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Mirror your entire podcast quickly, easily, and cheaply onto YouTube with

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A couple of weeks ago, launched a Podcast RSS-to-YouTube service that allows you to plug in your podcast's feed and all the episodes of your entire podcast will be slowly slurped off your server and squirted onto YouTube, perfectly formatted, including show notes and album art! Also, pretty cheap for the amount of time you save.

Mirror your entire podcast quickly, easily, and cheaply onto YouTube with Logo

While I use to host my audio podcast, ChrisCast, I also like to dump them onto YouTube as well. I would generally use an "upload your image and your audio file onto YouTube" web services such as TunestoTube,, and Spreaker. I looked back and I had used a service called already but it never offered the secret sauce. Until now. Has the Secret Sauce

When I popped onto Google Search yesterday, I was just looking for one of the abovementioned four services. popped up to the top, asked me to log in via my YouTube Google account, and when I arrived at the upload dashboard, I noticed something amazing: an Add Podcast button!

Add Podcast

With one click of a button and copying-and-pasting the RSS feed of my account into the box and I was closer to having the servers over at doing hours of work for me for 100 hours for $29.99 (I had 44 hours to upload). You can upload a free hour but after that, if you want to do what I did—upload all of my ChrisCast episodes at once to YouTube without ever needing to ever visit or YouTube. It's seamless.

For you, it might be more. You can get 400 hours for $59.99. 40 hours for $19.99. 3 hours for $3.99.

If you want to check it out, you can go look at my most recent video uploads on YouTube. ChrisCast Uploads

Aug 26, 2021 04:35 PM