Je suis fatigue
The ennui of 26 years and a little bit of voyeurism? Maybe of longing?
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Kailua Beach Park
Love poetry from my 20s
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Memories are Blue-green
Maybe the most accurate description of how my brain works?
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Memory of the Tousled-Haired Girl
In March only the smokers stood outside on the street where the party was allowed to spill.
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Metro One
I see that I wrote a lot of love poems when I was in my 20s
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Metro Three
This poem is the end of a series of 1997-era poetry about seeing my friend Kathryn Medland after a few years. She was an amazing friend who I always adored for her love and lust for life. She honored me by featuring the work as part of her wedding reception's party favor and printed my words along with her other faves (e.e. cumming, etc.) and offering them to her wedding guests. It was high honor to me.
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Metro Two
This is another of the poems that Kathryn Medland printed out to share with her wedding party. It was my biggest artistic honor to be there, like placemats, sitting at random table-settings. To be commingled and cojoined with the work of e.e. cummings.
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My Smokey Poet
I guess I used to romanticize smoking French cigarettes.
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New Lovers
The sky took the morning. Birds tore small holes in the quiet.
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No Decompression Limit
©1999 Chris Abraham
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