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Consulting Services
The following menu may look expansive, but it isn't. We're a new media marketing and new media PR firm -- with well over a decade of experience in web strategy and emergent technology.

Online Reputation Management and Crisis Response
You can’t control online conversation unless you participate. You’ll never be able to control what's being said about you online like you can with Main Stream Media (the press, TV, magazine, etc). Don’t even try.

About Abraham Harrison LLC
Traditional advertising, public relations, and marketing agencies are spending a lot of money and poaching a lot of talent to convince you they get how to reach folks online, but they don't. They're putting lipstick on a pig. Madison Avenue doesn't get it, 50-year-old firms don't get it, and your local PR shop doesn't get it either.
A Spirited Loop of Central Park is 7.22 Miles of Running
I just got back from a 7.22 mile run around Central Park.
Attending a Wedding with Wendy Gottlieb
A photo from August 19, 2006, of Wendy Gottlieb and me attending some wedding or another
Encrypting your emails is a stupid idea for privacy freaks
If you think that saying "bomb" in your email is a bad idea, try passing an encrypted message.

Lucy Kellaway is an Examplar Bicycle Commuter
Brava, Ms. Kellaway, for doing a much better job of evangelizing pedal bike commuting.
I Commuted to Work on My Bike this Morning
The weather was ideal, the road conditions swift, and the en-suite shower at Edelman DC amazingly convenient.

Smart new book teaches teens that sex is not an obligation
Most young men and women (boys and girls) have sex because they feel developmentally obligated to, not because they're ready.
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