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The Essential Role of Hydration Salts in Your Daily Regimen

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In an era where the mantra "stay hydrated" is almost a universal creed, the fervor for meeting daily water intake goals has never been more intense. From proudly toting 40oz Stanley Cup Quenchers to religiously consuming the recommended eight glasses of water a day, our quest for hydration seems unquenchable. However, a crucial piece of the puzzle is often overlooked in this liquid pursuit: hydration salts. The human body, akin to a vessel of seawater, requires a delicate balance of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals to function optimally. These components, as essential as the water we eagerly drink, are vital for replacing what we lose daily and maintaining our body's intricate systems. As someone who's navigated the choppy waters of dietary restrictions and the relentless pursuit of wellness, I've discovered that simple H2O isn't always enough. Let's dive into the significance of hydration salts and how they can transform the way we think about drinking our way to health.
The Essential Role of Hydration Salts in Your Daily Regimen

CorVive HYDRATE Pink Lemonade

People are going nuts about their hydration. They’re rocking their 40oz Stanley Cup Quencher tumblers. They’re committed to drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Based on my height and weight, I should be drinking at least 155oz of water-a-day91oz more than those eight glasses-a-day, 64oz, of water. There’s a missing piece: hydration salts. The body needs sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals. According to the BBC, "the human body contains many salts, of which sodium chloride (AKA common table salt) is the major one, making up around 0.4 per cent of the body's weight at a concentration pretty well equivalent to that in seawater.”

Brawndo's Got What Plants Crave: It's Got Electrolytes!

So, while you shouldn’t be drinking seawater, you should be supplementing your body, your seawater body, with the salts and minerals it processes, expels, and needs replacing.  While I have fallen off the wagon over the Winter, I had been—for years now—surprisingly consistent with regards both my doctor-prescribed Carnivore Diet and my Intermittent Fasting. If you don’t already know, they both have one thing in common: you need to limit your drinks to water, black tea, black coffee, and bone broth. One addition to this strict diet is hydration salts. While Keto, Carnivore, Zero Carb, and Fasting recommend flavorless, unflavored, sodium, magnesium, and potassium supplements, I really can’t suffer them.

Don't Drink Seawater, Fish Pee In It

It tastes, to me, like tropical fish aquarium water. But, hydration powder, with sodium, potassium, and magnesium, really compensate for the fluish symptoms that many people feel when they’ve gone from a processed-food diet to eating clean, homemade, food. When doctors recommend low-salt and low-sodium diets, they are often assuming that you, as a patient, are already getting plenty of salt in your processed, junk-food, and restaurant diet; in fact, if you follow the carnivore diet, a clean keto diet, eat a clean Mediterranean diet, or pursue some of the more aggressive fasting and IF diets, you’ll really need to supplement vitamins, salts, and minerals into your diet.

CorVIVE, LMNT, RE-LYTE, SaltStick, Liquid IV, Oh My!

I have tried LMNT, Redmond RE-LYTE, SaltStick, Liquid IV, and have come to really like CorVive HYDRATE hydration supplement with Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, and Potassium and CorVive NRG + FOCUS pre-workout that’s a bit more of an energy drink in a packet of powder. While I will admit that LMNT, RE-LYTE, and SaltStick are more single-minded, low- or no-calorie, delivery vehicles for sodium, magnesium, and potassium; however, you only live once and I would prefer to want to guzzle my 48oz Nalgene bottles of tap and water fountain water, oftentimes luke warm or ambient temperature, than have to choke down unflavored salt supplements that make water taste like a tide pool smells or like when you get knocked over by a wave and get seawater up your nose and down your throat.

Hydrate. Like You Mean It.

While the CorVive hydration powder includes healthy cane sugar, it’s not made for anyone who is trying to go sugar free or zero calorie or zero carb. But, if you’re 99% compliant, over the course of the day, eating nothing but salted and peppered meat, eggs, butter, black coffee, black tea, plain water, and bone broth, then I think getting your energy and your salts from a low-calorie, high-quality, hydration and energy powder instead of from a Monster or a Red Bull or endless quad espressos and cups of black coffee, really works for me. Besides, if the water isn’t the freshest and it doesn’t tickle the tongue like a freshly opened bottle of Evian or FIJI water, then a big bottle of Pink Lemonade COR HYDRATE helps me make sure I am replacing snacking, eating, cheating, and binging with just sipping, sipping, sipping water—endlessly.

Water, Water, Everywhere, Nor Any a Drop to Drink!

If I am not turned on by what I am drinking, then I will either find something more appealing—and possibly less clean, more sugary, more caloric—or I will slowly dry up and get a headache or my sinuses will get dry or my urine will go from clear and plentiful to viscous amber (ok, ok, I exaggerate, but I don’t think I am doing things right if I am not urinating all day long—reminding me to get up and walk to the bathroom when I am hyper-focused and working and sitting too much. Usually I will time it so that I will use the rest room at the same time that I will fill my Nalgene water bottle. At my libraries, they have self-serve, filtered, chilled, water; and at me café, they will gladly refill my water bottle with their exceptionally well-filtered water, water so well filtered that even spoiled, yuppie, wealthy, healthnik, Arlingtonians are willing to drink it and have their coffee drinks made with it.

