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Session Seven: The Road to Vallaki, Visions of Fate, and the Ever-Tempting Pastries

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As dawn broke over the cursed land of Barovia, the adventurers—Valen’eir, the reckless elven wizard; Radley, the brilliant yet impulsive human fighter; and Traxidor, the steadfast half-elf cleric—found themselves standing at the precipice of another chapter in their fateful journey. The cold gloom of morning did little to lift the weight that pressed upon them, but the mission remained unchanged: escort Ireena Kolyana to safety in Vallaki, the so-called beacon of hope in Strahd's domain.
Session Seven: The Road to Vallaki, Visions of Fate, and the Ever-Tempting Pastries

Radley on a Meat Pie

In Barovia, even the simplest of paths are never so straightforward.

The Parting of Ways & A Mother’s Woe

After a meager breakfast of thin porridge prepared by Ireena, the party bid farewell to Ismark, her brother. His parting words carried the tone of a man who knew he might never see his sister again. "Keep her safe," he implored, his gaze heavy with unspoken burdens.

No sooner had they set foot on the road north when they encountered a wailing woman clutching a porcelain doll. Her name was Mary, and her daughter Gertruda had disappeared. When asked, Ireena explained that the girl had been sheltered her whole life and had likely been lured away by whispers of a world beyond her mother’s suffocating protection.

There was no time to chase after another lost soul. Traxidor, ever practical, advised against getting involved. Yet, how many more broken families would they pass on this cursed road? How many more would they have to leave behind? These were questions that would linger in their minds as they pressed forward.

Temptation in the Form of a Pastry Cart

Then came the encounter that would alter the course of the journey in a subtle but insidious way.

An old woman appeared, pushing a rickety cart down the street. The scent that wafted from her offerings was irresistible—rich, savory, warm. It struck a cruel contrast against the unrelenting cold of Barovia, against the flavorless rations, the thin broth, the memories of hunger.

Radley, without hesitation, bought three. The first bite was ecstasy—a taste of something beyond Barovia, beyond suffering. For a moment, warmth filled his body, and the shadows that had taken residence in his mind were cast away.

But there was something wrong. Ireena refused to touch the pastries, her demeanor turning distant. The rest of the party declined as well, though Radley had already succumbed to their effects.

As the adventurers moved forward, a lightness came over him—a sense of weightlessness, as though the very curse of Barovia could no longer touch him.

But was it real? Or was it just another trap disguised as comfort?

The Gallows and the Ghost of Oneself

As they traveled, Radley’s steps became unsteady, his focus blurry. The pies had given him something sweet, but they were taking something in return.

At a gallows, the party came upon a Potter’s Field, where nameless graves stretched out into the mist. And then—the creaking of a noose.

They turned to see a body hanging from the gallows. At first, it was a stranger. But when Valen’eir looked closer, the face twisted into his own. A trick of the mists? A glimpse into fate? Or a warning?

By the time they looked again, the phantom had vanished. But Barovia never shows you visions without purpose.

Madam Eva and the Threads of Destiny

As they reached the Vistani encampment, Ireena’s unease was palpable. She warned the adventurers that the Vistani serve Strahd, and that their intentions could never be trusted.

And yet, Madam Eva was expecting them.

Radley was barely conscious as the fortune teller of Barovia laid out her cards of fate, revealing to them the path ahead—though in riddles that only time would unravel.

The Cards Revealed

  • The Bishop – Knowledge of the ancient, hidden beyond amber doors.
  • The Tax Collector – A holy symbol of hope, locked away by the Vistani.
  • The Mercenary – A weapon of vengeance, buried under mountains of gold.
  • The Seer – An ally, the brother of the devil’s bride, one who is greater than he seems.
  • The Executioner – The final confrontation, where a dark figure watches from a balcony.

As the last card was turned, Radley collapsed completely. The party dragged him from the tent, his mind lost in a stupor. Would he remember any of this? Would the weight of his fate even register against the lingering pleasure of the pies?

Bishop: Strict adherence to a code or a belief; those who plot, plan, and scheme. This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. What you seek lies in a pile of treasure, beyond a set of amber doors.

Tax Collector: Corruption; honesty in an otherwise corrupt government or organization. This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope. The Vistani have what you seek. A missing child holds the key to the treasure’s release.

Mercenary: Inner strength and fortitude; those who fight for power or wealth. This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight. The thing you seek lies with the dead, under mountains of gold coins.

Seer: Inspiration and keen intellect; a future event, the outcome of which will hinge on a clever mind. This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. Seek out the brother of the devil’s bride. They call him “the lesser,” but he has a powerful soul.

Executioner: The imminent death of one rightly or wrongly convicted of a crime; false accusations and unjust prosecution. Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him! I see a dark figure on a balcony, looking down upon this tortured land with a twisted smile.

Foolish Risks and the Icy Depths of Barovia

Unable to continue their journey to Vallaki with Radley in such a state, the party found themselves lingering at the Vistani camp.

This, of course, meant that Valen’eir had to do something reckless.

Deciding to investigate the mysterious story of a lost wizard, he stripped himself of his equipment and dove into the frigid waters of the Tser Pool. The Vistani placed bets on his success—or more likely, his death. He found nothing but mud and shadows, surfacing breathless and shivering.

And yet, he was not satisfied.

Valen’eir dragged Traxidor into another reckless expedition, following the Ivlis River to a waterfall basin, where he dove again—this time into darker, deeper waters.

Then came the ghouls.

Bursting forth from the water, they descended upon the adventurers with claws bared and hunger in their hollow eyes. Traxidor called upon his holy power to turn them, forcing one back into the depths while the others were destroyed in a storm of spells and steel.

