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Slow Spinning, Slow Riding, Slow Spinner, Slow Rider at CycleBar Columbia Pike

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I am a slowspinner, a slowrider, and they call it riding your own ride at CycleBar.

Slow Spinning, Slow Riding, Slow Spinner, Slow Rider at CycleBar Columbia Pike

CycleBar Columbia Pike

I have been spending more and more time and more and more consecutive days spinning on bike 35 at my local Columbia Pike CycleBar. The only reason why this is becoming so sustainable is because I spin slow, because I ride slow, because I pedal slow. 

Observations of Other Riders

And it's not just me, though most of the people that I see who are riding their own ride are grinding! They've got their head down, their gear is set to a seven, eight, or nine, and they're on their seat and grinding the bike hard, their calves and thighs and quads bulging from the work. On the other side of the pendulum is me: running my bike at two, three, or four, popping up out of the seat or spinning, spinning, spinning, but not too fast, not too hard, not too aggressive. Niko niko, just like with slow jogging.

Approach to Slow Spinning

But with spin bikes, on the stationary bike even when the lovely and glamorous and beautiful spin instructors offer these carefully-designed programs with hill-climbs and sprints and even some choreography and gravity-defying out of seat riding. But, here's the rub: slow joggers don't remain slow forever, slow rowers don't remain slow forever, and slow riders and slow spinners don't remain slow forever; and, even better, even slowspinners get much stronger.

Adaptation and Improvement

I mean, the relative effort remains the same and surely even the relative heart rate remains consistent; but, as one's body becomes accustomed to the slow, the body adapts and that slow starts to feel too slow and the same effort that one would spend to remain feeling as slow and as easy as it was at first creates work and effort and mileage that naturally results in stronger legs, lungs, heart, and performance scores. My level of perceived effort has never changed since I started a month ago; however, my distance, for one simple indicator, has gone from 8 to 9 to 10, and now to 11 miles over the same 45-minute spin class. It's amazing and it works.

Future Goals

And, I am hoping, soon, at some point, I won't be gassed for the entire rest of the day (I had to change my CycleBar Columbia Pike spin classes from 0700 in the morning to 1745-1900 in the evening, just so that I can sleep through my feelings of being completely gassed). So, I have been a slow jogger, a slow rower, and slow rider, and now I am a slow spinner, spinning at my beloved local Spin Club, CycleBar Columbia Pike. Actually, I need to wrap up as I have a class in about 30 minutes, a 1745 class!


In this article, the author details their personal journey with slow spinning at CycleBar Columbia Pike. They discuss the concept of riding at a slower pace and how it has allowed them to maintain a consistent and sustainable workout routine. The author contrasts their approach with other riders who engage in high-intensity spinning and explains how slow spinning can still lead to significant improvements in fitness over time. By maintaining a lower gear and a comfortable pace, the author has seen improvements in distance covered and overall endurance without feeling exhausted after each session.


What is slow spinning?

Slow spinning involves riding a stationary bike at a lower intensity, focusing on maintaining a sustainable pace rather than pushing hard and fast.

Why choose slow spinning?

Slow spinning allows for consistent and sustainable exercise, reducing the risk of burnout and overexertion while still providing significant fitness benefits.

Can slow spinning improve performance?

Yes, over time, the body adapts to the exercise, resulting in increased strength, endurance, and overall performance, even at a slow pace.

How do I start slow spinning?

Begin by setting your bike to a lower gear and focus on maintaining a steady, comfortable pace. Gradually increase your distance and duration as your fitness improves.

What are the benefits of slow spinning?

Slow spinning can lead to stronger legs, lungs, and heart, as well as improved performance scores and overall endurance.



A popular indoor cycling studio offering structured spin classes with motivational instructors, music, and a variety of workout programs.

Slow spinning

Riding a stationary bike at a lower intensity, focusing on sustainability and endurance rather than high-speed or high-resistance workouts.

Niko niko

A term borrowed from slow jogging, meaning to exercise at a pace that allows you to smile comfortably. It emphasizes enjoying the exercise and not overexerting oneself.

Perceived effort

The subjective intensity of exercise, as felt by the individual. It's a personal assessment of how hard one feels they are working during physical activity.


In the context of spinning, gear refers to the resistance level on the stationary bike. Higher gears mean more resistance, making the pedaling harder, while lower gears mean less resistance.


A type of spinning workout where the resistance is increased to simulate the experience of riding up a hill, requiring more effort and strength.


Short bursts of high-intensity cycling where the rider pedals as fast as possible, typically with low resistance, to increase cardiovascular fitness.


In spinning, choreography involves coordinated movements and routines performed on the bike, often in sync with music, to add variety and challenge to the workout.

Out of seat riding

Cycling while standing up on the pedals, which engages different muscles and can increase the intensity of the workout.

Jul 01, 2024 07:50 PM