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SpyderGrip Green Lynx 2.0 Review
I bought this SpyderGrip Green Lynx 2.0 over a year ago, I think, but haven't used it much because I didn't think it could carry that much. Tonight, however, I checked it out and I was easily able to fit my Samsung S6 Active into the neoprene pouch.

Hill People Gear Snubby Kit Bag Review
Over the last couple-few years I haven't gone for a run without wearing my Hill People Gear Snubby Kit Bag on my chest. For me, it's how I like to carry my personal stuff when I am on a run, race, or jog.

Why I named my digital PR firm Gerris Corp
All y'all want to know what a Gerris is? Well, it's short for Gerris lacustris or the common pond skater or common water strider.

The best treadmills for runners, joggers, and walkers at home
I just received an email from Mei telling me about an article that she wrote for about the best treadmills after reading my article on this site, Hiit: 3 Minutes Of Anything Is Hard.

Please never forget to stretch after all your workouts like I do
Even if you're just taking it easy and not even breaking a sweat during your exercises, including constitutional walks and family saunters and even really slow rows on your rowing erg, never forget to give yourself a nice stretch every time your done with your exercises, even if you just get just a little bit of a warm-up.

My personal keto diet mistake: overeating my calorie deficit
Rule One of the Ketogenic Diet: if you want to lose weight: absolutely only eat when actually hungry (don't let thirst fool you). I've been messing this one up every day so far (I started keto 16-days ago).

Important things I'm learning about the ketogenic diet 12 days in
After twelve days, I have learned just a few things about my own personal ketogenic diet--or, at least how I am going to run my keto diet:

Threw away my Hoka One One Bondi 4s because of excessive sole wear rendering them unwearable and unusable
I just dropped my bought-from-new Hoka One One Bondi 4 running shoes into the garbage. They're unwearable.

Sedentary lifestyle injuries are infinitely worse than sports injuries
I remember the days when I was so fit that a sports injury was always looming but it was only temporary. My fitness and wellness aided and accelerated my recovery every time--even if it took just a little help from a doc or surgeon.

My keto diet has killed my appetite and hunger dead
I have been eating according to the keto diet for eight days, according to /r/keto on reddit. After a little more than a week, my appetite has really been suppressed and it's taken a lot less keto-friendly food to sate my hunger.

SweatNow makes trainers celebrities and students communities
SweatNow, a free app for iOS and Android, allows all of us who only go to classes, studios, and gyms for specific trainers, coaches, teachers, yoginis, and instructors, to follow them wherever they go whenever they go there.

EverStretch is so simple it's genius for stretching, mobility, range of motion, and flexibility
Since I’m swinging a kettlebell for 90-seconds every 60-minutes, stretching is important.

The 2017 Concept2 Holiday Challenge Begins November 23
Some news from Concept2 about their upcoming individual challenge, the 2017 Concept2 Holiday Challenge:

Start preparing for the Concept2 Holiday Challenge today
Unlike most Concept2 Challenges, the Holiday Challenge demands a lot from us from the very beginning: 6,451.61 meters-per-day, on average, to accumulate 200,000 meters over the 31-day Concept2 Holiday Challenge—which is a lot if you're not used to high-mileage rowing. But you can do it!

Our Sculling Caper
September 8, 2002, Washington, DC – It is true that Mark had talked to Paul about being okayed to be allowed to take out Sculls onto the river; it is true that Mark and I rowed in college at GWU. When Mark and I arrived to rent racing sculls from the Thompson Boat Center (from where Mark and I rowed during college), I hadn’t rowed any shells in ten-years, and I had never rowed in a single scull in my life.

2017 Concept2 Skeleton Crew Challenge Starts Today!
Today is day one of Concept2's annual Halloween individual rowing challenge, the 2017 Skeleton Crew Challenge! It's simple, on the nose, and fun: row at least 31,000 meters between October 25th and October 31st—Halloween!

Reclaim your LinkedIn connections as contact emails via Download your data
In this article, I will reconnect you with your LinkedIn Contacts—Connections— in a format you can use: first name, last name, company, position, and—most importantly—email address. It's still easy but not completely intuitive. Don't let LinkedIn hold your LinkedIn Connections hostage, extract all that value from all your commitment to your LinkedIn business connections.

Returning to Dungeons & Dragons after 33 years away
My Dungeon Master (DM) is awesome. After the game—during which I was played as an NPC (Non Player Character) because I couldn't make the game—he wrote me the most amazing recap and also updated my character from level 3 to level 4 and sent me my updated character sheet in a gorgeously-rendered PDF (inline, attached below). Enjoy! Real names have been erased to protect real people.

It’s not what Dove meant, it’s what people see
Dove has historically actively pursued women’s diversity in race, color, size, shape. This is a controversy of context in a world that is not only allowed but empowered to excerpt, crop, edit, and define meaning.

WAMU 88.5 FM is Dropping Writers Almanac, Science Friday, & The Best of Car Talk Beginning October 2nd
The end of an era at 88.5FM. WAMU is dropping Writers Almanac, Science Friday, and The Best of Car Talk beginning October 2nd in Washington, DC, pointing us, instead, to their podcasts.

Get Fit, Get Fierce with Kettlebell Swings: Just 12 Minutes a Day to Lose Weight, Prevent Sitting Disease, Hone Your Body and Tone Your Booty! by Don Fitch
As someone who works alone, swinging a kettlebell for 90 seconds every hour is exactly what I need to break up a techie, sedentary, life. Starting with just 12-minutes every day. Really, easier said than done.

Outside-In Marketing: Using Big Data to Guide Your Content Marketing by James Mathewson and Mike Moran
James Mathewson and Mike Moran are giving away $100,000 of consulting for only $12.

Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness by Scott Jurek
His level is so stratospheric that it was a vicarious experience.

Running & Being: The Total Experience by George Sheehan
So inspiring... To get me back onto the road

How to fix Hulu on Roku
When I booted up my trusty Hulu this AM on my trusty Roku Player, I got an all-text blue-and-green mess that erased all of my preferences, my lists, my shows, and everything. I was upset but I then figured it out. I hope this helps.

Backfill your corporate history onto your blog for Google
You won’t confuse your visitors or piss off Google Search if you start posting historical newsletters, news items, press releases, product launches, and blog posts — as long as you’re honest.
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