Bloodied and freezing, the adventurers stumbled back to the Vistani camp, where Ireena and the Vistani women scolded them for their utter stupidity. Even Barovia had limits to its patience.

The Journey to Vallaki & The Temptation of the Pastries

With morning came renewed purpose: they would reach Vallaki.

But Radley—Radley still had the pastries.

Though he had no clear memory of his collapse the night before, the lingering sensation of rapture was still fresh. Barovia’s gloom pressed down harder now, as if the pastries had lifted the veil just long enough for him to realize how deep the darkness truly was.

And when he reached for another pastry, Valen’eir tried to take it away.

Radley, for all his usual easygoing nature, clutched the pastry with the possessiveness of a starving man. He shoved it back into his pack, unwilling to let go.

What had the pies truly done to him? Was it just hunger, or had something far worse taken root?

Arrival in Vallaki: A Town of Unnatural Cheer

By the time they passed through the towering gates of Vallaki, the contrast between the town and the rest of Barovia was stark. Its palisade walls loomed above them, topped with pikes bearing the severed heads of wolves.

Inside, signs of forced celebration were everywhere—remnants of the Wolf’s Head Jamboree, now replaced by preparations for the Festival of the Blazing Sun.

The townsfolk bustled about their work with anxiety-ridden cheerfulness, but at the center of it all stood the pillories. Men, women, and children stood locked in the wooden stocks, their heads covered in crude donkey masks. A group of children pelted them with stones, laughing.

When asked, a passerby muttered bitterly: "They are being punished for malicious unhappiness."

It became clear: Vallaki was not a safe haven. It was a prison of false joy.

A Respite at the Blue Water Inn

At last, the adventurers found themselves at the Blue Water Inn, where, unlike the Blood of the Vine, people gathered together rather than drinking alone. A sense of community existed here, but it was strained—fragile.

Among the patrons:

  • A lone older man, watching them intently.
  • Two drunken noblemen, who cared little for the discomfort of others.
  • Two grizzled woodsmen, unmoved by their presence.

Ireena, having survived this far, turned to them with genuine gratitude. She had no gold to pay them, only thanks.

But Radley, in an uncharacteristic moment of generosity, paid for a room for five nights—and gave it to her.

Ireena, momentarily taken aback, embraced him and placed a kiss upon his cheek. A promise that if she left, she would leave word.

As they sat at the bar, nursing another round of Purple Grapemash No. 3, the bartender muttered something ominous.

"The wine deliveries are overdue."

Conclusion: Shadows in the Sunlight

The adventurers had made it to Vallaki, but safety was an illusion. The town was a mask, smiling to hide its terror.

And Radley, still clutching his last remaining pastries, had never been closer to reaching for another bite.

Context, Analysis, and a Deeper Dive into the World of Barovia

Barovia is a land of bleak inevitability, where fate and free will war with each other in an endless struggle. Our adventurers have now traversed from the forlorn Village of Barovia to the walled town of Vallaki, encountering visions, temptations, and cryptic fortunes along the way. But what does it all mean? Let’s take a moment to break down the historical and character elements at play while maintaining a strict no-spoiler approach to the deeper mysteries of Curse of Strahd.

📜 The History and Nature of Barovia

To understand the significance of Vallaki, the Vistani, and even something as seemingly innocuous as a handmade pastry, one must understand the nature of Barovia itself.

Barovia is a prison, a curse, and a cycle. Unlike the vast, free-ranging worlds of Faerûn or Eberron, this domain exists in a bubble—trapped in a fog-shrouded realm with only one true ruler. There is no escape by conventional means, and time here does not flow as it does in the outside world.

The people of Barovia are not like other mortals. Their spirits are bound to this land in strange ways, and hope is a foreign concept to them. Many do not dream. Many are born without souls. And those that do have souls? They are the ones who suffer most.

Vallaki, the largest known settlement in Barovia, exists as a last bastion of perceived order. It is not free, but it is, in theory, safer than the wilds. That is, of course, a relative statement. Safety in Barovia comes at a cost.

🏰 The Role of Vallaki in Barovian Society

  • Walled & Militarized: Unlike the open, undefended Village of Barovia, Vallaki boasts a wooden palisade wall, guards, and a standing militia.
  • Strange Governance: The town is ruled by Baron Vargas Vallakovich, a man whose policies are centered around forced joy. He believes that "All will be well"—a phrase that echoes throughout the town.
  • A Town of Festivals: To keep the people distracted, docile, and hopeful, Vallaki hosts constant festivals. If that sounds oppressive, that’s because it is.

Vallaki is not a utopia. It is a town in denial, clinging desperately to something it does not have: control.

🔮 Character Analysis: Our Heroes

Our adventurers have begun to take shape—not just as fighters against the darkness, but as people struggling with the weight of Barovia’s curse. Here’s a deeper look into each of them.

🧙 Valen’eir - The Reckless Seeker of Truth (Elf/Wizard)

If Barovia is a trap, then Valen’eir is the kind of adventurer who sees a trap and immediately sticks his hand in it.

He is the archetypal seeker of forbidden knowledge, the one who ignores all warnings to chase answers that no sane person would dare to pursue. His leaps into freezing waters, his willingness to talk to people Ireena distrusts, and his constant curiosity about things better left alone make him both a danger to himself and an invaluable force in unraveling the deeper mysteries of Barovia.


  • Keen intellect: Despite his impulsive behavior, Valen’eir is undeniably smart. He understands magic and the metaphysical.
  • Charismatic performer: He is an elf with a way with words, which is just as much a strength as it is a weakness.
  • Unshaken by fear: Where others hesitate, he dives in—sometimes literally.