Ruck Through The Suck

So, I have COR HYDRATE and NRG + FOCUS packets stuffed everywhere inside my EDC pack. Currently, I am carrying an extremely too-big-but-perfect black 1000D GoRuck GR2 40L rucksack, a bag I carry from morning to night, from cafes to shopping, to groceries, to farmers market, to the library, to walkies, to cafés, to the gym, to TJ Fitness Center, and then back home. My all-day EDC. And, in ever little pocket in every little tech and admin pouch’s extra space, I stuff a hydration packet into it. I often will replace a couple cups of coffee during the day with a couple of packets of NRG + FOCUS and will make sure I always keep my water bottle full of moderately-flavored water with a couple packets of COR HYDRATE per 48oz-50oz.

Most Hunger is Probably Just Thirst

And, what’s much more important is that it makes me understand that a majority of my being chronically tired that’s not explained with a lack of sleep or bad sleep has more to do with being dehydrated, being low on magnesium, potassium, and sodium, and less to do with being under-caffeinated or underfed. I mean, I would really check with your doctor, physician, nurse practitioner, and nutritionist first; however, be sure to not only add water, calories, vitamins, and minerals; be sure to also replace all the Sodium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, and Potassium Citrate that your body craves—well before it misses it! Top up the tank to F whenever you can and never let your salinity tank reach E. Corvive HYDRATE does an amazing job; plus, Vitamin C and Zinc as a bonus.

CORVIVE HYDRATE is an advanced electrolyte drink mix designed to ensure optimal hydration, essential for maintaining nerve, muscle, and brain function. Offering three times the electrolytes compared to leading sports drinks, it's formulated to replenish your body efficiently, supporting daily performance and an active lifestyle. With 15 servings per bag

Check out CorVive for more information.

FAQ: Understanding Hydration Salts and Optimal Hydration

1. What are hydration salts? Hydration salts are a blend of essential minerals, such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium, that the body needs to maintain fluid balance, support nerve and muscle function, and enhance hydration. They are especially important when water alone is not enough to replenish lost electrolytes.

2. Why can't I just drink water to stay hydrated? While water is crucial for hydration, it doesn't contain electrolytes lost through sweat and other bodily functions. Drinking water without replenishing electrolytes can lead to an imbalance, affecting overall hydration and bodily functions.

3. How do I know if I need hydration salts? Signs that you might need to incorporate hydration salts include chronic fatigue not relieved by rest, persistent thirst despite adequate water intake, frequent headaches, muscle cramps, and dizziness. These can indicate electrolyte imbalances.

4. Can I consume too many hydration salts? Yes, overconsumption of hydration salts can lead to electrolyte imbalances, such as hypernatremia (high sodium levels) or hyperkalemia (high potassium levels), which can be harmful. It's important to follow recommended dosages or consult with a healthcare provider.

5. How do I choose the right hydration salts? Look for products that contain a balance of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Avoid those with excessive sugars or artificial additives. Consider your diet, activity level, and any specific health conditions when choosing a product.

6. Are hydration salts suitable for everyone? Most people can benefit from hydration salts, especially those with active lifestyles or those following specific diets like Keto or Carnivore. However, individuals with kidney issues or those on a restricted diet should consult a healthcare provider before use.

7. Can hydration salts replace a healthy diet? No, hydration salts are meant to supplement a healthy diet, not replace it. They should be used to ensure optimal hydration and electrolyte balance alongside a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Glossary: Key Terms in Hydration and Nutrition

  • Electrolytes: Minerals in your body that have an electric charge. They are crucial for hydration, muscle function, and nerve signaling.
  • Hydration Salts: A combination of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium, used to replenish the body's water and electrolyte levels.
  • Stanley Cup Quencher: A popular brand of water bottle that is often used for maintaining hydration throughout the day.
  • Carnivore Diet: A diet that consists entirely of animal products and excludes all plant-based foods.
  • Intermittent Fasting (IF): An eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.
  • Keto Diet: A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that aims to induce ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body uses fat as its main source of energy.
  • Zero Carb Diet: A diet that restricts carbohydrate intake to the absolute minimum, focusing primarily on protein and fat.
  • Hydration Powder: A powdered form of hydration salts that can be mixed with water to create an electrolyte-rich drink.
  • Low-Salt Diet: A diet that limits the intake of sodium chloride (table salt) to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
  • CorVive, LMNT, Redmond RE-LYTE, SaltStick, Liquid IV: Brands of electrolyte supplements or hydration powders that offer a convenient way to replenish lost minerals and improve hydration.
  • Energy Drink Powder: A powdered supplement that, when mixed with water, provides a boost of energy through caffeine, vitamins, and sometimes electrolytes.