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Crafting Compelling SEO Titles and Descriptions: A Guide for Businesses

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How much time and care do you and your agency or company or store spend writing, reviewing, and revising your Google AdWord Ads?

Crafting Compelling SEO Titles and Descriptions: A Guide for Businesses

SEO Poet

TL;DR: Crafting effective SEO titles and descriptions is crucial for attracting clicks and driving conversions. Avoid keyword stuffing and misleading content. Prioritize relevance, clarity, and accuracy to enhance search engine visibility and maintain user trust. Regularly update and optimize your titles and descriptions to maximize organic traffic and improve overall SEO performance.

SEO Title as Haiku

With the care of a haiku poet, I bet. am sure you'll run A/B tests and make sure each add—the title and the description—is carefully written, using the maximum of number of characters with the prime commitment to attract an actual click from everyone with intention to buy to click on the ad, click through, land on your page, read through your landing page or pitch or offering, and then commit to joining a newsletter, subscribing, reading, buying, or contacting for further information or a call back. 

Who Am I? Who I Am!

I am a full-stack SEO practitioner with my specialties including on-page SEO, technical SEO, CDN SE, performance SEO, organic SEO,and even everything Google Business Page SEO. 80% of my clients come to me with "default" or keyword-stuffed or lazywrite copy-and-paste SEO titles and SE descriptions and it drives me nuts! 

The Final Mile of Search is People! It’s People!

While 99% of SEO is surely optimizing your website to appeal and appease and indulge the good faith whims of Google Search, the final mile is, just like your with your Google AdWord Ads, getting Humans to click through. I quick way to discover whether the words that display organically on any SERP (Search Engine Results Page) that your site appears on isn't appealing to actual humans is if Google Search Console (GSC) tells you that the keywords you're displaying for have a massive number of impressions but very few clicks! 

The Worst Case Search Scenarios

The worst case scenario is if my client doesn't explicitly provide SEO Titles or SEO Descriptions. When this is the case, Google will scrape your page (slurp up the displayed copy on your page) and it will probably serve up your page's Title as the SEO Title; then, it'll probably display the first 160 characters of your site's text copy. Google will try to make it pretty because it sorta wants people to click on anything. But you're letting go and letting Google. The next level is if you download and install the Yoast SEO plugin and set it up or if you have a CMS that offers default SEO Titles (they generally don't care about the SEO Descriptions by default) but even that is inelegant and possibly problematic. The default format for the variables that most CMSs and Yoast are as follows: [Page Name] | [Site Name]. In the case of the Title of this Article, maybe, probably, who knows, it would be: Let Go Let Google | Chris Abraham or Let Go Let Google - Chris Abraham. One thing left to chance is that it might be too short to take advantage of Google's Goldilocks 60 character title (including punctuation marks and spaces). 

Do Anything to Avoid Duplicate Content

Another thing is that Google is really sensitive to both too little context and duplication. If the content string is too slow, like on an About page (About Chris Abraham | Chris Abraham) not only is the title pretty short, it's pretty accurate. It is an about page about me, Chris Abraham; however, it has my name twice. And, I am writing to have people find my content not finding me. So, why am I putting my name (or your brand, or your business, or your store) on every SEO Title and wasting C1 H2 R3 I4 S5 SPACE6 A7 B8 R9 A10 H11 A12 M13— 13 characters out of 60— just on repeating something that is completely redundant and doesn't help with unique keyword focus on each of my topical pages. 

Don’t Be Keyword Stuffing Evil

And, if Google thinks that I am trying to keyword stuff my entire site with "Chris Abraham" in a shameless attempt to get my top-rating on Google Search for Chris Abraham (not me anymore, I have lost my top spot), they will probably derank me more. Go to GSC (Google Search Console) and take a look under Pages and check the sections like Duplicate Content or Discovered but Not Indexed and all of that other stuff. Browse the URLs they list and check to see how Google is separating the wheat and chaff of your site into the things it prioritizes and indexes and the ones that it ignores. Google will often deindex or ignore or not index pages based on titles and descriptions (and, of course, page body content) that appear too similar based on how its inelegant algorithms decide.

Search Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is Key

So, if you maximize and diversify every single SEO title to as close to 60 characters for each SEO title and 160 characters for each SEO description without ever, never, ever copying and pasting (never copy and paste anywhere. If you need to copy and paste, run it through ChatGPT-4 or Google Gemini first). 

