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Must nectar be sweet?

Found poem from a hyperwriting exercise I did with students and online community members from back in 1998.

must nectar be sweet? must it be sticky
and viscous? is it not the sweet waters of
the small towns far away neither invaded by
toothpaste nor the pomade of rich black
hair. the flushed rubber.
must nectar be sweet? must it pulp and
leave residue? must nectar be squeezed or
blended, must it be diluted before the buds
of the tongue can enjoy? what is this
nectar and why must it be sugary, that the
diabetic must beware?

no, it is the sweetness of the waters
downed in large gulps from the cool tap in
a far-off place. lapped from the hands set
deep into the kitchen sink when mom isn't
watching, when the girlfriend is in the
other room, taken in big guilty draughts
from the pitcher in the cooler, taken with
a squeeze of lemon, with or without ice,
but cold and most certainly flavored not by
citrus but by earth and molecules.