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Returning to Dungeons & Dragons after 33 years away
My Dungeon Master (DM) is awesome. After the game—during which I was played as an NPC (Non Player Character) because I couldn't make the game—he wrote me the most amazing recap and also updated my character from level 3 to level 4 and sent me my updated character sheet in a gorgeously-rendered PDF (inline, attached below). Enjoy! Real names have been erased to protect real people.
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Session Six: The Tragic Fight Beneath the Church and the Ghostly March of Barovia
In this harrowing continuation of their journey through Barovia, Valen’eir, Radley, Traxidor, and their companions delve deeper into the darkness of this cursed land. Session Six is a tale of tragedy, resilience, and the ever-present shadow of Strahd von Zarovich.
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The Tale of the Adventurers in Durst Manor: Session Four Recap
This session tested their resilience, pushed their teamwork to the brink, and revealed their individual strengths and weaknesses in a dungeon that punishes every misstep.
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