  • Inability to resist a mystery: If someone told Valen’eir that pressing a giant red button would unleash untold horrors, he would press it twice—just to be sure.
  • Recklessness: His overconfidence nearly got him drowned, frozen, and torn apart by ghouls. And yet, he will absolutely do it again.
  • Disregard for consequences: Valen’eir doesn’t always ask, "Should we do this?"—only, "Can we?" And that is what makes him dangerous.

⚔️ Radley - The Brilliant But Foolish Fighter (Human/Fighter)

Radley is a paradox wrapped in armor—a man with a mind sharp as a blade, but a personality that functions on pure instinct. If he were a dog, he’d be a golden retriever: friendly, enthusiastic, but also prone to making poor life choices in pursuit of immediate gratification.

His love affair with Barovian pastries is more than just a running joke—it is a symbol of how easily comfort can turn into addiction in a place like this. He knows the pies are dangerous. He knows Ireena disapproves. And yet… the longing remains.

Radley’s battle is not just against the monsters of Barovia. It is against himself.


  • Incredible intelligence (on paper): His stats say he’s smart. His actions say otherwise.
  • Loyal and kind-hearted: Radley isn’t just a fighter—he is a protector. His generosity toward Ireena shows his softer side.
  • Physically formidable: If something needs to be punched, slashed, or headbutted, Radley is the man for the job.


  • Short-term thinking: Radley’s mind, despite its intelligence, is ruled by immediate desires and impulses.
  • Easily influenced: Whether it’s pies, a bad idea, or a reckless plan, Radley can be talked into things that he probably shouldn’t do.
  • Pastry addiction: The greatest enemy Radley has faced thus far is flaky crust and well-seasoned filling.

🙏 Traxidor - The Steadfast Survivor (Half-Elf/Cleric)

If Valen’eir is the reckless scholar and Radley is the foolish protector, then Traxidor is the anchor that keeps the party from flying into oblivion.

Traxidor knows something is wrong with Barovia, but more than that—he knows something is wrong with himself. Madam Eva’s reading revealed that he was never meant to be here, that he had been in Barovia for a long time, and yet he remains a stranger.

If Radley is fighting temptation and Valen’eir is fighting curiosity, then Traxidor is fighting the weight of his own past.


  • A moral compass (for now): Traxidor remains the voice of pragmatism and restraint, trying to keep the party from flying off the rails.
  • Experienced healer and cleric: The only reason Valen’eir and Radley aren’t dead yet.
  • An enigma in his own right: Of all the party members, Traxidor’s origins remain the most unclear.


  • Burdened by knowledge he does not yet understand: His fate is uncertain, but Barovia does not hold onto people without reason.
  • Conflict between faith and reality: He serves a god—but does his god serve him back?
  • Too pragmatic? His refusal to help Mary find her daughter may have been wise, but will it weigh on him later?

🕵️ FAQ & Glossary of Important Barovian Concepts

Q: What are the Vistani?

The Vistani are a nomadic people who travel freely through Barovia and beyond. They seemingly serve Strahd, but their true motivations remain unclear.

Q: What is "Purple Grapemash No. 3"?

It is the most common wine in Barovia, low-quality but plentiful. In a land where joy is scarce, even bad wine is treasured.

Q: What is the significance of the pastries?

Barovia offers few comforts, so when something tastes too good to be true, it usually is.

Q: Why do people fear harming ravens?

Barovia is full of omens and superstitions. The ravens hold a significance that even the adventurers do not yet understand.

Final Thoughts

The road to Vallaki was long, strange, and full of bad decisions. The adventurers have earned their rest, but in a land where safety is an illusion, one thing is certain:

Vallaki is not the end of the journey. It is only the beginning.

📖 The Barovian Adventurer’s Glossary

A comprehensive guide to the strange people, places, and concepts encountered in Barovia—without spoilers.

🗺️ Places & Locations

Barovia (The Land)

A cursed domain ruled by a dark and immortal power. Barovia is a place of suffering, stagnation, and inevitability, where people live their entire lives without knowing true joy or hope. The mists surrounding the land are both physical and mystical—few can enter, and even fewer can leave.

The Village of Barovia

The oldest and most sorrowful settlement in the land. The village is lifeless and gray, its people resigned to their fate. Strangers are met with weary caution, and hope is a foreign concept. If any settlement embodies the phrase "abandon all hope, ye who enter here", it is the Village of Barovia.


A larger, walled town further west from the Village of Barovia. Unlike Barovia, Vallaki is not entirely devoid of hope—though its sense of security is built on forced joy and paranoia. The town is ruled by Baron Vargas Vallakovich, whose obsession with constant festivals is an attempt to ward off the darkness.

Tser Pool

A small lake along the Old Svalich Road, home to a Vistani encampment. The Tser Pool is notable for its still, reflective waters—and for what may lie beneath.

The Old Svalich Road

The main road cutting through Barovia, stretching from the Village of Barovia to Vallaki and beyond. The mists twist and shift along this path, ensuring that no traveler ever feels entirely safe.

Durst Manor

A cursed house in the Village of Barovia, once belonging to the Durst family. Though outwardly abandoned, its dark history lingers.

The Windmill

A rickety old structure standing along the road to Vallaki. Its ominous silhouette and connection to Barovia’s history make it a subject of both curiosity and dread.

The Gates of Barovia

Massive, ancient stone gates that mark passage through Barovia’s regions. They are always open, though whether they were ever meant to keep something out—or in—is unknown.

