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On contradicting my Marine dad's sage health advice

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My dad's advice was "if you don't need to run, walk; if you don't need to walk, stand; if you don't need to stand, sit; if you don't need to sit, lie down." I am embracing the diametrically opposite.

On contradicting my Marine dad's sage health advice

Treadmill Desk with Standing Pad

Semper Strenuus

If you’re a U.S. Marine like my dad was in his youth, you live your life double-time in your boots. In the case of the Marines, you need to get your rest when and where you can find it. It’s in these cases when "if you don't need to run, walk; if you don't need to walk, stand; if you don't need to stand, sit; if you don't need to sit, lie down; and, when you can, sleep” makes the most sense.

Semper Sedentarius

On the other hand, if you’re an online technologist like I am, it’s terrible advice! I live on my ass full-time if I am not careful. To remain healthy and happy through my 50s and 60s and 70s—and to even contemplate my 80s and 90s—I need to diametrically oppose my dad’s sage advice. Instead: if you can stand, stand; if you can walk, walk; if you can hike, hike; if you can jog, jog; if you can run, run; and if you can sprint, sprint (and, because I am a rower, I’ll add if you’re sitting there watching TV or listening to podcasts or audiobooks, you should get off your duff, get off the couch, get out of bed, and spend that time on Hulu, Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc, on the Concept2 indoor rower or the Keiser M3 spin bike.

Keiser M3 Spin Bike

That’s why buying a treadmill desk was such a wise decision even though my LifeSpan TR1200 treadmill desk was a big investment at $1,500. Worth it!

My Motivation

I am writing this blog post to self-motivate me; hopefully, it’ll also motivate you, too. I had been convalescing from the kind of lower back pain that turns your body into a question mark and inflames every part of your body, including getting around and walking. I felt like a coconut crab, creeping and crawling around like an invalid. I feel much better now and I am trying to merge back into my good habits: erging, spinning, biking, walking, and working at home from my treadmill desk. But it’s not easy. There’s a gulf between how fit and spry I felt before the back pain and now. So, I’ll need to remediate and start back off at pretty close to zero. I am not 350lbs anymore (closer to 315, still reducing) but it’s still frustrating. I will be starting a rowing challenge in ten days, but I really should get as close to ship shape as I can beforehand. That’s the motivation behind this. It’s probably obvious.

Concept2 Model C Indoor Rowing Ergometer

If I can stand, stand; if I can walk, walk; if I can hike, hike; if I can jog, jog; if I can run, run; if I can sprint, sprint; if I can bike, bike; and if I can row, row. Amen!

Via Substack.

Dec 22, 2021 09:42 AM