Online Communities Are The Best Thing About The Internet
Recently, what I hear about online communities on the radio, the Internet, and TV is how they are either: 1) exclusive bubbles in which all the denizens are echo chamber zombies or 2) traps for naïfs and nerds who are one kind word away from being radicalized into violent extremism. But these exaggerations can’t be farther from the truth!
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PSA: your virtual online friends are part of your family
People love you. People care about you. And your business. And your employees, colleagues, and gigs. While only a few will accept the moniker of fanboi, so many others will be forever casually attached.
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The level playing field
The great equalizing factor, of course, is that nobody can see each other online so the ideas are what really matter.
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What are Online Communities?
People in a virtual community naturally group themselves around common interests.
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A New Dimension of Community
When a group of people with similar interests, concerns, and goals come together, we have the makings of a community.
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In the beginning there was URBAN.NET
And Chris felt the pull of creativity
The need to begin a community.
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The beginning of URBAN.NET
I had the domain name URBAN.NET and I wanted to create a community based on urban people and their wants and needs.
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The seminal moments of Memespace
I had my dream: my own copy of Caucus and my own Server -- what to name it?
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