👥 People & Factions

Strahd von Zarovich (The Dark Lord)

A name spoken in hushed tones, Strahd is the undisputed ruler of Barovia. His presence looms over all things, and his power is absolute. Few have ever dared challenge him. None have succeeded.

Ireena Kolyana

A young noblewoman from the Village of Barovia, whom the adventurers have sworn to protect. Ireena’s connection to Strahd is a mystery, but she carries herself with the dignity of someone accustomed to hardship. She is brave, determined, and deeply mistrustful of the Vistani.

Ismark Kolyanovich

Ireena’s brother and the son of the late Burgomaster of Barovia. Ismark is kind but weary, aware of his own limitations in protecting his sister. He entrusts her safety to the adventurers.

Father Donavich

The priest of the Morninglord in the Village of Barovia. Haunted by grief, Donavich’s faith is fragile, as he struggles with a terrible burden beneath his church.

Madam Eva

A Vistani seer of great renown, said to possess true insight into fate and destiny. Unlike most Vistani, she is cryptic, yet seemingly benevolent, and plays a role in guiding outsiders.

The Vistani

A nomadic people who travel freely through Barovia and beyond. They are distrusted by the Barovians due to their ability to come and go from the mists. Some serve Strahd, while others claim neutrality.


A gravedigger in Vallaki, gruff and untrusting. He is involved in matters best left unspoken.

Baron Vargas Vallakovich

The Burgomaster of Vallaki, obsessed with maintaining "happiness" in his town at all costs. He enforces mandatory festivals to keep his people "joyful"—those who fail to participate are punished.

Danika Martikov

The innkeeper of the Blue Water Inn in Vallaki. Though outwardly kind and accommodating, she knows more than she lets on—especially regarding the missing wine shipments.

The Wachter Family

A noble family in Vallaki. Their influence and motives remain unclear.

The Wizard of Legend

A nameless wizard who, a year ago, challenged Strahd with an army of peasants. He was defeated and thrown from the cliffs—his body never found.

🎭 Concepts & Cultural Elements

The Mists

The ever-present fog surrounding Barovia. It is not natural. Those who wander into it without Strahd’s permission do not return.

The Festival of the Blazing Sun

One of Vallaki’s many forced celebrations, decreed by Baron Vallakovich. It is said that "All will be well"—but those who fail to pretend are punished.

The Wolf’s Head Jamboree

A previous festival in Vallaki, celebrating the killing of wolves. The rotting wolf heads still line the town’s walls.

The Church of the Morninglord

A faith that once flourished in Barovia, devoted to the light and hope of the sun. Now, its power is weak, its prayers unanswered.

The Pillories

In Vallaki, those accused of "malicious unhappiness" are imprisoned in the town square—their heads covered with donkey masks as children throw stones.

The Durst Family Crest

A symbol found within Durst Manor, featuring a windmill. Its meaning remains unclear.

Barovian Pastries

Seemingly innocent meat pies sold by an old woman. Those who eat them experience euphoria, but at a cost. Radley is already addicted. What makes them so irresistible?

The Wizards of Wine Winery

The primary source of wine in Barovia. Recently, its deliveries have stopped—a troubling sign in a land where wine is one of the few remaining comforts.

🔮 Themes & Symbolism

The Illusion of Safety

  • Vallaki offers walls and rules, but is it truly safe?
  • The adventurers travel through roads and towns, but are they really free?
  • The pastries give comfort, but at what cost?

Hope vs. Despair

  • Ireena represents hope, yet even she doubts survival.
  • Radley seeks comfort, but it is tainted.
  • Traxidor serves a god, but does his god listen?
  • Valen’eir seeks truth, but some truths are deadly.

Fate vs. Free Will

  • Madam Eva’s cards suggest destiny, but can it be changed?
  • Is Barovia doomed to repeat its cycle?
  • Can the adventurers carve a new path?

Temptation & Addiction

  • Radley’s craving for the pastries mirrors Barovia’s trap—temporary escape, at a price.
  • Valen’eir’s hunger for knowledge is not unlike Radley’s hunger for comfort.
  • Traxidor’s doubts make him question his own purpose—what is faith without proof?

⚔️ Final Thoughts

This journey is far from over. Every decision matters, and every encounter—**from a gravedigger’s secret to a fortune-teller’s prophecy—**is another piece of Barovia’s endless puzzle. The road ahead is dark, but the question remains:

Will our adventurers shape their fate, or will Barovia shape it for them?

📖 The Complete Barovian Adventurer’s Glossary

A deep dive into the strange people, places, and concepts encountered in Barovia—without spoilers.

🗺️ Places & Locations

Barovia (The Land)

A cursed domain, ruled by a dark and eternal power. Barovia is a land of gray skies, twisted forests, and crumbling villages, locked away from the rest of the world by an unnatural mist. Few enter, and fewer leave.

The Village of Barovia

The oldest and most sorrowful settlement in the land. The village is a ghost town in all but name, its people reduced to hollow specters of what they once were. Many villagers live in constant fear, resignation, or despair, and few dare to resist the darkness that lords over them.


A larger, walled town further west from the Village of Barovia. Unlike Barovia, Vallaki maintains an illusion of security, though its rules and governance are… unorthodox. The town’s ruler enforces a policy of mandatory happiness, convinced that forced joy can keep the darkness at bay.

The Blue Water Inn

The only known inn in Vallaki, run by Danika Martikov and her husband. A rare place of warmth and community in Barovia, though even here, secrets lurk.

Tser Pool

A small lake along the Old Svalich Road, home to a Vistani encampment. Its waters are deep and still, and local legends suggest that something—or someone—may rest beneath its surface.

Durst Manor

A cursed house in the Village of Barovia, abandoned by time yet still teeming with whispers of its past. Adventurers who step inside may find themselves in a waking nightmare.

