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Official Chris Abraham Blog

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Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999. Here Chris Abraham's official blog.
Run, Chris! Run

Run, Chris! Run

As reported by Nicole Wilson, I started running again -- after ten years -- on Sep 24, 2002

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Post Mortem of Grotto Whole House Party

Post Mortem of Grotto Whole House Party

The night went exceptionally smoothly. Estimates of 200-300 people. All the cool kids were to come -- and most did.

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Collecting My Family on 9/11

When I realized the import of what was going on, I called Michelle Nolan, my recent Ex, and told her that I was jumping into the Jeep and dashing back over to Dupont so that I could collect her from her 10th floor condo, right up the street from the State Department and relatively close to the Executive Branch. And she lives in a Studio apartment, one wall of which is glass. And she lives with our dog Suzi.

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Upon Arrival at the Grotto on 9/11

Upon returning to the Grotto, my pad, I joined Kate and Isa on the blue Ikea loveseat. They were hunched over, squinting at the little Sony 19" TV with all their might. The room was dark. Kate told me my mom had called to tell me what was going on. When she called, Kate and Isa had turned on the TV. Neither of them watches. Only my obsessive NPR-listening kept me informed as returned from Michelle's.

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Lincoln Park and the Explosion on 9/11

I returned to the Hill, and was rounding Lincoln park, on 11th Street, SE, and I heard an enormous, muffled, but distant blast. There were rumors on the radio that there was a bomb at the State Department. Michelle works at the State Department.

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Driving the Jeep Home on 9/11

I must have spent some time with Michelle, as she was under the weather, because on my drive back from Michelle's pad in Dupont, I had the windows rolled down and Morning Edition on the radio. It was then that I heard about the 0850 and 0904 crashes into the World Trade Center. First into the first Twin Tower (as I knew them) and then the second, respectively.

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Chez Michelle

A year ago this morning at 0719, 11 September 2001, I woke up with Michelle. Michelle had recently moved out of our shared apartment and into her new condo in the Chandra Levy building in deepest, darkest Dupont, Washington, DC, US.

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September 21st ZPugDC meeting at GWU, near Foggy Bottom Metro

Thanks to Michael McLay and GWU, we have a place, a time, and a date for the next Zope Python User Group Meeting. The next ZPug will meet on Saturday, 21 September, 2002, at the Tompkins Hall of Engineering on the GW campus. Rejoice!

September 21st ZPugDC meeting at GWU, near Foggy Bottom Metro - Read More…

The Defilement of the Bean

I just returned from grabbing my my morning coffee. I usually stop at Starbucks for a Venti Americano. I believe its a few shots of espresso and steaming hot water. I drink it black. The obese woman ahead of me exited the store, at 9am, with a Venti Gargantuan Iced White Mocha Chocolate Frapuccino with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

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Un Petit Mot de News

Another sweet missive from our globe-trotting Golden Child, Miss Kate Turner. Kate is on her way back soon, from an extended stay in India. In both the palacial homes of friends from Washington, as well as in a Yoga Ashram as an acolyte Yogini. To follow is her latest email to the posse list.

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Happy Birthday Mark Harrison

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mark, happy birthday to you. How old are you now? How old are you now? As old as a Sow, now? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, you live in a Zoo, you look like a monkey and you smell like one too.

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Man, Woman; DC, Annapolis

I am responding to Nicole Wilson's article entitled "Gyms- Too Gay or To Gaze?" wherein she compares the gym culture of Washington, DC, and Annapolis, MD.

Man, Woman; DC, Annapolis - Read More…

Sqeak Squeak the Rat is Dead

Squeak Squeak! The Rat is dead! Which old Rat? The Wicked Rat! Squeak Squeak! The Wicked Rat is dead.

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Why I Don't Have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post 9-11

There is a study I heard reported this morning on NPR that explored the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on New Yorkers and then on the rest of the nation.

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Harry Potter, Oxford, and the Whole Enchilada

I am freshly home from ten days in the UK. Most of the time was spent in Oxford while attending a conference at the University; the rest was spent with delightful friends nearer to London.

Harry Potter, Oxford, and the Whole Enchilada - Read More…

London Life After Dark Sunday

London Life After Dark Sunday

London just after dark and into the night near Piccadilly and so forth Just Isn't Cricket.

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London, the Baroness, and Me

London, the Baroness, and Me

I spend the entire morning unable to connect with any of my mates in London.

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Grand Jury Duty Post Mortem

Grand Jury Duty Post Mortem

Before coming to NLADA I received a Jury summons in the mail. Not being worldly enough to know that there was such a massive difference between petit jury and grand jury, I really didn’t make much of it. It would be a couple days at most, and I am sure I would be passed over. I was, after all, working for an association known for its position helping poor folks find good legal assistance. What prosecutor would want to put up with such a loose cannon?

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Oxford University, Pembroke College, and a Student Cell

Oxford University, Pembroke College, and a Student Cell

After a smashing time in London. Well, a bleeding bloody humid smashingly hot brilliant time in London, I was off to Oxford University.

Oxford University, Pembroke College, and a Student Cell - Read More…

Smithsonian Young Benefactor Schmooze and Kuna

Last night Sarah invited me to escort her to the Happy Hour at the Clarendon Grill, hosted by the The Young Benefactors of the Smithsonian Institution.

Smithsonian Young Benefactor Schmooze and Kuna - Read More…

Kuna Italian Restaurant Review

Kuna is such a delicious dreamboat of a little Country Italian cum French Provincial restaurant run like a family joint by the charming and inspired Chef Mark Giuricich.

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To Pittsburgh With Love

I spontaneously sped towards Pittsburgh, PA, last Saturday afternoon. Hurtling Northwest on Interstate 70. Moving and passing right at 80-85. Sweet Suzi by my Side. Towards what I thought was an heroic act of being a Gentleman for Miss Sarah Connerley.

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Soiree at Chez Luntz

Last night Mark brought me to Frank Luntz's home to enjoy some baseball.

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Orange GSM SIM for my World Phone

I just bought my first SIM card from Telestial so that when I am in the UK, I will have a British phone number that you can ring me at while I am away for oh such a brief stint.

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Title TK by The Breeders - Worth the Decade Wait!

Title TK by The Breeders - Worth the Decade Wait!

I just picked up Title TK by the Breeders and I must say that its worth the $5 I paid, and even $100 more.

Title TK by The Breeders - Worth the Decade Wait! - Read More…

The Gold Buddha

The Gold Buddha

The following story is true. Or, er, rather, I heard it whilst backpacking around Bangkok.

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The Newly-Minted Mr. and Mrs. Van Praagh

The Newly-Minted Mr. and Mrs. Van Praagh

I arrived home at 0430 this morning. On Thursday night, Mark and I headed off in my Jeep towards Saint James, NY, in order to attend the wedding of Mr. Ian Van Praagh and Miss Anne Brossard. This was no ordinary wedding, this wedding was extraordinary.

The Newly-Minted Mr. and Mrs. Van Praagh - Read More…

Wholly Crêpes

Wholly Crêpes

Because Miss Sarah Connerley and I have been unable to hook up, we met this morning with Miss Michelle Nolan, my darling ex, Miss Kate Turner, my housemate, and Mr. Jonah Bernier Crawford, to enjoy my specialty: homemade crêpes.

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