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My favorite running vlogger is Seth James DeMoor

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Every day, Seth James DeMoor publishes his daily vlog on YouTube at 7AM my time and every day I am there to watch it at 7:02 AM.

My favorite running vlogger is Seth James DeMoor

Seth James DeMoor Family Minus the Newest Baby

Colorado native Seth James DeMoor started vlogging years ago with a general daily blog that was a portal into the life of a modest man who celebrated a beautiful family and a beautiful appreciation, hard work, commitment, determination, and a pursuit of beauty.

His slogan is Seek Beauty Work Hard & Love Each Other and I can get behind that. He's extremely talented with his b-roll and his dronescapes but the most important part of Seth's vlog is how integrated his daily vlog is with his daily bread and his beautiful, happy, and aspirational (for me) family. 

While he had always been a runner, as had his dad and as is his brother, running was always there but in the background. Now, it's in the fore, though his four young sons and his lovely wife, True Love AKA Brigid, are always around. Recently, Seth's been coaching Brigid towards her first 5k race (for as soon as in-person 5ks return, post-COVID). While I am extremely tall, extremely slow, and extremely heavy, with a size 13 shoe, Seth is 120lbs and sports a size 7.5 shoe. Yet, I am proudly part of the DeMoor Global Running group on Facebook and on Stava and, as I mentioned, I am a devoted subscriber. You should be, too. He's currently at 97.3K subscribers so why don't you subscribe and push Seth over 100,000!

Aug 12, 2020 05:50 PM