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Official Chris Abraham Blog

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Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999. Here Chris Abraham's official blog.
What I think the wall that Trump built is for

What I think the wall that Trump built is for

To me, this wall has nothing to do with the illegal border crossings that are happening now, it's in preparation for a flood of immigrants that will result if (when) we start military actions in Latin America.

What I think the wall that Trump built is for - Read More…

It's the Intensity, Stupid

It's the Intensity, Stupid

Any exercise, either with or without equipment or machine, can give you the workout of your life. It all comes down to intensity.

It's the Intensity, Stupid - Read More…

Failed but won't fall

Failed but won't fall

The pledge I made in my last post lasted only a couple hours until I both drank and ate chicken! Oy vey!

Failed but won't fall - Read More…

End of week report: overeating, missing spin, returning to 19:5 diet

End of week report: overeating, missing spin, returning to 19:5 diet

The biggest news this week is that I am going to rededicate myself to restricting my diet by both tracking calories on MyFitnessPal and by following a strict 19:5 IF diet—intermittent fasting!

End of week report: overeating, missing spin, returning to 19:5 diet - Read More…

Spin Instructors are Cycling Coxswains

Spin Instructors are Cycling Coxswains

I know we call them spin instructors, indoor cycling instructors, or even CYCLESTARS, like we do at CYCLEBAR, to me, they'll be forever known as my Cycling Coxswains.

Spin Instructors are Cycling Coxswains - Read More…

Libertadores del Sur South American Wars of Independence Wargame by Keith Hafner and Matt Shirley

Libertadores del Sur South American Wars of Independence Wargame by Keith Hafner and Matt Shirley

Discussion with the designers of the new board wargame Libertadores Del Sur (1810-1824) by Legion Wargames on the inspiration and challenges behind the project

Libertadores del Sur South American Wars of Independence Wargame by Keith Hafner and Matt Shirley - Read More…

The results of three days of inactive recovery and some motivational words from my best friend

The results of three days of inactive recovery and some motivational words from my best friend

I canceled my Friday ride last week and took the weekend off. No spinning or CYCLEBAR for me until last night. And, despite what everyone said, I didn't do any amount of active recovery (though I do consider that to be a mistake I don't regret but will try to learn from).

The results of three days of inactive recovery and some motivational words from my best friend - Read More…

Overtraining is real and requires sufficient recovery

Overtraining is real and requires sufficient recovery

I rode every weekday last week and through Thursday of this week. My friends have been so motivational that I almost kept my 6:30 pm ride this evening—but I just can't! 

Overtraining is real and requires sufficient recovery - Read More…

My messy CBreeze hack on my Model C Concept2 rowing ergometer to make it work best for me

My messy CBreeze hack on my Model C Concept2 rowing ergometer to make it work best for me

I was having a terrible time keeping my CBreeze on the fan so I glued sloppy please rails on either side of my Concept2 Model C's fan. Really messy. Used a silicon glue. The paracord rails aren't going anywhere. No more struggling with the placement of the elastic cords. 

My messy CBreeze hack on my Model C Concept2 rowing ergometer to make it work best for me - Read More…

Spin is a spoon full of sugar to help the high intensity workout go down

Spin is a spoon full of sugar to help the high intensity workout go down

Most indoor cycling spin classes like my home studio CYCLEBAR on Columbia Pike are a spoon full of sugar. They help the medicine go down. If you don't get the workout you need, you aren't pushing herself hard enough.

Spin is a spoon full of sugar to help the high intensity workout go down - Read More…

The 7 things I don't do at indoor cycling class at my spin studio

The 7 things I don't do at indoor cycling class at my spin studio

I am a very non-compliant rider. I really take the spinning ethos of "ride your own ride" very seriously.

The 7 things I don't do at indoor cycling class at my spin studio - Read More…

My new Garmin HRM-Dual heart rate monitor chest strap review

My new Garmin HRM-Dual heart rate monitor chest strap review

I just received my new Garmin HRM-Dual heart rate monitor chest strap from Amazon today and took it directly to spin class at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike. I love it! It's exactly what I needed.

My new Garmin HRM-Dual heart rate monitor chest strap review - Read More…

The 12 things I've learned indoor cycling at a spin studio

The 12 things I've learned indoor cycling at a spin studio

I have personally learned quite a lot of things over the course of the months I have committed to riding at Biker Barre and, now, at CYCLEBAR, Columbia Pike, though I am still a neophyte and am neither an expert nor am I remotely fit and trim.

