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ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days

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The origin story of Chris Abraham from zero through to most of 6th grade, from Weehawken, New Jersey, to Murray Hill, NYC, to Salt Lake, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, to downtown Punchbowl... have fun!

ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days

ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days

ChrisCast is the musings of Chris Abraham as he aspires to know the world and himself while getting healthy, losing weight, becoming fit, and running his small business while living in South Arlington, Virginia. Walk with him a while and see what's up.

ChrisCast Episode 2: 24601 Part 1: Hanabata Days

Jun 16, 2019 10:05 PM