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Extremely Long and Comprehensive Bio of Chris Abraham thanks to Deep Research from ChatGPT
Chris Abraham is a digital marketing strategist, SEO expert, and consultant with over 25–27 years of experience in the industry.
Located in Blog
Being Pretty Isn’t Enough For Social Media Marketing
I always tell clients that it is no longer enough to be beautiful when it comes to marketing online. The Internet has become more like an Oscar after-party than it is like the airport Ramada. Online, you’re never the lone beauty in the hotel lounge. Online, you’re surrounded by equal or greater beauties. What’s more, the most successful online social media barflies are aggressive in addition to gorgeous. Too many companies that have invested vast resources in social have Pretty Boy/Girl Syndrome. A symptom of this disease is an expectation that others will go out of their way to pursue you.
Located in Blog
Gerris Corp
Gerris Corp pioneered the Online Brand Promotion and Protection industry with its Influencer Marketing and Online Reputation Marketing services.
Influencer marketing is like a wedding
In many ways, influencer marketing is just like a wedding: the wedding is being thrown for the bride; however, the reception is thrown for the guests.
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
Influencer marketing should be fun
Pattern your influencer marketing campaigns on comic cons and you can’t go wrong: people dress up in cosplay, who knows what happens at night, and there’s shameless branding, selling, promoting, marketing, and influencing everywhere you look. It’s built in!
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
Influencer Marketing (IM)
Influencer Marketing
TUNG Brush influencer marketing case study from Kristen Matthews
It’s always very important to get your client on your side, on your team. If you don’t have their buy-in, they might not be willing to commit so much time, money, and resources to something that could fail–especially in a world with lots and lots of affiliate marketing and advertising products.
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
What influencers want and expect from influencer marketing
When it comes to getting reviews and coverage from online influencers, you’ll only get exactly the amount of value that you put in, be it in the form of merchandise, compensation, respect, access, exclusivity, fandom, discounts, or even sweet residual profits from affiliate codes and profit-sharing.
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
What clients want and expect from influencer marketing
Clients want sales. In terms of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), sales are king. People want to make money—not after seven-touches or down the road—but now!
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
Influencer Marketing: Persistence is Fertile
If you assume someone isn’t interested in getting to know you better just because they don’t hear you the first or second time, then you’re doomed. The Internet is the busiest, loudest, most distracting place ever created. It’s global, impersonal, and mostly anonymous.
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)