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How to fix Hulu on Roku

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When I booted up my trusty Hulu this AM on my trusty Roku Player, I got an all-text blue-and-green mess that erased all of my preferences, my lists, my shows, and everything. I was upset but I then figured it out. I hope this helps.

How to fix Hulu on Roku

Broken new Hulu interface on Roku

If you turned on your TV, booted up Roku, and then rushed over to Hulu to see what shows your missed overnight, you might have had a scare this morning. I know I did. When I arrived, all I saw was the screen to the right and at the bottom of this post.

I was super-bummed and complained all over social media. Then, I sorted it all out. I am not happy with the new interface but at least I didn't lose all of my preference in everything else. This isn't ideal at all but it's working for me right now. Here's how:

Go in through your phone (or device or maybe online, I didn't do it that way). Going in through the Hulu app that I downloaded on Google Play let me import all my stuff from the old app--all my preferences, lists, shows, and programs.

So, download the app on your smart phone, login from the app, and then follow the directions that the app walks you through in a very step-by-step wizard. It works. I am watching Hulu right now via my TV via the Roku app.

The transition doesn't happen at all via the Roku app. Then, be sure to restart your Roku through the settings.  After transitioning from the old Hulu interface to the new Hulu interface via my Android phone's Hulu app.

Now, post Roku restart, I actually have images and photos and so forth. Personally, I'm using an Android Samsung S6 Active, just for reference--though I am certain it'll work on Apple iPhones, and iPads. I downloaded off the play store and logged in and it walked me through the transition via a step by step wizard.

Be sure to restart your Roku through the settings. Now I actually have images and photos and so forth

I hope that helps. You can restart the Roku device either via the Settings>System>System restart or just unplug the little bugger and plug it back it. Same thing, to me.

I sure hope that saves some frustration on your behalf. I fear that Hulu might lose a of customers otherwise. 

Hulu's new app interface on Roku gone wrong and how to fix it

Sep 20, 2017 03:45 PM