The 12 things I've learned indoor cycling at a spin studio - Read More…

Spinning every weekday

Spinning every weekday

How in the world can just 45-minutes of pedaling a stationary bike take my body to its physical limits?

Spinning every weekday - Read More…

Starting the Tour de SkiErg Challenge Today

Starting the Tour de SkiErg Challenge Today

I spent the last month cycling at Spin class at CYCLEBAR on Columbia Pike instead of indoor rowing for either Team Blue Wave or the Potomac Boat Club (only put in a paltry 35,424m out of the amazing 641,820m that the rest of the team rowed).

Starting the Tour de SkiErg Challenge Today - Read More…

Trying Riding Everyday at CYCLEBAR

Trying Riding Everyday at CYCLEBAR

After an awesome ride at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike over the weekend, the co-owner, John Ryan, mentioned that some riders at the studio ride three sequential rides—three rides in a row—and I thought, "maybe I can ride every day."

Trying Riding Everyday at CYCLEBAR - Read More…

The Airex Balance Pad Elite is Perfect for Standing Desks

The Airex Balance Pad Elite is Perfect for Standing Desks

Sometimes you are barefoot and don't want to walk on your treadmill desk. Standing at a desk all day can be hell on your knees and feet. There's a solution to this. 

The Airex Balance Pad Elite is Perfect for Standing Desks - Read More…

My Week at Cyclebar Columbia Pike

My Week at Cyclebar Columbia Pike

Today's my spin day. Tonight at 7:15--15-minutes early, as I always try to be--I'll be joining a new instructor, Sam, for a 7:30 ride called The After Party.

My Week at Cyclebar Columbia Pike - Read More…

CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike Review

CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike Review

I drove and walked past the new CYCLEBAR on Columbia Pike a dozen times. It's so nice, I was intimated.

CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike Review - Read More…

Cycling with Shane at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike

Cycling with Shane at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike

Riding with Shane during Wednesday night Wine Down Wednesday was a thrill. He's got excellent pacing and I performed well.

Cycling with Shane at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike - Read More…

Second Week, First Day, at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike: Huzzah!

Second Week, First Day, at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike: Huzzah!

I have finally had quite a lot of fun at my CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike spin class on Monday night. I felt exuberant during the sprints and I felt strong during the out-of-saddle uphills.

Second Week, First Day, at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike: Huzzah! - Read More…

End of My 1st Week 3rd Ride at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike

End of My 1st Week 3rd Ride at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike

I got to walking to the gym early enough that I got there in plenty of time to get into my SPD shoes and put in earplugs against all the awesome-but-loud pop, rock, and house:

End of My 1st Week 3rd Ride at CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike - Read More…

Screw Your Running Shoes This Winter Season With 36 1/2" Sheet Metal Screws

Screw Your Running Shoes This Winter Season With 36 1/2" Sheet Metal Screws

I subscribe to StrideBox and I found this postcard in the box that I wanted to share with you. If you plan to run all Winter long, you can make it through the snow and the ice with aplomb with just 36 1/2" sheet metal screws.

Screw Your Running Shoes This Winter Season With 36 1/2" Sheet Metal Screws - Read More…

Invest In The Sailors Not The Boat; Invest In The Workers Not The Company

Invest In The Sailors Not The Boat; Invest In The Workers Not The Company

When you buy into a company or a project, either via the stock market or a crypto exchange, you should focus more on who’s in the boat rather than the boat.

Invest In The Sailors Not The Boat; Invest In The Workers Not The Company - Read More…

Second Spin at CYCLEBAR

Second Spin at CYCLEBAR

I took the advice given in the book Bike Shorts: arrive 15-minutes early. So I left at like 5 til 7 and walked the mile to class.

Second Spin at CYCLEBAR - Read More…

Day One of Becoming a Spin Goddess at CycleBar

Day One of Becoming a Spin Goddess at CycleBar

I started walking at ten-til 7 PM because I remembered that there was a little over a mile between me and CYCLEBAR Columbia Pike by foot, walking.

Day One of Becoming a Spin Goddess at CycleBar - Read More…

Forget Pump and Dump, Pimp and Hodl

Forget Pump and Dump, Pimp and Hodl

If you’re invested in a company or business, wouldn’t you want that organization to thrive?

Forget Pump and Dump, Pimp and Hodl - Read More…

The History, Present, and Future of Mobile Apps

The History, Present, and Future of Mobile Apps

The app store has come a long way; though, in some ways, it hasn’t changed at all.

The History, Present, and Future of Mobile Apps - Read More…

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