It All Comes Down to Human Clicks

Back to the subject at hand. No matter how compliant your site is, designed to appeal to Google Organic Search, from Performance to Accessibility; from Best Practices to SEO, you need to write each and every SEO Title and SEO Description with at least as much care as you do your Google Ads. They look the same when displayed, one on a contextual ads or above the organic results on an SERP and the other below the ads and as close to the top as possible. So, with all things being equal, and with all your Lighthouse/Google PageSpeed Insights scores being equal (100, 100, 100, 100), the winner, over time, will be the search result that is the most appealing, relevant, informational, accurate, and timely—all in the form of a 60-character Blue Title and a Grey Description. Stuffing keywords, repeating your location or adding "near me" on every title or being tricky or overly salesy or douchy (never, ever, be a used car salesman in SEO or online marketing, makes people sus). 

Never Catfish or Clickbait Google

Just make sure that you clearly, attractively, accurately, and appealingly tell as much of the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How in there as you can with the combined 220 characters you have to work with. Remember the Humans! Remember this is earned media. Remember that you can be amazing on paper and completely blow it in person if you do not match what's on your dating profile. Convince Google that you're 6'3", a Princeton Doctor, and Race Sailboats, and you show up to your date a Paunchy Short King Barista Who Can't Swim, that will result in what Google calls not only a Catfish but also a Bounce. 

Bounces are Bad

And bounces are bad. So, not only do you need to make sure that every Page, Post, and Product on your site should have a beautiful, bespoke, and well-thought-out SEO Title and Description, it still needs to be fully representative of the target page it represents. Your Organic Search Result, made up of an SEO Title and an SEO Description that you wrote yourself needs to not be clickbait. If you mislead too many visitors who click through on your amazing bespoke SEO titles and descriptions as manifest in the Organic section of a SERP then Google will notice and you'll surely receive demerits. 

Search Dysmorphic Disorder

I call this Search Dysmorphic Disorder. Make sure your beautifully-written SEO titles and descriptions are accurate and true and honest representations of what's on your page and on your site. No tricks. Do not mess with a visitor's expectations. It'll only work, if at all, in the short term. And, it's arguable as to whether it'll ever result in more sales or any good amount of time spent on site. 

Out of SEO Steam

That's really all I have right now. Just be aware that it might take a minute after you update your site's and pages' SEO titles and SEO descriptions before Google starts integrating those changes into all of their active Google Indices. You can Request Indexing for each page that you change directly on GSC; or, you can submit all the changes URLs to Bing Webmaster, or you can even install IndexNow, a Microsoft Bing Search Webmaster project that Google might be watching. If you run Wordpress, there's a Bing-branded IndexNow plugin; or, Yoast has a setting that connects it (and I know it works as IO saw it work just yesterday), or you can search your Shopify or SquareSpace or Wix or Drupal, etc, to see if there's a solution to connect to IndexNow from yours site—there's helpful information within Bing Webmaster—check it out. 

In Conclusion

In conclusion, crafting compelling SEO titles and descriptions is essential for driving organic traffic to your website. By prioritizing relevance, clarity, and accuracy, you can attract clicks from users actively seeking your content. Remember to avoid common pitfalls like keyword stuffing and misleading descriptions to maintain visitor trust and enhance your site's search engine visibility. With careful attention to detail and regular updates, you can optimize your SEO strategy for maximum impact.

If you do not want to do all of this stuff yourself, I love doing all this stuff—I'll do it! Also,. let me know if you have any questions. I am everyone online and I would love to help you out. Good luck and thanks for reading this far! Kudos and mahalo!


Q: Why are SEO titles and descriptions important? A: SEO titles and descriptions are crucial for attracting clicks from search engine results pages (SERPs) and driving traffic to your website. They also contribute to your site's overall search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing SEO titles and descriptions? A: Common mistakes include keyword stuffing, misleading or inaccurate descriptions, and neglecting to optimize for maximum character limits.

Q: How can I optimize my SEO titles and descriptions for better performance? A: Focus on relevance, clarity, and appeal. Use relevant keywords naturally, write compelling descriptions that accurately reflect your content, and adhere to character limits to ensure visibility on SERPs.

Q: How often should I update my SEO titles and descriptions? A: Regularly review and update your SEO titles and descriptions to reflect changes in your content and to keep them relevant and engaging for users.

Q: Can I automate the process of updating SEO titles and descriptions? A: While some content management systems offer default settings for SEO titles, it's essential to customize them for each page to maximize effectiveness. Automation tools like Yoast SEO or IndexNow can help streamline the process.

