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Official Chris Abraham Blog

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Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999. Here Chris Abraham's official blog.
Running: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 21:16:16: Made it to four miles!

Running: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 21:16:16: Made it to four miles!

Made it to four miles! Made it to four miles! So slow but very nice and amusing and refreshing.

Running: Mon, 13 Aug 2018 21:16:16: Made it to four miles! - Read More…

I've always been a slow runner

I've always been a slow runner

Sometimes I feel like I was much quicker in my 20s and 30s. Well, I wasn't.

I've always been a slow runner - Read More…

Running update

Running update

Okay, I've completed nine runs in the last sixteen days. Up until now, I feel like it's all been shaking down my body, making sure everything works right.

Running update - Read More…

How to win friends and influence influencers

How to win friends and influence influencers

The more I can become a helpful, useful, wise, and generous intermediary between creators and brands, the more effective I can be when it comes to making that love connection–and being sure that connection makes the mark.

How to win friends and influence influencers - Read More…

Getting some rowing in (I never remotely do it enough: frequency, intensity, or duration)

Getting some rowing in (I never remotely do it enough: frequency, intensity, or duration)

I was able to motivate myself enough, even after a terrible sinus headache, into doing almost seven thousand easy meters. It wasn't a lot in terms of intensity, distance, or duration, but I got it done

Getting some rowing in (I never remotely do it enough: frequency, intensity, or duration) - Read More…

Running: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 20:20:19: I was hungry so I ran to Whole Foods for prepared dinner

Running: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 20:20:19: I was hungry so I ran to Whole Foods for prepared dinner

I was hungry so I ran to Whole Foods for prepared dinner-- I put my hunger at the end of a two-mile run. Sort of an athletic food tax. I ended up taking the 16G bus home instead of making it a loop.

Running: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 20:20:19: I was hungry so I ran to Whole Foods for prepared dinner - Read More…

Running: Tue, 7 Aug 2018 21:15:50: It's my longest run so far since my running renaissance

Running: Tue, 7 Aug 2018 21:15:50: It's my longest run so far since my running renaissance

It's my longest run so far since my running renaissance. But I cheated because, by the time I hit the road, it was a quarter after nine at night It's late, cool, and I have water.

Running: Tue, 7 Aug 2018 21:15:50: It's my longest run so far since my running renaissance - Read More…

Running: Thu, 4 Aug 2018 18:40:21

Running: Thu, 4 Aug 2018 18:40:21

Well, this was only .70 miles longer than regular but it was much more scenic. The dorky hat I'm wearing is a heart rate sensor. So worth being a dork.

Running: Thu, 4 Aug 2018 18:40:21 - Read More…

Running: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 21:22:21: got my groove back

Running: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 21:22:21: got my groove back

out halfway but got my groove back. So glad the rain stopped and so happy I could maintain motivated even after 7,000 meters plus going like crazy on the erg.

Running: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 21:22:21: got my groove back - Read More…

Running: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 19:17:01: got er done

Running: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 19:17:01: got er done

Slower and shorter but got er done! This awesome, super big and super orange chest rig performed beautifully.

Running: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 19:17:01: got er done - Read More…

Influencer marketing is like a wedding

Influencer marketing is like a wedding

In many ways, influencer marketing is just like a wedding: the wedding is being thrown for the bride; however, the reception is thrown for the guests.

Influencer marketing is like a wedding - Read More…

Influencer marketing should be fun

Influencer marketing should be fun

Pattern your influencer marketing campaigns on comic cons and you can’t go wrong: people dress up in cosplay, who knows what happens at night, and there’s shameless branding, selling, promoting, marketing, and influencing everywhere you look. It’s built in!

Influencer marketing should be fun - Read More…

Running: Sun, 29 Jul 2018 20:02:07: 3-miles slow jogging

Running: Sun, 29 Jul 2018 20:02:07: 3-miles slow jogging

3-miles slow jogging, .32 miles spirited walking. I was creaky today. Need to stretch and use my rollers tonight.

Running: Sun, 29 Jul 2018 20:02:07: 3-miles slow jogging - Read More…

Running: Sat, 28 Jul 2018 21:32:39: Third run of the rest of my life!

Running: Sat, 28 Jul 2018 21:32:39: Third run of the rest of my life!

Third run of the rest of my life! Night run. My body was more physically tired tonight so I guess this even slower run is sort of a recovery run? My form was more like marching band leader than even slow Jogging. You know what that looks like right? In marching band? Huzzah! Activity: Run

Running: Sat, 28 Jul 2018 21:32:39: Third run of the rest of my life! - Read More…

An hour on the road every day

An hour on the road every day

So, I made the following pledge: Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night stays this runner from spending an hour shuffling around outside every single day*

An hour on the road every day - Read More…

Running: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 20:11:23: Really smooth and cool and easy

Running: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 20:11:23: Really smooth and cool and easy

Really smooth and cool and easy. Walked hills and took rights and lefts at as many hills as I could but it was a fun time!

Running: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 20:11:23: Really smooth and cool and easy - Read More…

My first run since I was sick in January 2017!

My first run since I was sick in January 2017!

