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Official Chris Abraham Blog

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Chris has had a web presence since 1993 and started blogging in 1999. Here Chris Abraham's official blog.
Idido Coffee and Social House is my new local coffee shop off Columbia Pike in South Arlington

Idido Coffee and Social House is my new local coffee shop off Columbia Pike in South Arlington

I never cottoned to Rappahannock Coffee and one never wants to make a Starbucks your local. Idido's Coffee is perfect. Lots of room, great Wi-Fi, friendly people, delicious coffee as well as lots of other beverages. There's also breakfast croissants and pastries, both sweet and savory, and I think they serve lunch and salads and whatnot. All within 4 min (0.8 mi) of my front door.

Idido Coffee and Social House is my new local coffee shop off Columbia Pike in South Arlington - Read More…

Spring 2019 Update

Spring 2019 Update

Happy Spring! I’m taking a breather to reconnect with you after a busy past six months.

Spring 2019 Update - Read More…

Takinging it slow with my Concept2 SkiErg

Takinging it slow with my Concept2 SkiErg

When I bought a Concept2 SkiErg, I thought I would spend so much time using it. But the SkiErg is extremely unique.

Takinging it slow with my Concept2 SkiErg - Read More…

Strength is earned, feeble happens

Strength is earned, feeble happens

I've returned to swinging heavy kettlebells, starting where a man my size and age should, 24kg.

Strength is earned, feeble happens - Read More…

My current (and latest) fitness and weightloss plan

My current (and latest) fitness and weightloss plan

Last week, I recommitted to intermittent fasting (IF) and even shook hands with my buddy Mike over it. Then, I met an Uber driver, Ralph, who had great success with Keto.

My current (and latest) fitness and weightloss plan - Read More…

Morning Walk-Run with Errands and Breakfast and Coffee and Laundry Stops

Morning Walk-Run with Errands and Breakfast and Coffee and Laundry Stops

Sort of more of an outing and a visit to the pharmacist and then to breakfast in the park and then laundry and coffee and then pick up laundry and then home.

Morning Walk-Run with Errands and Breakfast and Coffee and Laundry Stops - Read More…

My First Run of the Season and 2019

My First Run of the Season and 2019

My first run of the season! Huzzah! Yes, my patented slow jog, ultra shuffle, zombie amble! So pumped!

My First Run of the Season and 2019 - Read More…

My review of the TB12 Plant-Based Protein chocolate powder supplement

My review of the TB12 Plant-Based Protein chocolate powder supplement

The plant-based protein powder that I am using after I come home from spin class every night is from TB12 (10% off with discount code PBP10). I like it.

My review of the TB12 Plant-Based Protein chocolate powder supplement - Read More…

Recovery from intense physical activity is a real thing

Recovery from intense physical activity is a real thing

While I do concede that recovery days do rob me of valuable caloric expenditure, fitness is a series of ascending plateaus.

Recovery from intense physical activity is a real thing - Read More…

Posse mailing list blast from the past

I had my own Listserv based on Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager. I called it the Posse mailing list and I don't know how active everyone else was with regards to using it, but I loved it. I love Mailman. I wrote my entire travel journal when I flew around the world and visited Asia and Europe, etc, and I emailed my missives to [email protected]. Maybe now that I know the archives were at maybe I can follow the Wayback Machine and find it. Maybe.

Posse mailing list blast from the past - Read More…

Catch and Kill by J.D. Lasica Review

Catch and Kill by J.D. Lasica Review

Catch and Kill: A Shadow Operatives Thriller by J.D. Lasica is an exciting portal into the tech and threats in the near future; it's both wild adventure fantasy novel but also too plausible as a near future we will need to address that will surely make the nuclear or climate threat seem quaint by comparison. It's a fun ride with heroines and villains and existential crises and the amazing technology of the very near future.

Catch and Kill by J.D. Lasica Review - Read More…

Hill Mole Spy Novel

Hill Mole Spy Novel

I started writing this spy novel casually on May 13, 2005, and sort of petered out on July 20, 2017. I aspire to continue. I blame Facebook and Twitter because I really stopped contributing to the novel, still alive at But I had so much fun writing it. And I truly aspire to get her done, or make her a life's work. Ironically, it's still running a 2006 version of Six Apart's MovableType running Perl. I try my hardest to keep the code alive!

Hill Mole Spy Novel - Read More…

Second Run of the Season but Same Day

Second Run of the Season but Same Day

Red as a beet but basically jog walk run shuffle stumble on the way back home on the second part of my first run of the bloody season. 1.43 miles in. Huzzah!