Glossary of Terms

SEO (Search Engine Optimization): SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). This involves various strategies such as keyword research, content optimization, and link building to improve organic traffic.

SERP (Search Engine Results Page): SERP refers to the page displayed by search engines in response to a user's query. It includes a list of organic search results, paid advertisements, and other features such as featured snippets or knowledge graphs.

Keyword Stuffing: Keyword stuffing is the practice of overloading webpages with excessive keywords or phrases in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. This tactic can result in a poor user experience and may lead to penalties from search engines.

Meta Description: A meta description is an HTML attribute that provides a brief summary of a webpage's content. It appears below the title tag in search engine results and serves to entice users to click through to the page.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): Click-through rate is a metric that measures the percentage of users who click on a specific link or advertisement after seeing it. It is commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and website content.

Title Tag: A title tag is an HTML element that defines the title of a webpage. It appears in the browser's title bar and is displayed as the clickable headline in search engine results. Title tags play a crucial role in SEO and should accurately describe the content of the page.

Duplicate Content: Duplicate content refers to blocks of content that appear in more than one location on the internet. Search engines may penalize websites with duplicate content as it can make it difficult to determine which version should be indexed and ranked.

Indexing: Indexing is the process by which search engines crawl and store webpages in their databases. Indexed pages are then ranked and displayed in search engine results in response to relevant queries.

Organic Search: Organic search refers to the unpaid, natural search engine results that are determined by a search engine's algorithm. Websites do not pay to appear in organic search results, and rankings are based on factors such as relevance, authority, and user experience.

Bounce Rate: Bounce rate measures the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that users are not finding the content engaging or relevant to their needs.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read): A succinct summary intended to provide a quick overview or conclusion without requiring the reader to go through all the detailed content.

SEO Title Haiku: A creative approach to SEO where the title of a web page is structured as a haiku (a traditional Japanese form of poetry) to make it intriguing and effective within the limited character space, while also being optimized for search engines.

Haiku Poet: A writer specialized in composing haikus, often integrating this form of poetry into diverse contexts such as SEO titles to blend artistic expression with marketing needs.

A/B Test: A method in digital marketing where two versions of a webpage or ad are compared to determine which one performs better in terms of driving clicks, conversions, or other predetermined metrics.

Landing Page: A specific webpage designed primarily for converting visitors into leads or customers, often as the destination page from a marketing campaign.

Full-Stack SEO: A holistic approach to SEO that involves handling both the front-end and back-end aspects of a website, including on-page content, technical setup, and server-side optimization to improve search rankings.

On-Page SEO: Techniques applied directly within the website content and HTML source code to optimize individual web pages for specific keywords to improve search engine rankings.

Technical SEO: The aspect of SEO focused on optimizing the infrastructure of a website so that search engines can crawl and index the site more effectively.

CDN SEO: Optimization strategies specifically designed for content delivery networks (CDNs) that aim to improve load times and, by extension, SEO performance by distributing the content across multiple geographically dispersed servers.

Performance SEO: Strategies aimed at improving the speed and overall performance of a website to enhance user experience and boost search engine rankings.

Organic SEO: The practice of gaining natural placement on search engine results pages (SERPs) through SEO strategies that don't involve paid advertising.

Google Business Page SEO: Optimization of a Google Business Profile to enhance visibility and interaction on Google Maps and local search results.

Lazywrite: A derogatory term used to describe content that is hastily put together without much thought or effort, often leading to poor quality and underperformance in SEO.

Scrape Your Page: The process by which search engines or other entities extract data from a website’s pages to use for various purposes, such as creating summaries or for use in search results.

Google Duplicate Content: Content that appears on the Internet in more than one place, which Google may filter out or rank lower in search results to prevent the same content from dominating the search results.

Google Catfish: A term used to describe websites or pages that promise certain information or features based on the SEO title and description but fail to deliver relevant content, leading to a high bounce rate.

Google Bounce: A metric used to describe when a visitor quickly leaves a webpage after arriving from a search result, which can negatively affect the page’s search ranking.

Search Dysmorphic Disorder: A term coined to describe a discrepancy between how website content is presented in search results and its actual relevance or usefulness, leading to dissatisfaction and poor user experience.

Google Indices: The databases used by Google to store information about web pages and their content to be used in generating search results.

Bing Webmaster: A tool provided by Microsoft's Bing search engine that allows webmasters to manage their website’s presence in Bing search results, similar to Google Search Console.

May 02, 2024 12:15 PM