Where I want to keep all the images on the site. Hope I don't break everything!
- Moon, Mars, and the Air Force Memorial
- My route via Google Maps
- Moon, Mars, and the Air Force Memorial
- Moon, Mars, and the Air Force Memorial
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
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- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Memories of my SOMA Delancey Gucci Bike POW MIA RIP Berlin
- Thanks to it being Aluminum and relatively inexpensive, my Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike lived outside during the day. I would always bring it inside at night
- The beautiful Zandria Marcuson while she was visiting Berlin and she stayed with me and we took several bike rides and she got to meet my Langster Gangster in person!
- The beautiful Zandria Marcuson while she was visiting Berlin and she stayed with me and we took several bike rides and she got to meet my Langster Gangster in person!
- The beautiful Zandria Marcuson while she was visiting Berlin and she stayed with me and we took several bike rides and she got to meet my Langster Gangster in person!
- Here's my Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike living inside its home-at-the-time, Lehrter Straße 5d, Mitte, Berlin.
- Here's my Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike locked at a pole with the biggest, stoutest, U-lock I could buy. I wasn't that worries about stolen wheels as it didn't have quick release hubs or a quick release on the saddle. So, I would just secure the frame
- Here's my Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike locked at a pole with the biggest, stoutest, U-lock I could buy. I wasn't that worries about stolen wheels as it didn't have quick release hubs or a quick release on the saddle. So, I would just secure the frame
- The beautiful Zandria Marcuson while she was visiting Berlin and she stayed with me and we took several bike rides and she got to meet my Langster Gangster in person!
- The beautiful Zandria Marcuson while she was visiting Berlin and she stayed with me and we took several bike rides and she got to meet my Langster Gangster in person!
- Here's my Specialized Langster Gangster single speed bike locked at a pole with the biggest, stoutest, U-lock I could buy. I wasn't that worries about stolen wheels as it didn't have quick release hubs or a quick release on the saddle. So, I would just secure the frame.
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- BAGGU leather carrier bag
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- NIcool Sports Cycling Towel
- NIcool Sports Cycling Towel
- Get Fit, Get Fierce with Kettlebell Swings: Just 12 Minutes a Day to Lose Weight, Prevent Sitting Disease, Hone Your Body and Tone Your Booty!
- Blue 12kg competition kettlebell by CFF FIT
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- Gymboss Minimax Interval Timer
- Kettlebells USA 24 kg - 53 lb Metrixx® Elite Precision E-Coat Kettlebell
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- BTBSIGN Interval Timer
- Get Fit, Get Fierce with Kettlebell Swings
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- SkiErg Doublepole Technique
- dinosaur , T-rex , Tyrannosaurus on white background
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- Kettlebells USA 24 kg - 53 lb Metrixx® Elite Precision E-Coat Kettlebell
- dinosaur , T-rex , Tyrannosaurus on white background
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