My Shades
I like to keep my shades on --
Please don't touch their guilded
Dark frames through
Which I can see more cleary
against constant glares that
smooth into sublty and slightly
Cloud the sky. Don't touch
The bridge of my nose, even if
The sweat beckons you to
wipe -- just keep away because
you're in my way like that lady
right in front at the cinema, pressing
Flyaway hairs that reek of age.
Ground the static running through
your iron frame because I can see
the spark even though the UV
Blockers -- they guarantee 100%
Protection from the elements.
I am sure that the song you sing
is not music but wailing -- the
notes are bumble bees. Through
the adjusted lenses, the sky gleans blue --
but not blue, just strikingly dark
Against the tinseled clouds in