The Old Svalich Road

The main road that winds through Barovia, stretching from the Village of Barovia to Vallaki and beyond. It is old, worn, and strangely quiet, as if the land itself waits in silence.

The Windmill

A rickety structure standing along the road to Vallaki. Its ominous silhouette is not easily forgotten, and its connection to Barovia’s history is deeper than it appears.

The Gates of Barovia

Massive, ancient stone gates that mark passage through Barovia’s regions. They stand monumental and unmoving, always open, but never inviting.

The Festival Square (Vallaki Town Square)

The central hub of Vallaki, where constant festivals are held in a desperate bid to keep morale high. Those who fail to appear joyful are punished.

👥 People & Factions

Strahd von Zarovich (The Dark Lord)

A name spoken in hushed tones, Strahd is the eternal ruler of Barovia. His presence looms over every stone, shadow, and soul in the land. Some call him a monster, a warlord, a tyrant. Others call him a god among men. But all fear him.

Ireena Kolyana

A young noblewoman from the Village of Barovia, pursued by forces beyond her control. She is strong-willed, determined, and burdened by a past she does not fully understand.

Ismark Kolyanovich

Ireena’s older brother, son of the late Burgomaster of Barovia. He is brave but weary, knowing full well that his ability to protect Ireena is limited.

Father Donavich

The priest of the Morninglord in the Village of Barovia. A man of broken faith, haunted by a terrible secret beneath his church.

Madam Eva

A Vistani seer of immense power and renown. Unlike most Vistani, she is cryptic, yet seemingly benevolent, offering adventurers insight into the web of fate that binds them to Barovia.

The Vistani

A nomadic people who travel freely through Barovia and beyond. They can come and go through the Mists, a privilege that few others possess. Some serve Strahd, some claim neutrality, but none are to be trusted blindly.


A gravedigger in Vallaki, known for his gruff demeanor and distrust of outsiders. He is not necessarily evil, but he is desperate—and in Barovia, desperation leads to dark choices.

Baron Vargas Vallakovich

The Burgomaster of Vallaki, obsessed with maintaining "happiness" in his town at all costs. He enforces mandatory festivals and punishes those who display "malicious unhappiness".

The Wachter Family

A noble family in Vallaki whose influence, wealth, and true motivations remain unclear.

Danika Martikov

The innkeeper of the Blue Water Inn. She is warm and welcoming, but behind her eyes is a quiet watchfulness. She speaks of the town’s missing wine shipments with deep concern.

The Wizard of Legend

A nameless wizard who, a year ago, challenged Strahd with an army of peasants. He was defeated and thrown from the cliffs—his body never found.

⚔️ Creatures & Superstitions

The Mists

A living force that encloses Barovia. The Mists do not allow escape, and those who wander into them often do not return.


Ravens are not ordinary birds in Barovia. They are larger, smarter, and seemingly aware of things beyond mortal comprehension. Harming a raven is considered deeply unlucky.

The Spectral Procession

Each night, ghostly warriors march toward Castle Ravenloft—doomed souls who once fought against Strahd. Their numbers grow with every failed rebellion.

The Corpse on the Gallows

A phantom sighting at a crossroads, where a hanged man appears, turning to show his face to the viewer. Many have seen themselves staring back.

The Pastries

Barovia offers few pleasures, so when something tastes too good to be true, it usually is.

🕵️ FAQ: Common Adventurer Questions

Q: What are the Vistani? Can they be trusted?

The Vistani are wandering people who can pass through the Mists freely. Some serve Strahd, others claim neutrality. Trust them at your own risk.

Q: What is "Purple Grapemash No. 3"?

A cheap, low-quality wine produced by the Wizards of Wine. In Barovia, even bad wine is treasured.

Q: What’s so dangerous about the pastries?

They offer pleasure and comfort in a land that has none. That should be warning enough.

Q: Why do people fear harming ravens?

In Barovia, ravens are more than birds. They watch. They remember.

Q: Why does the Burgomaster of Vallaki force people to celebrate festivals?

Because he believes that if everyone is happy, Vallaki will be safe.

Q: Who was the Wizard that fought Strahd?

A mystery. He was a powerful sorcerer who tried to overthrow Strahd but was cast down from a great height. His body was never found.

Q: Is Vallaki truly safe?

Now that you’ve read this glossary, does anywhere in Barovia seem safe?

Final Thoughts: The Journey Continues

Vallaki is not the end of the adventure—it is only the beginning. The adventurers have stepped into a town of false smiles and lurking dangers, and their decisions will shape their fate in ways they cannot yet see.

But one thing is certain: Barovia does not let go of its prey.

🏰 The Shadows of Barovia: A Grand Conclusion to Session Seven

The journey to Vallaki was long, strange, and perilous, but the adventurers have crossed another threshold in their descent into Barovia’s cursed heart. What began as a simple escort mission has now evolved into something far greater, tangled in visions of fate, forbidden temptations, and the weight of choices yet to be made.

But what has truly changed?

  • Radley, once an eager warrior with a keen mind, now clutches a dangerous addiction—not just to the pastries, but to the fleeting illusion of comfort in a land that offers none. What will he sacrifice to taste that warmth again?
  • Valen’eir, the reckless seeker of knowledge, continues to dive headfirst into the unknown, dragging his companions along in his wake. He has seen his own dead face on a gallows. What did the mists show him? And why?
  • Traxidor, pragmatic and bound by faith, has now been confronted with a terrible revelation—he was never meant to be here. Yet here he remains. Why? And what does it mean for his future?

