Encrypting your emails is a stupid idea for privacy freaks
| filed under: Encryption, Security, PrivacyIf you think that saying "bomb" in your email is a bad idea, try passing an encrypted message.
Short of sitting together in the middle of a public park on a windy day while covering your mouth with a hand, it is better to email in plain text than it is to email in military-grade ElGamal, DSA, RSA, AES, 3DES, Blowfish, Twofish, CAST5, MD5, SHA-1, RIPE-MD-160 and TIGER.
Come on, hiding is plain site is the only way of keeping anything secure. Use code words, they're much better and impossible to filter for... unless you're a moron and choose anything that has been used in a rap song, by your drug-dealer friends, in a mob movie, or on the Sopranos, chowder head.
The moment anyone knows you've got something to hide is the moment you're getting cracked.