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Smart new book teaches teens that sex is not an obligation

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Most young men and women (boys and girls) have sex because they feel developmentally obligated to, not because they're ready.

Smart new book teaches teens that sex is not an obligation

The Naked Truth About Sex: A Guide to Intelligent Sexual Choices for Teenagers and Twentysomethings

A bold new book for teens addresses both the physical and emotional consequences of going all the way and that sex is not a mandatory right of passage.

There are real consequences when teens have sex and they're not just STDs and pregnancy but emotional and psychological.

A new book by Dr. Roger LibbyThe Naked Truth About Sex: A Guide to Intelligent Sexual Choices for Teenagers and Twentysomethings, "recognizes that sex is so much more than intercourse and encourages readers to have an extensive pre-sex discussion" and offers "tips for getting over the initial embarrassment of broaching the subject of sex, and destroys the myth that 'the game' is normal." I am appalled that a book like this wasn't published 20-years-ago. Sex is an emotional act no matter what anyone says.

Hearts, heads, and lives are at stake.

Jun 16, 2006 10:30 AM