And then there is Madam Eva’s prophecy, the thread that binds them to their destiny. Five cards, five cryptic messages. Were these fortunes warnings? Or inevitabilities?

🏹 The Road Behind & The Road Ahead

The adventurers have survived Durst Manor, they have survived the Village of Barovia, and they have survived the journey through the haunted roads. But they have stepped into Vallaki, a town that is not what it seems, where safety is an illusion, and darkness wears a smiling mask.

They have arrived in a place that claims to be beyond Strahd’s reach. But is it truly?

The wolves’ heads still line the walls.
The festival is fast approaching.
The missing wine shipments are only the first sign of something deeply wrong.

The world of Barovia does not move without purpose. The adventurers are here for a reason—but is it to save this land… or to become just another part of its story?

Because Barovia has seen heroes before.
And Barovia has swallowed them all.

🎭 The next chapter awaits. 🎭

Verbatim Campaign Log from Dungeon Master Sean Scanon

Session Seven - February 22, 2025
Players: Sean D. (Valen’eir - Elf/Wizard), Chris (Radley - Human/Fighter), Carey (Traxidor - Half Elf/Cleric).

Day Seven

A the church, the sun rises to reveal another Barovian gloom shrouded morning.  Ireena prepares a thin porridge for their breakfast and the party packs their belongings.   Ismark accompanies his sister and the adventurers to the village square and there they part company.  He again implores the party to keep his sister safe and thanks them.  Ireena and Ismark embrace and share their goodbye wordlessly.  The adventurers take the Old Svalich Road northward out of town, but only pass a few doors before they encounter a distraught woman holding a porcelain doll with a faded dress.  Ireena approaches her and asks her, “Mary, what is wrong?”  The woman’s voice is raspy from her wailing but manages to say that Gertruda has run away.”  When asked who that is, Ireena explains it is Mary’s teenage daughter.  Not wanting to get involved in any further entanglements Traxidor suggests they not concern themselves, and the party perfunctorily states they will keep an eye out for her.  However, as the party hastens up the street they are greeted by an old woman pushing a rickety hand cart.  She drops a heavy sack into the cart’s wooden box top, then she proceeds down the road.  As their paths cross, she inquires whether they would like to purchase one of her pastries. A delicious aroma wafts from the cart.  The party’s stomachs churn at the smell, especially since they’ve only eaten dry rations, flavorless food from the durst manor, and thin broth and porridge at the church the past seven days.  Radley pays several gold pieces and takes three pies.  Eating one immediately swoons at the first bite into the savory meat pie.  However, Ireena’s demeanor is distant towards the woman and the remainder of the party declines to buy any pastries.  The old woman then lifts her cart and continues down the street to knock on the villager’s doors.  As the party reaches a bridge that crosses the Ivlis River Radley notices a lightness in his step and a sense of warmth that forces the dampness of Barovia from his bones.

The party soon comes upon a gallows next to a Potter’s Field at a fork in the road.  Meanwhile Radley is quickly lapsing into a stupor and has begun stumbling up the road.  To the north west the party sees the lights of an encampment on the banks of the Tser Pool.  Ireena tells the party it is the Vistani and moves to take the south west path.  However, the party pauses, and Valen’eir recollects that Stanimir has told them to seek Madam Eva at her camp beyond the village.  Ireena says the Vistani serve the Dark Lord of Barovia, and the party should be cautious in their dealings with them.  However, Valen’eir desires to know more and Radley is quickly becoming incapacitated.  The party decides to visit the Vistani despite Ireena’s misgivings.  As they depart the gallows they hear the creaking of a rope.  When they turn they see the corpse of a Barovian gently swaying from a noose.  The corpse slowly turns to reveal its face.  To all who see it, the hung man is unknown.  Valen'eir draws his bow to cut the rope, but pauses as he recognizes its face as his own.  In a moment of confusion the party looked to each other after the corpse's abrupt appearance.  However, when they look back the phantom has vanished.  Concluding it was a trick played upon them by the mists they continue towards the camp.

At the camp, they are greeted by men who look at them suspiciously.  However, when Valen’eir says they were sent by Stanimir to see Madam Eva their demeanor becomes more familiar and they are greeted warmly into the camp.  He introduces himself as Karlov and says they were expected many days ago.  He inquires about what has kept them, but does not wait for their reply and leads them to one of several fires in the camp.  There the party is provided with wine and food. The party recognizes the wine as Purple Grapemash No. 3, which they had drank at The Blood of The vine tavern in Barovia.   Valen’eir compliments them on it, despite its poor quality.  Karlov  spits on the ground and says “It is piss” but in Barovia you must content yourself with what is available.  Ireena sits outside the circle around the fire and quietly observes the boisterous men around the fire and stern stares of the vistani women outside it.  Once settled, another vistani man who had been addressing his fellows continues speaking. He says, “A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. I remember him like it was yesterday. He stood exactly where you’re standing. A very charismatic man, he was. He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. He stirred them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse. When the vampire appeared, the wizard’s peasant army fled in terror. A few stood their ground and were never seen again.  The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. Their battle flew from the courtyards of Ravenloft to a precipice overlooking the falls. I saw the battle with my own eyes. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Lightning from the heavens struck the wizard, and again he stood his ground. But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizard’s magic couldn’t save him. I saw him thrown a thousand feet to his death. I climbed down to the river to search for the wizard’s body, to see if, you know, he had anything of value, but the River Ivlis had already spirited him away.”