I took the first run of the rest of my life after being sick back in January 2017 this morning. Call my form Japanese Slow Jogging or Zombie Shuffle--the Cliff Young Ultra Shuffle?--but this is where it starts.

My first run since I was sick in January 2017! - Read More…

TUNG Brush influencer marketing case study from Kristen Matthews

TUNG Brush influencer marketing case study from Kristen Matthews

It’s always very important to get your client on your side, on your team. If you don’t have their buy-in, they might not be willing to commit so much time, money, and resources to something that could fail–especially in a world with lots and lots of affiliate marketing and advertising products.

TUNG Brush influencer marketing case study from Kristen Matthews - Read More…

My all time favorite quote about creative genius is from Six Degrees of Separation

My all time favorite quote about creative genius is from Six Degrees of Separation

"I remembered asking my kids' second-grade teacher: 'Why are all your students geniuses? Look at the first grade - blotches of green and black. The third grade - camouflage. But your grade, the second grade, Matisses, every one. You've made my child a Matisse. Let me study with you. Let me into the second grade. What is your secret?' 'I don't have any secret. I just know when to take their drawings away from them.'"

My all time favorite quote about creative genius is from Six Degrees of Separation - Read More…

Facebook Personal Profiles can no longer be connected to Buffer Publish

Facebook Personal Profiles can no longer be connected to Buffer Publish

You can no longer connect personal Facebook Profiles to Buffer Publish, and from July 26, 2018, you will no longer be able to post to Facebook Profiles that were previously connected. You will still be able to connect and manage Facebook Pages and Groups.

Facebook Personal Profiles can no longer be connected to Buffer Publish - Read More…

What influencers want and expect from influencer marketing

What influencers want and expect from influencer marketing

When it comes to getting reviews and coverage from online influencers, you’ll only get exactly the amount of value that you put in, be it in the form of merchandise, compensation, respect, access, exclusivity, fandom, discounts, or even sweet residual profits from affiliate codes and profit-sharing.

What influencers want and expect from influencer marketing - Read More…

Atlas Shape Fitness Tracker Review

Atlas Shape Fitness Tracker Review

The Atlas Shape, by Austin-based Atlas Wearables, is a legit fitness tracker, including steps, sleep, personal-training, training programs--but for me, it's only a half-solution to me.

Atlas Shape Fitness Tracker Review - Read More…

What clients want and expect from influencer marketing

What clients want and expect from influencer marketing

Clients want sales. In terms of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), sales are king. People want to make money—not after seven-touches or down the road—but now!

What clients want and expect from influencer marketing - Read More…

Transition Your Website to HTTPS-compliance NOW to Stop It From Being Marked Not Secure

Transition Your Website to HTTPS-compliance NOW to Stop It From Being Marked Not Secure

While it’s probably a good idea to work towards being 100% natively HTTPS-compliant, CloudFlare will get you through the Google Chrome Summer Bloodbath of 2018.

Transition Your Website to HTTPS-compliance NOW to Stop It From Being Marked Not Secure - Read More…

Atlas Wristband2 review: fitness tracker for kettlebell swings

Atlas Wristband2 review: fitness tracker for kettlebell swings

I bought my Atlas Wristband2 exclusively to keep track of my daily kettlebell swings. And it does an amazing job of tracking my swings as well as other kettlebell, TRX, and floor workouts. This is my review.

Atlas Wristband2 review: fitness tracker for kettlebell swings - Read More…

Influencer marketing can drive traffic to your new website

Influencer marketing can drive traffic to your new website

I am talking about the real-time effect of a good outreach campaign that comes flooding in an extreme traffic volume spike immediately after and in the 72-hours after each influencer outreach.

Influencer marketing can drive traffic to your new website - Read More…

Steal this online reputation management process

Steal this online reputation management process

Online reputation management (ORM) is the practice of crafting strategies that shape or influence the public perception of an organization, individual or other entity on the Internet. It helps drive public opinion about a business and its products and services.

Steal this online reputation management process - Read More…

Easy baked bone-in chicken thighs recipe

Easy baked bone-in chicken thighs recipe

I am always looking for quick, easy, delicious ways to eat chicken. I used to be a breast white meat kind of guy (that's just how I grew up) but I have fallen for dark meat.

Easy baked bone-in chicken thighs recipe - Read More…

Consider your own fat mass in your kettlebell workouts

Consider your own fat mass in your kettlebell workouts

I am around 300 pounds (136kg) and my fat mass is around 33%-40%. 300lbs*.33=99lbs (45kg) and 300lbs*.40=120lbs (54.5kg). It's really important for all of us plus-sized (ahem, obese), big and tall, boys and girls to consider how much extra weight we have on our bones when we take up kettlebell training.

Consider your own fat mass in your kettlebell workouts - Read More…

Christening my new pair of Nike Pegasus running shoes

Christening my new pair of Nike Pegasus running shoes

I know I should be running instead of writing about running but I was reinstalling run-tracking apps onto my Samsung Galaxy S8 Active and wanted to start with a fresh pair of running shoes since you can plug your runners into a couple of the apps and then when you track a run the apps will also track the mileage that you put onto your shoes.

Christening my new pair of Nike Pegasus running shoes - Read More…

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