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Run, Abraham, Run!

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I have been running for about 45 minutes to an hour every morning for weeks now and every run is as fulfilling as the last.

I run from 14th & A Street, SE, up Mass Ave towards Union Station. Then I cut over to the park to the south of the Capitol building. Then around, in front of the Supreme Court. 

I take a left at Independence, down around to Pennsylvania Avenue, and then along the boulevard until I hit 7th. 

I take that left, run past Murky Coffee and then at the T at North Carolina Avenue, SE, I take a right until I hit Lincoln Park, run along the park, angle on Mass and then angle onto A, where I generally sprint to the Grottto, my run complete. 

Then a stretch and a nice belly rub for Suzi.

Aug 07, 2003 09:20 AM