By this point Radley seems barely conscious and is slumping visibly.  The vistani around him jeer and shout at him to drink up, but his cup tumbles from his grasp.  Not long after the tale ends, a middle-aged woman named Rozalina comes and whispers to Karlov.  He rises and announces to the adventurers that Madam Eva is ready to see them.  The party follows, and Radley is hoisted up by two men who whisper to Rozalina whether he should be brought to Madam Eva.  She hisses to him that Madam Eva says that all should be brought to her, but not the woman (Ireena).  The party is guided to a dark tent.  Many baubles and charms hang from its exterior.  Within the interior smells heavily of incense and is dimly lit by a small iron candelabra suspended from a chain.  An old woman with a shawl draped over her shoulders and a blanket across her lap sits behind a table. Several younger Vistani women attend her.  A dark velvet cloth covers the table and several chairs have been arranged before it.  Rozalina flicks her hand at the girls, who gather Madam Eva’s tea cup, and then place a deck of cards in her hands from a lacquered box.  They then depart behind dark curtains that are hung around the tent’s interior.  Rozalina motions for the party to sit, and Radley is dropped unceremoniously into a chair.  The men that carried him and the woman Rozalina  also depart.  Madam Eve croaks a greeting to the adventurers and names them one by one.  She looks to Radley saying you needn’t be a seer to see his rashness is the cause of many follies.   She announces he has recently come into arcane power, but whether he will master his impulses before it destroys him is still unknown.  Valen’eir, despite being a talented performer is still mastering the power of spell-craft himself, but is well on his way. Then she states that two companions are missing.  Both lost in the mist… One of them gone; doomed to haunt this land forever.  The other, a warrior of tremendous courage whose fate is not yet decided.  Then she turns to Traxidor and says, “Your arrival was not foreseen.  The Dark Lord did not summon you here with these companions.  You have been here for a very long time, yet are still a stranger to the lands of Barovia.”  She then asks whether the party would like to know what the cards will show them.  Looking at the deck of worn cards she shuffles they agree.  With a practiced hand he lays five cards down on the table.  Inhaling deeply her eyes roll back as her head tilts upward.  Then she turns each card over in and names them as she does:

The Bishop - Strict adherence to a code or a belief; those who plot, plan, and scheme. This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. What you seek lies in a pile of treasure, beyond a set of amber doors.

The Tax Collector - Corruption; honesty in an otherwise corrupt government or organization. This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope. The Vistani have what you seek. A missing child holds the key to the treasure’s release.

The Mercenary - Inner strength and fortitude; those who fight for power or wealth. This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight. The thing you seek lies with the dead, under mountains of gold coins.

The Seer - Inspiration and keen intellect; a future event, the outcome of which will hinge on a clever mind. This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. Seek out the brother of the devil’s bride. They call him “the lesser,” but he has a powerful soul.

The Executioner - The imminent death of one rightly or wrongly convicted of a crime; false accusations and unjust prosecution. Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him! I see a dark figure on a balcony, looking down upon this tortured land with a twisted smile.

As she emerges from her trance Radley succumbs to his and falls to the ground.  His companion shakes him back to consciousness, but it becomes apparent he is completely incoherent.  Madam Eva withdraws saying her goodbye to the party. Radley is again hauled off by two vistani men who throw him into a vardo to sleep it off.  They find Ireena  waiting outside amid the younger women who had previously been attending Madam Eva.  Despite Ireena’s earlier misgivings about the vistani, she has found allies in disapproving of Radley’s behavior.  Despite their intention to reach Villaki today, the party is unable to continue with Radley in this state.  Their travels delayed again, Valen’eir decides to explore the Tsar pool to see if he can find the missing wizard the vistani spoke of earlier.  Stripping away his equipment and clothing a group of men begin to follow him to the pools.  Several take wagers on whether he will actually get into the chilled water.  Undaunted, Valen’eir casts Detect Magic and dives into the nearly mile long body of water, hoping to find the wizard’s body or some treasure.  He swims down to the muddy bottom, but sees only wisps of aquatic grass and several darting fishing beneath.  When he emerges he is shaking uncontrollably and stumbles from the lack of feeling in his extremities.  The vistani wrap him with blankets and sit him near a fire.  Several bets are settled boisterously around the fire, when Valen’eir decides to follow the Ivlis River upstream to the waterfall. Ireena is incredulous at Valen’eir’s foolishness.  She says swimming in the Tser pool was a ridiculous stunt, but to go tramping out of the camp into the wilds could be deadly.  However, Valen’eir persists and departs after dressing.  For his safety he is accompanied by Traxidor.  Together they follow the river upstream for almost two miles.  After entering a narrow gorge they passing beneath a bridge far above them. Beyond they arrive at a tall waterfall that pours itself into a basin.  Valen’eir again strips down and dives in the pool.  Like the Tser pool,  the water is extremely cold and dark.  He surfaces shortly breathless having seen nothing beneath but mud and stones.

Then, as Valen’eir returns to the bank, three loathsome figures emerge from the water and stalk towards him and Traxidor.  The ghouls violently rush towards the two adventurers.  Traxidor attempts to turn them with holy power, and one retreats back below the water.  The other two are destroyed in a barrage of spells but tear at both the adventurers before being destroyed.  Lightly wounded and empty handed they return to the vistani camp.  Seeing them return injured, Ireena and the vistani women complain among themselves, gesturing in exasperation at the stupidity of the two men.  After tending to their wounds they find night is falling and the party settles down for the night at the camp.