Second Run of the Season but Same Day - Read More…

When a bot writes a Hallmark Christmas movie based on a 1,000 hours of Hallmark Christmas movies

When a bot writes a Hallmark Christmas movie based on a 1,000 hours of Hallmark Christmas movies

Keaton Patti tweeted this at 10:34 AM on 12 Dec 2018: "I forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Hallmark Christmas movies and then asked it to write a Hallmark Christmas movie of its own. Here is the first page." This is honestly the funniest thing I have ever read in my entire life.

When a bot writes a Hallmark Christmas movie based on a 1,000 hours of Hallmark Christmas movies - Read More…

Walking really is the absolutely perfect adaptive exercise for us heavy people!

Walking really is the absolutely perfect adaptive exercise for us heavy people!

Everyone wants to think that running or jogging or even a spin bike or the elliptical is the way to get back in shape after waking up one day and realizing you're 350 pounds—or more.

Walking really is the absolutely perfect adaptive exercise for us heavy people! - Read More…

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

One of the most wonderful short stories ever written. Charming and powerful in any year but becoming more and more prescient as we move boldly into the future. While I am more than aware that the left and right is a pendulum, forever swinging hither and thither, the upswell of both populism and its reactionary response, political correctness, has made this short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., more proof that the author might very well have been a time traveler from the future.

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - Read More…

Satan Says by Sharon Olds

Satan Says by Sharon Olds

Being exposed to the profane done artfully and in a way that shows the humanness innate in blasphemy and heresy. This poem, by poet Sharon Olds, from her book Satan Says, was one of those experiences. That and The Pope's Penis, another of her poems.

Satan Says by Sharon Olds - Read More…

Primitive by Sharon Olds

Primitive by Sharon Olds

The only thing that separates us Americans in 2019 from men 50,000 years ago is the hubris of modernity. We are all primitive and Sharon Old gets it. And it's beautiful and meaningful, both.

Primitive by Sharon Olds - Read More…

Sex Without Love by Sharon Olds

Sex Without Love by Sharon Olds

Maybe I have been hobbled by growing up Catholic or putting women on pedestals because of all-boys school. But I have never swiped left or right on Tinder. I am no choir boy. I have had more than my fair share. But going through lovers has never been the way I have ever passed my time. It's neither sport nor a source of story or content. I feel like Sharon Olds gets my feelings perfectly right.

Sex Without Love by Sharon Olds - Read More…

The Unborn by Sharon Olds

The Unborn by Sharon Olds

I don't know if I will ever have children. If I will ever be a parent. Sometimes a feel a longing. Sometimes I feel a lack. I probab;ly won't. It's not looking good.

The Unborn by Sharon Olds - Read More…

Topography by Sharon Olds

Topography by Sharon Olds

I've had a couple amazing long distance relationships in my life and they were always so passionate. Sharon Olds is the best when it comes to passionate. She gets me.

Topography by Sharon Olds - Read More…

Almost a Week of Riding Every Day

Almost a Week of Riding Every Day

Well, I have had so much fun going to indoor cycling class every day since Monday—even in all of this freezing Polar Vortex weather. I have taken a variety of classes, I have made friends, I have hopefully gotten stronger, but I can also feel a certain level of diminishing return from riding every day.

Almost a Week of Riding Every Day - Read More…

Oatmeal by Galway Kinnell

Oatmeal by Galway Kinnell

I believe that Oatmeal is my first poem by Galway Kinnell and I think of it and him every time I cook up my Bob's Red Mill stone ground oats with milk and maple syrup.

Oatmeal by Galway Kinnell - Read More…

St. Francis And The Sow by Galway Kinnell

St. Francis And The Sow by Galway Kinnell

This may very well be my favorite favorite poem by poet Galway Kinnell. It encompasses the heart of what I feel the poet was. His poetry elevates the base as divine, something with which I both agree and appreciate.

St. Francis And The Sow by Galway Kinnell - Read More…

After Making Love We Hear Footsteps by Galway Kinnell

After Making Love We Hear Footsteps by Galway Kinnell

I don't have much of an instinct for marrying or having children. The only time I really felt a deep desire to become a husband and a father is after reading this beautiful poem by Galway Kinnell

After Making Love We Hear Footsteps by Galway Kinnell - Read More…

Blackberry Eating by Galway Kinnell

Blackberry Eating by Galway Kinnell

I blame Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Sharon Olds, and Galway Kinnell for my love of poetry. Here's one of Kinnell's most famous and most lovely poems.

Blackberry Eating by Galway Kinnell - Read More…

Everything about SEO in one infographic skyscraper tower

Hristina Nikolovska, Head of Marketing at SEO Tribunal, sent me this extremely comprehensive infographic about search engine optimization.

Everything about SEO in one infographic skyscraper tower - Read More…

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