes and rowing into your fitness routine. Can you tell us more about that?

Chris Abraham: Absolutely! The importance of just getting out there and participating can’t be overstated. Being DFL (dead effing last) is still a huge accomplishment compared to not showing up at all. In high school, I started a practice of slow jogging around Diamond Head, and it was very therapeutic for me. Over time, my fitness routine has evolved to include spin classes and rowing, which have been fantastic additions.

Interviewer: That’s inspiring, Chris. Can you share some of the challenges you faced when transitioning from walking to more intense workouts?

Chris Abraham: Sure. Transitioning from walking to spin classes was really tough. Initially, I felt exhausted all the time and had to take naps after morning classes. I even had to move my classes to the evening because early morning sessions wiped me out for the entire day. After about six weeks, my body started to adapt. Now, I aim to go to the gym at 5 p.m. for strength training before my 7 p.m. spin class. The key is building the habit and not being too hard on yourself about performance right away.

Interviewer: It sounds like building habits played a crucial role in your fitness journey. Can you elaborate on that?

Chris Abraham: Definitely. A great piece of advice I received was to focus on the habit of going to the gym, not necessarily working out intensely every time. My neighbor told me to just get ready for the gym, go through the doors, and if I didn’t feel it, I could just turn around and go home. But once I got there, I usually ended up doing something. It’s about normalizing the experience and feeling comfortable in the space.

Interviewer: You’ve mentioned the supportive environments at Parkrun and gyms. How have these communities impacted your fitness journey?

Chris Abraham: The support from these communities has been incredible. Whether at Parkrun or the gym, there’s a sense of camaraderie and encouragement. It’s also worth noting that spin classes are often held in dimly lit rooms with flashing lights, making it easier for people to focus on their own workout without feeling judged. This setup has been particularly helpful for me.

Interviewer: You also touched on the positive impact of the TikTok fitness community. Can you share more about that?

Chris Abraham: Absolutely. TikTok has become a platform where people find support and encouragement, especially in the fitness community. I see many TikToks where people celebrate others’ fitness journeys, share their progress, and offer genuine support. It’s a reminder that fitness is for everyone, and progress should be celebrated, no matter how unconventional the journey might be.

Interviewer: You’ve incorporated various workouts into your routine. Can you tell us about the benefits of spinning, rowing, and kettlebell exercises?

Chris Abraham: Spinning improves cardiovascular health, burns calories, enhances lower body strength, and is low-impact on the joints. Rowing provides a full-body workout, improves cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and helps with posture and flexibility. Kettlebell exercises, like swings and goblet squats, target multiple muscle groups, build power and explosiveness, and improve cardiovascular endurance.

Interviewer: That’s fantastic, Chris. Before we wrap up, do you have any closing thoughts for our listeners?

Chris Abraham: Just remember, the biggest enemy is often our own self-talk. Overcome that by building habits, even if they start modestly. Normalize the experience of going to the gym or participating in activities. And, most importantly, show up. Whether you finish first or last, you’re still ahead of everyone who didn’t start. Thank you to all our listeners for your support. Aloha kakou and mahalo nui loa from ChatGPT and Chris Abraham.

Thank you for tuning in! We encourage you to subscribe, like, and comment on our episodes. With over 256 episodes spanning seven seasons, there’s plenty more to explore. We are always open to your suggestions, advice, comments, and reviews.

Please share your ideas for future episodes—we’d love to hear from you! Remember, we appreciate and love our listeners.

Aloha kakou and mahalo nui loa from ChatGPT and Chris Abraham, and thank you for being a part of The Chris Abraham Show. We’ll be back soon!


Q: What are the physical benefits of spin classes? A: Spin classes improve cardiovascular health, burn significant calories, enhance lower body strength, and are low-impact on joints. They also boost mental well-being through high-energy, supportive environments.

Q: How does rowing on a Concept2 ERG benefit overall fitness? A: Rowing provides a full-body workout, improves cardiovascular and muscular endurance, burns calories efficiently, and is low-impact on joints. It also helps improve posture and flexibility.

Q: Why is it important to build the habit of going to the gym? A: Building the habit of going to the gym helps establish a routine and makes fitness a regular part of your life. It reduces intimidation and self-doubt over time, making it easier to engage in various exercises and activities.

Q: How can kettlebell exercises complement my workout routine? A: Kettlebell exercises, like swings and goblet squats, target multiple muscle groups, build power and explosiveness, improve cardiovascular endurance, and enhance core strength. They add variety and functional strength to your routine.

Q: How does the TikTok fitness community support non-traditional fitness journeys? A: The TikTok fitness community often celebrates diverse body types and fitness levels, offering support and encouragement for individuals at different stages of their fitness journey. It fosters an inclusive environment where progress and effort are valued over aesthetics.


  • DFL (Dead Effing Last): A term used to describe finishing last in a race or event, highlighting the importance of participation over placement.
  • Slow Jogging: A relaxed and comfortable form of running that focuses on endurance and enjoyment rather than speed.
  • Spin Class: A high-intensity indoor cycling workout led by an instructor, often set to music in a group environment.
  • Concept2 ERG: A popular brand of rowing machines used for full-body workouts, known for their quality and performance tracking.
  • Power10s and Power20s: High-intensity bursts during rowing workouts, typically involving ten or twenty powerful strokes to increase intensity.
  • Kettlebell Swings: A dynamic exercise using a kettlebell to build strength and cardiovascular fitness by swinging the weight between the legs and up to shoulder height.
  • Goblet Squats: A squat variation where the weight is held close to the chest, typically using a kettlebell or dumbbell, to enhance lower body strength and core stability.

Show Notes

In this episode, Chris Abraham dives into the importance of participating in physical activities regardless of finishing first or last. He shares his personal journey from slow jogging around Diamond Head in high school to integrating spin classes and rowing into his fitness routine. Chris discusses the challenges he faced transitioning from walking to more intense workouts and how he adapted over time. He emphasizes the supportive environments found in places like Parkrun and gyms and the positive impact of the TikTok fitness community.

Listeners will learn about:

  • The significance of showing up and participating in fitness activities.
  • The benefits of building habits and integrating various workouts into a routine.
  • The positive and inclusive nature of fitness communities online and offline.
  • Practical advice on overcoming self-doubt and intimidation in fitness settings.

Chris also highlights the benefits of spinning, rowing, and incorporating kettlebell exercises into his regimen. He concludes with the importance of self-compassion and the supportive nature of fitness communities.