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Influencer Marketing (IM)
Influencer Marketing
What clients want and expect from influencer marketing
Clients want sales. In terms of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), sales are king. People want to make money—not after seven-touches or down the road—but now!
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
How NOT to pitch an influencer
Influencers did not fall off a turnip truck. If they don’t see the value in the pitch, they won’t post; if they fancy that you’re just asking them to post because you want to vampire bat on their Google juice, then you’re likely to be in a whole lot of #fail and possibly a whole lot of pain. The white-hat link-farm organic SEO pwn effect is only secondary if you are, the entire way along, a total Mensch and have amazing assets, viral-quality video, a great pitch, an accurate target, and a gentle, kind, and generous follow-through.
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
Influencer Marketing: Persistence is Fertile
If you assume someone isn’t interested in getting to know you better just because they don’t hear you the first or second time, then you’re doomed. The Internet is the busiest, loudest, most distracting place ever created. It’s global, impersonal, and mostly anonymous.
Located in Influencer Marketing (IM)
Take your bloggers and social media influencers to lunch
Take your social media influencers to breakfast, coffee, lunch, drinks, dinner, nightcap — you decide what’s appropriate.
Located in Social Media Marketing (SMM)