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Sweet running loops from the PBC boathouse

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When I worked at New Media Strategies back from 2002-2006, belonged to a gym in the building in Rosslyn and would pop out at night for a loop run in the evening.


When I worked at New Media Strategies back from 2002-2006, belonged to a gym in the building in Rosslyn and would pop out at night for a loop run in the evening. Now that I am going to be spending so much more time at the PBC boathouse, I thought I would start jogging those loops again since the boathouse is literally on the loop I used to take before. There's a short loop:

It's a loop that goes through Georgetown, across Memorial Bridge, along the Virginia side of the Potomac River, and then back over Key Bridge. Good stuff. Very scenic and just a little cooler during the hot and humid DC Summer.

And then there's a much longer loop that goes all the way to 14th street bridge and around:

There's a lot more exposure and it's honestly a lot longer run for someone like me who is a very slow jogger. But, it's all river miles, along the DC side, across 14th street bridge, and then back across the river on the Virginia side, and then across the Key Bridge and back to the boathouse.

I mean, this is all aspirational. I wouldn't expect myself to be able to ride there and back and then also do a big long walk run jog. But I will be able to by the end of the Summer. Probably sooner than later, inshallah.