Day Eight

The party departs in the morning.  Radley has no clear memory of leaving the village of Barovia and tells his companions of his experience after eating the pastry.  Although says he dreamt of a rapturous place where he experienced every ecstasy.  Having awoken in Barovia the gloom now seems particularly crushing and his mind wanders to the pastries he still carries.  When he withdraws a pastry from his pack, Valen’eir tries to snatch it away.  However, Radley overpowers the elf and jealousy puts the pastry back in his pack.  The party journeys back to the crossroads and up the Old Svalich Road.  It climbs steadily upward as they travel and they eventually come to the bridge that Valen’eir and Traxidor passed beneath the day before.  The bridge is made of stone and is covered in lichens.  The bridge is slick from the waterfall’s spray and grotesques are mounted along the sides.  Despite some misgiving the party passes over it without incident.  Soon they come to another giant gate like the one they passed through a week ago. Like the bridge they crossed over they traverse the gate without incident.  The Old Svalich Road continues to wind through hills but gently begins to descend again.  Before noon they come to another fork in the road.  The north continues towards Villa and the west ends at a rickety old windmill.  Squatting upon a post is a raven that begins cawing at them relentlessly.  Valen’eir menaces the bird and Ireena reproaches him.  Meanwhile, Radley has again dug a pastry from his pack and eyes it greedily.  However, before he can eat it Valen’eir slaps it from his hand.  The pastry falls to the ground.  Valen’eir retrieves it and prepares to throw it at the squawking raven.  However, Ireena stays his arm and says that it is very unlucky to harm a raven in Barovia.  Valen’eir tosses the pastry away, and the party begins to discuss whether to investigate the windmill.  They recall the herald in the Durst Manor features a prominent windmill.  However, Traxidor again expresses a desire to complete their goal of bringing Ireena to Villaki.  Ireena looks skeptically at the sullen windmill and nods in agreement.  A short distance later the party passes a circle of crooked standing stones beneath the rise where the lighthouse stands, but the party continues on to Villaki.

Several hours later the party arrives at the Town of Villaki. The base of its old palisade wall is pressed by fog and many wolves' heads are spitted on pikes before the wall.  At the town's iron gate two bored looking watchmen inquire about the party’s business.  They tell them that they are traveling from the Village of Barovia and are seeking shelter.  The guards eye the party’s strange appearance and then glance to Ireena.  She glowers at them and they wordlessly open the gate, telling the group that they can find The Blue Water Inn at the center of town.  They immediately see torn handbills posted on walls and signposts along the street.  The guards inform them they missed the Wolf's Head Jamboree that was several days ago.  However, they point to other handbills for an upcoming celebration, The Festival of The Blazing Sun, which has been decreed by Baron Vargas Vallakovich to occur in three days.  The party sets off to the town’s interior and find the buildings to be very old like the ones in the Village of Barovia.  However, they are not quite so ramshackle and have been cared for.  Moreover, the townsfolk are much busier and many residents are doing their errands on the streets.  The adventurers soon come across to the town’s square and see discarded remnants of the Wolves’ Head celebration.  Busy townsfolk replace older decorations with those for the upcoming festival.  There are three men, two women, and two boys being pilloried at the town’s center.  Crudely crafted donkey heads have been placed over them, and a handful of children maliciously pelt them with stones.  A resident shuffles past the party and gruffly states, “they are being punished for malicious unhappiness.”  He then moves on to continue his work.

Soon the party comes to the Blue Water Inn.  Within there are a variety of patrons.  Unlike the Blood of the Vine tavern, the folk here sit together and there is a gentle murmur from conversations.  One older man sits alone.  After noticing the adventurers arrival he continues to watch them, looking away when he catches their eye.  At the bar are two boisterous young men.  They seem drunk despite still being early in the day, and they don’t seem to give the innkeeper’s disapproving looks any thought.  At the other end are a pair of grizzled looking woodsmen, who pay the party no mind whatsoever.  Irene faces the party, and despite their sometimes rocky relationship the past days, she sincerely thanks them for escorting her safely to the town.  She apologizes for having no wealth to pay them for their courage and generosity.  Radley approaches the innkeeper named Danika behind the bar and pays for a room for five nights.  He then presents the room key to Ireena. When he gives her the key she holds it for a moment before embracing him and placing a light kiss on his cheek.  She then nods decisively and bids them goodbye, but tells them she will leave word with the innkeeper if she leaves, so the party can find her again if they wish.  She then ascends an interior stair to a balcony that overlooks the taproom and disappears into her room.  Then the party approaches the bar and notes the casks of wine, all marked from The Wizards of Wine. They are again served more Purple Grapemash No. 3.  Danika looks concerned as she serves the wine, remarking that their deliveries are overdue.

End Session Seven

🔥 Session Eight Sneak Peek: The Fall of Valen’eir – A Head Rolls in Vallaki 🔥

What was meant to be a refuge from the horrors of Barovia has become the stage for its most brutal lesson yetVallaki does not suffer fools lightly.

Despite all his wit, charm, and magical prowess, Valen’eir found himself outmatched not by monsters, but by cold, unforgiving justice. Two lives takenintentional or not—and the price was final. Before he could weave his silver tongue, before he could conjure an escape, before the party could even intervene, the sentence was carried out.

💀 A clean strike. A sharp blade. A headless body crumpling into the dirt. 💀

The stocks, meant for petty criminals, became the execution ground of a once-great elven wizard.

What happens next?

  • Will Radley and Traxidor be forced to play along with Vallaki’s laws to survive?
  • Will Ireena view them as heroes or accomplices?
  • Was Valen’eir’s fate sealed from the start, or did Barovia simply tighten the noose he placed around his own neck?

The town carries on as if nothing happened. The Festival of the Blazing Sun looms on the horizon, and the adventurers must decide—do they still have a purpose in this town? Or has Vallaki claimed another soul for the grave?

☠️ Stay tuned for the full Session Eight recap… if Radley and Traxidor even live long enough to tell it. ☠️